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Are You Distant?

Do you feel like you and your spouse are drifting apart? Are you longing for the emotional and physical connection that you once shared? It's not uncommon for a marriage to hit a rough patch, but the good news is that it's possible to rebuild trust and restore intimacy with your spouse. It takes time, effort, and open communication, but it can be done. Here's how to do it.

Acknowledge the Distant Feeling

The first step in the process of rebuilding trust is to acknowledge the issues that have caused the breakdown in trust. It may be infidelity, dishonesty, or broken promises. Whatever the cause, it is important to address it openly and honestly with your partner. This may be a difficult and uncomfortable conversation, but it is necessary to move forward and start the healing process.

  • Distance may have formed if your communication has become less frequent, superficial, and lacks emotional depth or conversations often center around the practical more than the personal.

  • Distance may have formed if there has been a decrease in physical intimacy and affectionate gestures or you are just spending less time together.

  • Distance may have formed if you find it difficult to resolve conflicts and disagreements and that leads to increased tension.

  • Distance may have formed if you no longer share as many positive experiences or celebrating each other's successes.

  • Distance may have formed if you have a growing sense of loneliness or emotional disconnection within the relationship.

Seek Couples Counselors

If you're finding it difficult to communicate with your spouse or work through the issues on your own, seeking the help of a godly counselor can be extremely beneficial. Couples counseling provides a safe space for both parties to express their feelings and work through their issues with the guidance of a trained godly counselor.

Rebuild Trust

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and if it's been broken, it's important to address it head-on. This may involve being open and honest about past transgressions, setting boundaries, and consistently demonstrating trustworthy behavior.

Next, it's important to take responsibility for your actions. If you've done something to break your partner's trust, own up to it and apologize. And be genuine about it—saying "I'm sorry" just to get out of an argument won't cut it. Show your partner that you understand the impact of your actions and that you're committed to making things right.

Establish Open Communication

Effective communication is key to rebuilding intimacy. Make a conscious effort to listen to your spouse without judgment, and express your own thoughts and feelings in a respectful and loving manner. You need to be open and honest with each other about your feelings, fears, and concerns. Set aside time to really listen to each other, without interruption or judgment. Make sure to express your own feelings as well, so your partner knows where you stand.

Share your thoughts, desires, and dreams with each other and be open to listening to your partner's as well. Don't be afraid to be affectionate and express your love for each other – a simple hug or a heartfelt compliment can go a long way.

Prioritize Quality Time Together

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to let quality time with your spouse fall by the wayside. Make a conscious effort to prioritize date nights, weekend getaways, and meaningful conversations to strengthen your emotional connection.

Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is an essential part of a marriage, and if it's lacking, it can create distance between partners. Take the time to rediscover each other physically, whether it's through small gestures like holding hands and cuddling or more intimate moments in the bedroom.

Show Appreciation

It's important to show your spouse that you appreciate and value them. Simple acts of kindness, words of affirmation, and thoughtful gestures can go a long way in rebuilding the emotional connection between you and your spouse.

Remember, rebuilding trust and restoring intimacy in a marriage is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to work through the challenges together. By taking the time to address the issues that are causing distance between you and your spouse, and making a conscious effort to reconnect on an emotional and physical level, you can strengthen your bond and create a more fulfilling and intimate partnership. So, roll up your sleeves, open your heart, and start working towards a stronger, healthier marriage today.

Ideas to help grow closer

  1. Plan a weekend getaway or a romantic date to spend quality time together and reconnect.

  2. Have an open and honest conversation about the distance and work together to identify the underlying causes and find solutions.

  3. Write letters or love notes to each other expressing your feelings and thoughts, and discuss them together.

  4. Schedule regular "check-in" meetings to talk about your relationship and address any concerns or issues.

  5. Make a concerted effort to show affection and appreciation for each other through small gestures and acts of kindness.

  6. Create a shared vision or goal for your relationship and work together to achieve it, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

  7. Spend dedicated time each day or week to focus on your relationship, whether it's through a regular date night or simply setting aside time to talk and reconnect.

Help for your Marriage

Click here to get your copy today. Kindle Version or Print Version

Rebuilding trust and restoring intimacy in the marriage

Discover the joyful, blissful, happy union you’ve always dreamed of. This book will guide you to a place of forgiveness, acceptance, and freedom, creating a loving environment for your marriage to thrive.

  • Rediscover the joy in your marriage starting today

  • Find the solution to every problem, no matter how big

  • Overcome any obstacle to achieve a happy and fulfilling marriage

Say goodbye to emotional divorce, unhappiness, and fear. This book will help you build the marriage you desire.

  • Reconnect on an emotional and physical level with your spouse

  • Cultivate an environment of love, acceptance, and forgiveness

  • Experience the freedom and joy of a fulfilling and happy marriage

Health Update

I have a growth that measures about 1/2 inch by 1/4 inch in the pancreas area. They think maybe it just needs to be monitored. My blood work was most good but my kidney function is not so good. My usual high is 1.7 and I now have over 2.7 in creatine.

I have been referred to Gastroenterology to see if we just monitor or get a biopsy. Thanks for your interest.

This post first appeared on Austin Gardner, please read the originial post: here

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Are You Distant?


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