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Passion….. Do I have one?

That’s what a girl was thinking since one hour. And she hasn’t got any answer.

Nowww….. let’s go into a flashback of how she got into this situation.

Flashback :

A class was going on.

That’s when the bell rang.


Teacher : So students, today’s class is over. I will teach the rest in the next class.

Every students are happy hearing this, because this is the last class for the day.

Since today is Friday,they have holiday tomorrow and day after tomorrow. So, their happiness is doubled.But their happiness didn’t last long with their teacher’s next sentence.

Teacher : But there is a homework for you. So write it and come to the class. Only those who submit the homework can attend the next class.

The students become upset since they thought to enjoy their time by playing. Still, they nod.

The teacher struggles to hide her smile. Only she knows how she was stopping herself from laughing out loud seeing their faces. She knows what they are feeling. Even she also went through this. The excitement of having a holiday, but then got sad after knowing there was a homework to write. What a beautiful time it was. The teacher suddenly recovers from her nostalgia since she is in the middle of her job.

Teacher : So… your homework is passion. You have to tell me what is your passion? And why is it your passion?

Students : Yes, ma’am.

Like that, the class was over for the day.

Back to the Present :

Reena (muttering to herself) : Does that teacher hate me so much that she has to give me such a tough question? Why couldn’t she give an easy one?

This is how her brother found her when he comes back from the college.

Rohan : Areee yaaar? What are you doing? (That’s when he understood something.) Actually, what happened? Because the last time I know you looked like this only when you are in some problem. So, what happened my little sister? Tell your bhai.

Reena : Bhaiiiii….

By saying this, she ran to her brother.

And hugged her brother’s leg. Now this made Rohan more worried. ‘ If she is this anxious, then it may be such a big problem’ thinking that Rohan picked her up.

Rohan : Tell me little sister. Tell your bhai. I will solve your problem.

Reena (after laying her head on her brother’s shoulder) : What is your passion?

Rohan (surprised) : Whattt???

Reena (looking at her brother like he is a fool) : What is your passion?

Rohan (in disbelief) : Is this why you are worried?

Reena (nodding innocently) : Yes. This is why I am worried.

Rohan (hitting his head) : God… and here I thought that you are in some kind of trouble.

Reena (whining) : But I am in trouble bhai.

Rohan (smiling) : No you are not. How can you be in trouble when your bhai is here to help you? Now tell me the whole thing.

Reena : I was asked to tell what my passion is and why it is in the next class.

Rohan : Oh….. this is an easy question sweetie.

Reena : Easy for you to say. But this is hard for me since I don’t know what is my passion.

Rohan : Awww meera bacha .

By saying this, Rohan hugged her.

Rohan : Don’t worry there are two days na. We will find an answer within two days. Within two days, you will find out what is your passion.

Reena : Ok. Now put me down.

Saying this, Reena started hitting him.

Rohan : Ouch. Ok ok.

Rohan put her down.

Reena (making faces) : You stink. Go and freshen up.

Rohan (flabbergasted) : You didn’t remember this when you laid your head on my shoulder earlier.

Reema : I did. But I thought to tell you after sharing my problem. Now go and freshen up. Otherwise you will stink the whole house.

Rohan (shocked) : Whatttt

Sticking her tongue out, Reena ran from there laughing.

Rohan : This girl….

Smiling fondly, Rohan went from there to freshen up.


Next day :

Only one more day to go, still Reena hasn’t got an answer to her question.

Reena (looking up and muttering to herself) : Hey Baghwan…. How will I go to school if I don’t have an answer to my question? Will I ever realize what my passion is?

That’s when Nithya comes there. Nithya is Reena’s same age cousin. Eventhough they are best friends, Nithya is not in the same school as Reena.

Nithya : Why are you standing here?Why didn’t you come to play until now?

Reena : I am really sad today. So, I am not in a mood to play.

Nithya : What happened? Why are you sad today?

Reena (in a sad voice) : Our English teacher doesn’t like us Nithya. That is why she gave us such a tough question for homework.

Nithya : Oh….. is it really such a tough question?

Reena : Yeah.

Nithya : Mmm… Maybe I can help you.

Reena (looking at her happily) : Really, can you?

Nithya (laughing) : Yes I can.

Reena (clapping her hands excitedly) : You are the best.

Nithya started laughing. After stopping her laugh, she asked her.

Nithya : So, what is your homework?

Reena : What is my passion?

Nithya (confused) : huhhh……. what is that?

Reena : My homework is what is my passion and why it is.

Nithya : Oh okay. But you have to write about your passion only. Then how can I help you?

Reena (in a sad voice) : I don’t know.

Nithya started thinking something. Then suddenly Nithya turns to Reena.

Nithya : There is an idea. How about I tell you about my passion so that you can know how to write about yours.

Reena : yayyy. Thank you Nithya.

By saying this, Reena hugged her. Nithya laughed.

Nithya : Ok so…. about my passion…. my passion is to help people. I will be happy if I can help someone and make their day.

Reena : Oh…. so this is your passion.

Nithya : Yeppp. So now let’s go and play.

Reena (whining) : Buttt…..

Nithya : No buts. I helped you. Now you have to come and play with me.

Reena (accepting her defeat) : Ok then.

Like that, they went from there laughing.

Night time :

Rohan who had been outside came back. He sees his grandma who has been hearing songs in gramophone.

Rohan : Granny, where is pari?

Hearing her grandson, Grandma looked up.

Grandma : She is watching cartoon upstairs, bacha.

Rohan : Mmmm. Did Mumma and Pappa call today?

Grandma : Today is Saturday. So they won’t call at night. Remember?

Rohan’s and Reena’s parents works in abroad. Only Reena, Rohan and grandma lives in the house. As it is Saturday night duty, Reena’s and Rohan’s parents won’t call for that night.

Rohan (hitting his forehead) : Oh yes. I forgot.

Then looking at his grandma teasingly.

Rohan : But why i feel that you forgot something?

Grandma (looking confused) : What…. What did I forgot?

Rohan : Your medicine.

Now it is grandma’s turn to hit her forehead. Seeing this, Rohan starts laughing.

Grandma : How can I forget to take my medicine? Let me take them.

By saying this, she starts to get up. But Rohan stopped her.

Rohan : You sit here, Granny. I will go and bring the medicine.

Grandma smiled.

Grandma : Okay.

Rohan came with the medicine and water.

Rohan : Here have this.

By saying this, Rohan gave his grandma medicine and water. Grandma took the medicine.

Grandma : Tomorrow onwards I will have the medicine on time. I pro…

Rohan put his hand on grandma’s mouth.

Rohan (smiled) : Don’t promise when you know you can’t do it.

Grandma smiled sheepishly and pouted.

Rohan (laughing) : Okay baba… ok. I am sorry.

By saying this, Rohan holds his ears.

Seeing this, Grandma started laughing.

And Rohan also started laughing.

After stopping his laugh, Rohah looked at his Grandma.

Rohan : So I will go and check pari, grandma.

Grandma : Ok beta. But first go and freshen up.

Rohan : Ok granny.

And like that, Rohan went to freshen up.

Upstairs :

Reena has been seeing Tom and Jerry.

After hearing Nithya talking about her passion, Reena felt little hopeful. Now, she needs some more information. And Reena knows that her brother can help with it. And now she is waiting for her brother. At the same time, watching her favorite cartoon. She loves Tom and Jerry so much.

Whenever she is happy or sad, Tom and Jerry cartoon uplifts her mood. Being distracted in her own thoughts, Reena failed to see her brother coming there.

Rohan : Pari…

Reena looked up hearing her brother’s voice

Reena : Bhai…

By saying this, she went and hugged her brother’s leg.

Rohan laughed and picked her up. And went to sit on the sofa.

Rohan tried to make her sit on the sofa… but she never left her brother’s lap. Rohan smiled. When looked at the TV, he sees Tom and Jerry playing.

Rohan : hmmm… Tom and Jerry.

Reena nods after laying on her brother’s shoulder.

Rohan : You will see Tom and Jerry only when you are happy or sad since this cartoon is your comfort zone. What happened today that made my pari so happy, hmmm?????

Reena (smiling mischievously) : You tell me bhai.

Rohan : So you won’t tell me?

Reena : No I won’t tell you.

Rohan : Really?

Reena : Yes. Really.

Rohan : Ok. So how about I make you say it.

By saying this, Rohan started tickling her. Reena started laughing uncontrollably.

Reena (still laughing) : Hahaha…. bhaiiii….hahaha….please stop……..hahaha……I will tell you……….hahaha…..

Rohan stopped tickling her.

Rohan : Okay. So tell me then.

Reena : Bhai I had been sad yesterday. Do you remember why now?

Rohan : Oh yesss… about your passion

Reena nods her head.

Rohan (happily) : So that means you got to know about your passion. Yayyy.

Reena : No bhai.

Rohan (confused) : Then why aren’t you sad? I mean it’s not that I want you to be sad. It is just that you had been so sad yesterday but you look relaxed today even when you still haven’t got to know what is your passion.

Reena : Because now I have an idea on how to know what is my passion.

Rohan : Really?? How so???

Reena : Passion means what you likes to do so much na (Rohan nods) Nithya told me about her passion. Now will you tell me about yours too na? So that I can get a clear idea.

Rohan (smiling) : Oh okay. So I will tell you about my passion.

Reena started jumping excitedly. Seeing her excited, Rohan laughed.

Rohan : So my passion is playing basketball.

Reena (confused) : Huh…… playing basketball??

Rohan (dreamily) : Yeppp. It is my passion. It is like I feel so much alive you know. The feeling I have when I play it with my friends….the running everything ahhhhh I can’t even describe it in words. Basketball is my motivation. It reenergize me and makes me into a different person. It even taught me certain life lessons and skills.

Reena (amazed) : Wowww …. no wonder why you love basketball so much.

Rohan (smiling) : Yeah…

Reena : Bhai now I feel that I will come to know about my passion tomorrow.

Rohan : Wowww… Yayyy.

Reena copied her brother.

Reena : Yayyy

And Rohan started twirling Reena, making her laugh uncontrollably.

Next Day :

Reena is seeing TV with her Grandma after having breakfast.

Grandma : Pari dear, where is Rohan? Did he go to play basketball with his friends already?

Reena : Haaa granny. Bhai is already gone. Didn’t you see him go, grandma?

Grandma : No I didn’t.

Reena : Bhai even told you before going granny.

Grandma : Really???

Reena nods.

Grandma (hitting her forehead) : I didn’t even hear him. I don’t know what I was thinking at that time.

Reena : It’s okay granny.

Grandma : Hmmm….. by the way how are you today?

Reena (confused) : I am fine . Why granny?

Grandma : You were not fine yesterday. That’s why I asked.

Reena (shocked) : So you knew that I was not okay yesterday.

Grandma : Yes. Why didn’t you come to me yesterday?

Reena : Mom and dad told that you shouldn’t take stress. And that you should always be happy, So, I thought to hide this from you.

Grandma smiled big.

Grandma : Awww mera bacchaa…. come here.

Reena went to her grandma running. Grandma picked her up and kissed her forehead. And then put her down.

Grandma : Let me go and bake a cake and bring it. Till then, watch TV. Okay?

Reena : Okay granny.

Like that, Grandma went from there to bake a cake.

After 10 minutes:

Reena is getting bored even after watching TV. So she thought to switch off the TV. That’s when a song started playing. Just like always, she started to do one thing she always do when a song plays. Dancing. She started dancing happily to the beat of the song.

Reena : Mannn I love dancing so much. So much.

As if realizing something, she stopped dancing.

Reena (astonished) : I love dancing…. (yelling) I love dancing….. yayyyy….. dancing is my passion…..

Reena started jumping excitedly.

Rohan : What happened? Why are you jumping like this?

Reena (surprised) : Bhai…… today you came early.

Rohan : Since some boys are absent, there is no basketball game today. So I thought to come back early today. Now tell me why you look so happy.

Reena smiles at him.

Rohan : Wait wait. Let me guess. (Rohan started thinking. Suddenly, as if realizing something he looked at her excitedly.) Did you come to know what is your passion?

Reena nods laughing.

Rohan : Wowww now tell me…. what is it?

Reena (dreamily) : It is something I always loved bhai. But now only I realized it is my passion.

Rohan (now more than curious) : What is it? Tell me na.

Reena (yelling excitedly) : Dancing.

Rohan (amazed) : The answer has been there all this time in front of us. But we haven’t even realized.

Reena : Yes bhai.

They both looked at each other. Suddenly they started laughing.

At the same time grandma arrived with cake.

She got surprised seeing them laughing uncontrollably.

Grandma : What is it? What happened to laugh like this? Tell me.

Reena looked at her grandma.

Reena : I am so happy today granny, that’s why I am laughing.

That is she sees the plate in her grandma’s hand.

Reena (clapping excitedly) : Cake… yipeeee

Saying this, she went to eat the snack. Rohan also went near grandma to eat the cake.

Grandma : Arree Rohan…. you came early today. Didn’t you go to play today?

Rohan (innocently) : I was going. That is when I felt that you are going to bake a cake. So I came here running fast.

Grandma : Really?

Rohan : Yes granny. Really.

Grandma shakes her head and twisted his ears. Reena started laughing again.

Rohan (whining) : Granny…. stop twisting my ears. It hurts.

Grandma (still twisting Rohan’s ears) : If you want me to stop, then tell me why are you early today?

Rohan : Ok I will tell you. But first stop twisting my ears.

Grandma stopped twisting his ears.

Rohan : Since some of the boys are absent, there is no basketball game today. So, I came back early today. Happy?

Grandma nods.

Rohan looked at Reena.

Rohan : So pari, Don’t you think granny deserves a punishment for twisting my ears?

Reena (smiling mischievously) : Of course bhai.

Grandma looked at both of them confused.

Rohan (smiling) : So how about we start? (Reena nods) Okay. 1 2 3….

And they both started tickling grandma, making her laugh uncontrollably.

Next day :

School :


Teacher : Good morning everyone.

Students : Good morning ma’am.

Teacher : So students…… I had given a homework last class . What is your passion and why?

The students nods.

Teacher : Okay. I hope all of you have done your homework. So let’s start.

Like that, every students started talking about their passion. And now it is Reena’s turn.

Teacher : So Reena…. what is your passion? And why it is your passion?

Reena (smiling) : My passion is dancing. I have always loved dancing. But yesterday only I realized that it is my passion.

Dancing gives me a joy which I have never felt before. When I start dancing to a song, I feel like I have gone into a different world.

You know … the emotions I feel when I start dancing, I can’t even describe it.

The proud and happy look I see on family’s face when I dance

I want my dancing to give joy not only to me but also to the people surrounding me.

Dancing is my passion which I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Teacher (smiling) : Okay good job Reena. Well done.

Reena smiled big. And the teacher went to next student.

Reena looked above and prayed to God folding her hands.

Reena : Thank you god.

And smiled.

The post PASSION : DO I HAVE ONE? appeared first on PRINCESS GAMES.

This post first appeared on Princess Games, please read the originial post: here

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