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Negative Nancy and Debbie Downer: The Toxic Duo Draining Your Joy

Negative Nancy And Debbie Downer: The Toxic Duo Draining Your Joy

Life | Drama | Solutions

Ditch the Drama and Embrace the Positivity**

Who is she? — Photo by CONNOR BOTTS on Unsplash

Nancy and Debbie Downer — the dreaded duo who seem to have a monopoly on misery. They’re the ones who always find a way to turn a sunny day into a gloomy storm, their negativity a contagious virus that can leave you feeling drained and deflated.

These energy vampires thrive on drama, their lives a never-ending buffet of garbage they happily serve up for anyone who dares to listen. They’re the masters of the pity party, their tales of woe and misfortune a never-ending loop that’s guaranteed to suck the joy out of any room they enter.

Don’t Get it Confused

I’m not talking about Becky or Karen who wanted her latte iced even though the order didn’t say iced. I’m talking about the people you know and invite to your real table.

Their negativity is like a toxic cloud that follows them wherever they go, casting a shadow over everything and everyone in its path. They’re the ones who can turn a casual conversation into a marathon of negativity, their complaints and criticisms a never-ending stream of verbal sludge.

And while we’ve all been taught to be polite and courteous, there’s a time when we need to put our foot down and say, “Enough is enough!”

We don’t have time to sit here like passive bystanders while these Negative Nancys and Debbie Downers drain our energy and dim our light.

It’s time to ditch the politeness and embrace the power of ‘No!’

Fuck no!

Let’s not be afraid to shut them down when they start their negative rants, to politely but firmly excuse ourselves from their disgusting presence.

You may not know how to speak their language. Here I’ll help you.

“Bitch Bye!”

Yep, that’s one they will understand.

We deserve to surround ourselves with positive, uplifting people who bring joy and laughter into our lives, not those who drag us down into their vortex of misery.

You can also say, “Get out. Right now. That’s the end of you and me,” if you don’t want to put anymore dollars in the swear jar. The point here is to wake up and realize you are just as responsible for the way your life looks and how others view you.

Being responsible for your positivity doesn’t look like reading your self-help books until Downer Dan and Nosy Nelly arrives.

That shit isn’t going to cut it and you know it. It really is your party and you can invite who you want to.

Your reading list won’t help you with Chatty Cathy — Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

So, the next time you encounter a Negative Nancy or Debbie Downer, don’t let them drag you down into their pit of despair. Instead, stand tall, hold your head high, and say, “No thanks, I’m full now of your bull shit, please go!”

After you’ve banished the witches back to their den of doom. You may begin a real conversation with yourself. That conversation may start like this:

“I need to go on a diet.”

Introduction to the Negativity Mindset Diet (A 3 Part Series)

This post first appeared on Maurice Glaude's Medium Profile, please read the originial post: here

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Negative Nancy and Debbie Downer: The Toxic Duo Draining Your Joy
