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20 AA Sayings With Wisdom For Everyday Life

The unique language of AA

There really is some profound wisdom in some of the common AA sayings. If you have ever been to a meeting I am sure you have heard some of these from the “old timers”. In fact, you may have even seen a few of these on the walls at some point.

 These words can be heard in meetings all across the country, and for good reason. These simple, yet profound statements help us keep things in perspective as we move through our recovery journeys. This is a list of 20 common AA sayings and how they are applied to life in recovery.

One Day At A Time

Thinking of going without alcohol or drugs for the rest of your life can be a little intimidating at first. The good news is, you don’t stay sober forever all at once, you only have to do it day by day. There is a reason why this is such a common AA saying, its because it is so true. We all live life one day at a time. In fact, we really have no choice. So instead of worrying about the rest of your life right now, just worry about today. Tomorrow is another, and you can deal with it when it gets here. 

Keep It Simple Stupid

If you are anything like me, you can overthink putting your shoes on. People have a tendency to overthink and complicate matters far more than they have to. When it comes to sobriety, things are no different. Going back to one of the other common AA saying, “when all else fails, follow directions”, the 12 step program is laid out in a simple easy to follow format. There are no hidden meanings or secret instructions to find. Get a sponsor, go to meetings, work the steps, it really is that simple. That being said, simple does not always mean easy. 

Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired

This is a common experience in addiction, no wonder this is a popular AA saying. After the “fun times” have run their course, drinking and using drugs causes more suffering than anything. Namely, the frustration and disappointment from watching things continually go from bad to worse.

 First you become sick and tired of the suffering. In the end, you become sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Live And Let Live

You may recognize this AA saying from the walls of your local meeting. Resentment and conflict are never fun places to be. They keep us stuck and can sometimes lead to relapse if we are not careful. Moreover, we can’t control the thoughts, words, and actions of others. Learning to live and let live simply means accepting that some people suck and that their suckiness does not determine our happiness or peace of mind.

When All Else Fails, Follow Directions

Everything else you have tried in your life has brought you to this point. Obviously, whatever it is that you have been doing, hasn’t really worked out so well. In fact, I would be willing to bet, If you had another option, chances are you would take it. With this in mind, it might be time to listen to someone who has been able to solve the problem, instead of trying to figure it out yourself. When all else fails, ask for help and be willing to follow directions.

First Things First

After you get through the hard part of going through withdrawals and you are starting to feel better, its only natural to be excited about life. There are so many new possibilities, and on top of that you feel great! The energy and motivation to get out there and tackle the world can sometimes end up being our downfall. Its important to remember that without sobriety, the rest of it isn’t possible. Don’t get so excited that you start putting other priorities in front of what is keeping you sober.

Play The Tape Through

This AA saying doubles as a good coping mechanism to deal with triggers. When you first think of taking that drink or drug, think about what happens afterwards. Then, what happens after that? And after that?

 If you are honest with yourself you can probably imagine all the negative consequences that will play out by the time you get to the end of the tape.

There Is Nothing So Bad A Drink Can't Make It Worse

Whether it is drinking or drugs, using is never the solution to the problem. It only serves as a distraction and makes us unable to actually deal with the problem. When you’re facing challenges and difficult situations in life, it can be tempting to use drugs or alcohol as an escape. However, in the end, it will only make the problem worse.

Let Go And Let God

Even if you’re not religious, or you don’t believe in God in a traditional sense, this bit of wisdom is just reminding us that somethings in life are out of our control. Furthermore, always trying to control and determine the outcomes of our situations gets to be exhausting. Learning to let go and accept life on life’s terms (yet another AA saying) helps get rid of unnecessary stress and anxiety. Sometimes life will be scary and a little uncomfortable, but that’s ok because tomorrow is another day.

We Are Only As Sick As Our Secrets

The dark parts of our past can lead us to feeling shame and guilt, two more places that are no fun to be. When we are able to open up and talk about these things with others, more often than not, we find that they have experienced and gone through the same thing, or at least something similar. 

“Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.” –Paul Tournier

Keeping a secret can make you feel isolated and alone, which in turn keeps you spiritually sick and disconnected. Talking to others and making connections is how we find our way back from the isolation of guilt and shame.

Where Ever You Go, There You Are

You can’t run from life’s problems, this is especially true of addiction. There is a common misconception that moving to a new place, getting a different job, or changing relationships will fix the problem and then you will be able to stay sober for good this time. The problem is, that the problem lies with you. With any of these changes the problem simply goes with you and ends up creating more destruction in your life. 

One Drink Is Too Many, A Thousand Is Never Enough

If you have lived with any form of addiction, you can probably relate to this AA saying. The first drink leads to another, and then another, and then… Well, you get the point. Once you start, you end up stuck back in the same old cycle where each drink is only followed by the thought of needing another one. 

That first drink is too many, because after that one, a thousand could never be enough.

It Works If You Work It

Having hope and believing something will work is all well and good. In fact, it is an important first step. I often hear that just showing up is the hardest part, and while that may be true, it is certainly not everything. This little bit of wisdom can really be applied to anything in life, from AA, to your career, to taking a class in school. What you get from something, really depends on what you are willing to put in. If you are willing to work the program, then the program will work for you.

Easy Does It

Getting sober can be overwhelming at times. With all the responsibilities of life, meetings, relationships, bills… It can quickly get out of hand if we sit and dwell on these aspects of life. Sometimes we need to remember just to take it easy and only worry about what needs to be done in the moment. Taking time for yourself is an important part of self care and should definitely be part of your recovery program.

Progress, Not Perfection

“Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.”

– Epictetus, Ancient Greek Stoic philosopher

This one actually comes from the “Big Book” itself. Sobriety is a journey and not a destination (another AA saying!) and trying to become a perfect person will only end in disappointment. We all make mistakes.

If your goal is perfection, every mistake you make will only signal that you are not living up to your own standards. Taking small steps and accepting that you are a work in progress, keeps you in a positive and growth oriented mindset.

Do The Next Right Thing

Life can be stressful and overwhelming at times. When this happens it can be easy to not know what to do. The rent is due, your boss is mad at you, and you just got a disconnect notice on your utility bill. At this point, you may feel like just giving up. This AA saying helps us keep things in order and provides some guidance as to what to do. When things get hectic, take the next right step that is right in front of you, don’t worry about the rest.

Take The Cotton Out Of Your Ears, And Put It In Your Mouth

This is just like the old saying, “if you’re not listening, then you’re not learning”.In other words, if you are the one doing all the talking, then you are only listening to the mind that created these problems in the first place. That being the case, sometimes in early recovery the best thing to do is sit and listen to the experience of others.

Remember Your Last Drunk

It can be easy to look back and only remember the good times when you were using. Our minds sometimes have a habit of only seeing the sparkling bits of our addiction, especially if we are having a craving. 

This simple AA saying encourages us to remember the chaos and trouble that came from the last time we used. If things were still going well, we probably wouldn’t have stopped. Remember why you did.

Time Takes Time

One of the most amazing things about going to AA meetings is meeting people who have 10, 20, even 30 years of sobriety. Its a powerful reminder that this program can work and that the possibility of a long and happy sober life is possible. In the beginning staying sober for 90 day can seem like a life time. This simple trope from AA is there to remind us that even those with decades of sobriety only did so one day at a time.

Fake It Till You Make It

You may be sure about getting sober, but you’re not sure about AA. Hell, you might not even be sure about being sober! Don’t worry, its a pretty common experience. In fact, this is the reason behind this common AA saying. You don’t necessarily have to like doing the work to see the benefits of it. Just show up and do the work, eventually you will make it. In the end, chances are, you will probably start to enjoy it too.

There are so many common AA sayings that if I tried to fit them all in one post, it would read more like a book. I plan to continue this post and I hope to get your help in doing so! Leave me a comment with some of the common AA sayings that you have heard and Ill add them in on the next one!

The post 20 AA Sayings With Wisdom For Everyday Life appeared first on THIS IS RECOVERY.

This post first appeared on This Is Recovery, please read the originial post: here

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20 AA Sayings With Wisdom For Everyday Life


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