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One Month


Day 31: For the past few days, I've been working on my car fence and today I finally got it done. Right now I just have a car that I move as my gate. I'm going to have to come up with something easier, though. I have noticed a lot less zombies in my perimeter. Actually I have noticed a lot less zombies around in general. Maybe living alone atracts less of them and is therefore safer. I heard the radio message about Fort McCoy yesterday again, but maybe I'll just stay here instead. Yesterday when I was out looking for cars for my fence, I heard a few shotgun blasts. They were actually pretty close by and after a half hour of searching, found four dead zombies and some shotgun shells on the ground. I have yet to meet this person, though. I wonder if it could be Hank, or just some other survivor. I realized today that its been a month since the zombie outbreak. It seems a lot longer than that most days. I have no idea how long I'll be able to survive, but hopefully I can still grow old. Maybe civilization will eventually return. Who really knows, though.

This post first appeared on My Undead World, please read the originial post: here