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This is the story of a young Muslim man growing up in a futuristic world where there is open hostility towards religion and any other groups that target to disrupt the collective thoughts and agendas of the State. 

On a quite Wednesday night, Karim is suddenly jolted from his sleep when he receives a violent impulse that targets his sciatic nerve and makes him 'kick' his leg under his blanket. The night before, he found a way to silence his personal assistant named Natish which is another form of encroached, unfettered spying tool used by the state to keep tabs on its subjects and a way to disrupt and induce sleep deprivation on anyone by the State. Karim has been under Remote Neural Monitoring for the past few months when he suddenly expressed his hatred for the current regime and its authoritarian and Islamophobic policies. Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of neuroimaging technology that is capable of extracting electrical activity from the human brain at a distance with no contacts or electrodes required. It is claimed that it has the capability to decode this data to extract subvocalizations, visual and auditory data. It allows access to a person's thoughts without their knowledge or permission. It's used by governments and its Intelligence agencies for surveillance and harassment of people the State deems 'undesirables'. Karim was an 'undesirable' and therefore from the perspective of the Council For Peace ( The main Security apparatus of the State) is now a test subject and the State can do whatever it wants with him anytime. 

Traffic of Low Altitude Transportation (TLP Traffic) would be purposely directed over his apartment every moment Karim tried to study so as to disrupt his daily life and utilize Noise Harassment. This was one of the many Psychological Harassment Karim had to undergo on a daily basis. The traffic mainly consisted of people who were employed by the State for the sole purpose of running such programs and they included the worst of the worst..... 


This post first appeared on , please read the originial post: here

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