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Unstuck: Finding Your Way Out of a Rut

Do you feel stuck in a routine or pattern? Are there any areas where you need more progress or satisfaction? Do you know stagnation, monotony, or feeling trapped in a cycle of unfolding and repetitive behaviors?

Is this feeling robbing you of motivation, inspiration, or energy? Does it feel like you fight the same battles, climb the same mountains, and go through the same setbacks day after day?

Is the frustration, dissatisfaction, and sense of hopelessness about to kill you? Are you ready to break out of the routine, climb out of the rut, make positive changes, and regain a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and purpose?

Quotes about being in a rut

 “A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out.” - Earl Nightingale

“The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions.” - Ellen Glasgow

“Stuck in a rut is just the universe telling you to upgrade your life.” - Unknown

“The hardest part about moving forward is not looking back.” - Unknown

“A rut doesn’t start as a rut. It starts as an action that’s repeated without thought, which keeps you increasingly isolated and disconnected.” - Adnan Qaiser

“The only way to get out of a rut is to decide that you are not going to tolerate being in a rut any longer.” - Darren L. Johnson

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” - Will Rogers

“Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you don’t belong.” - Mandy Hale

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” - C.S. Lewis

“If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree.” - Unknown

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” - Jim Rohn

Steps to take to get out of the rut

  1. Change what you can. If something is not under your control, realize that it is not where you need to be working. You can’t change what you do not control. You control your reactions. You can make a positive change in the areas that you control. Don’t allow yourself to be a victim. Instead, take charge and change what you can.

  2. Bring all your thoughts into captivity to Christ. In other words, you should get control of the thoughts running through your head. Remember that your inner critic is a pessimist and a liar. He will find the worst and focus on it. He will tell you that you are worthless, better off dead, no one cares, and a thousand other lies. Fill your mind with truth. I fight this one hard every day. The negative, horrible thinking wants to control me. It makes me want to give up, but that is not what I know I should be doing.

  3. Let go of the past. I heard John Maxwell say that you can’t carry yesterday’s baggage and tomorrow’s worries and have the time or energy to deal with what is on your plate today. Leave the past in the past. Forgive. Holding on to grudges just drags you down deeper and deeper into the pit. We forgive because we have been forgiven. We let go because God already did that for us. Forgiveness will free you to fly into the future God has for you.

  4. Be grateful. Think of all the good things in your life. God is good to you. The rut wants you to whine and complain. God wants you to thank Him and be grateful. God wants you to live expectant of His goodness. Gratitude will change you from negative to positive. Gratitude will add the flavor that will get you out of the rut.

  5. Get a mentor. Get some help. Someone who can see in you what you do not see in yourself. They will help guide and support you as you step out of the rut, your comfort zone, and into the fullness of God’s will for you.

  6. Set growth goals. Maxwell says not to go to the next level but to grow to the next level. George Muller was famous for asking God not to get him out of the problem until he had learned the lesson God had for him today in the middle of the problem. Set aside time to learn and grow right where you are.

  7. Separate yourself from those toxic relationships. Bitter people contaminate you. You become like that with which you associate. Hate breeds hate. Negative gets more negative. So you might need new friends, new associates. Distance from the toxicity will improve your life.

  8. Know that you have victory in Jesus Christ. God will raise you out of the miry pit and set your feet on solid ground. After all, you are a new creature in Christ, and all things are made new.

  9. Get involved in good works. You were created by God to do good works. So don’t wallow in self-pity or hang out in your rut; get out and help others. Care about others, help others, and be the person others can trust.

  10. Know that every day is a new day for the believer. God has new mercy for us all. His compassions do not fail. He will work in your life. He is working in your life.

Breaking News—Robbed during the Night

David and Katie were robbed while sleeping yesterday. The thieves took money, gas bottles used for cooking and heating water, iPads, backpacks, a bicycle, and much more. The sad thing is that the family was sleeping when all of this occurred. They actually dug through Katie’s purse, stealing the cash and backup battery but leaving the purse. 

David and Katie are in no position to deal financially with this loss. They serve as missionaries in Arequipa, Peru. Hundreds of dollars have been stolen, either in value or actual cash. Would you pray about helping them with this loss? We are just praising the Lord that nothing worse happened. You can send any offerings to their missionary account using this link. 

Help a Peruvian Church

Please pray with me about helping a church in Mollendo, Peru. Pastor Amador Lobon has been pastoring faithfully for years. The church is in rented buildings. They have the opportunity to purchase a piece of property for $30,000. All I can do right now is make the prayer request known and pray that God will touch someone’s heart to help. If you are interested, please get in touch with me. I will be bringing this and others forward often. There are always needs all around the world. People are constantly asking me to help. The best I can do is share with those who love world evangelism and wait to see who God might touch.

This post first appeared on Austin Gardner, please read the originial post: here

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Unstuck: Finding Your Way Out of a Rut


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