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Game meat Venison Nutrition Facts 2023 : Best & Simple

Game Meat Venison Nutrition Facts 2023 : Best & Simple

Discover the Venison nutrition facts and calories, a good source of protein, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. Looking for a low-sodium, protein-packed food? Ground raw venison might be for you! Learn more about its nutrition facts and calories here.

Consider adding ground raw venison to your diet for a good source of thiamin and a very good source of protein, iron, and zinc. See its nutrition facts and calories on this Guide.

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What is Venison?

Venison refers to meat that comes from boar, hares, goats, antelopes, and most commonly, deer. Deer meat is known for its fine grain and supple texture, which results from short, thin muscle fibers. The most common types of deer used for meat include red, axis, fallow, and roe. Red deer, in particular, are preferred for ranch-raised venison because of their large size.

Where Does Venison Come From?

Traditionally, venison was hunted in the fall and early winter season. However, ranches and farms have now been established throughout the world to meet the increasing demand for venison. Most of America’s supply currently comes from New Zealand ranches and is marketed under the appellation Cervena. This certification ensures that venison has been naturally pasture-raised, grass-fed with only minimal supplemental feed such as hay, and without steroids or growth hormones. Animals are also required to be under three years of age at the time of processing, and antibiotics are administered only in cases of extreme disease and are then tracked by animal and not allowed to be processed.

Preparing and Cooking Venison

To get the most out of venison, it is important to prepare it properly. When cooking venison, it is essential to marinate it beforehand to help tenderize the meat and to add flavor. Venison should also be cooked to medium-rare or medium to avoid overcooking and drying out the meat. This will help retain its natural juices and flavors.

There are many ways to cook venison, including grilling, roasting, and stewing. Some popular recipes include venison chili, venison stew, and venison steaks. The key to cooking venison is to use the right combination of seasonings and to cook it at the right temperature for the right amount of time.

Venison for Diet ?

Venison, or deer meat, can be a beneficial addition to a healthy diet. It is a great source of vitamin B12 and iron, providing 33% and 16% of the recommended daily intake, respectively, in a three-ounce serving [1]. These nutrients are important for preventing anemia and maintaining overall health. In addition, venison is low in fat and calories, making it a good choice for those looking to manage their weight.

When incorporating venison into your diet, it’s important to choose lean cuts and prepare it in a healthy way, such as grilling or broiling, to avoid adding excess fat or calories. Overall, venison can be a nutritious and flavorful addition to a balanced diet.

Is Venison A Healthier Option Than Traditional Red Meats?

Venison, the edible meat of game animals like deer, elk, antelope, moose, and caribou, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a healthy alternative to traditional red meats. While deer is the most commonly consumed wild animal, venison can refer to any of these game meats. With its high protein content and low fat, there are many potential health benefits associated with eating venison. In this article, we will explore the nutritional composition of game meat venison, compare it to traditional red meats, and discuss the health benefits and risks associated with consuming venison.

Nutritional Composition of Venison

Venison is a lean protein source that is low in saturated fats and high in essential nutrients. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of venison provides approximately:

– Calories: 131

– Protein: 26 grams

– Fat: 2 grams

– Iron: 17% of the Daily Value (DV)

– Vitamin B12: 111% of the DV

– Niacin: 24% of the DV

– Riboflavin: 13% of the DV

– Zinc: 21% of the DV

– Phosphorus: 19% of the DV

As you can see, venison is an excellent source of protein, iron, and vitamin B12. It is also a rich source of niacin, riboflavin, zinc, and phosphorus. Furthermore, venison is low in calories and saturated fats, making it an ideal food choice for those looking to maintain a healthy weight or reduce their risk of heart disease.

Comparison to Traditional Red Meats

Compared to traditional red meats such as beef and pork, venison has several nutritional advantages. For instance, a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of beef provides approximately:

– Calories: 250

– Protein: 26 grams

– Fat: 17 grams

– Iron: 15% of the DV

– Vitamin B12: 36% of the DV

– Niacin: 23% of the DV

– Riboflavin: 7% of the DV

– Zinc: 29% of the DV

– Phosphorus: 20% of the DV

While beef provides a similar amount of protein to venison, it contains significantly more calories and fat. Pork, another popular red meat, is also higher in calories and fat than venison. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of pork provides approximately:

– Calories: 250

– Protein: 26 grams

– Fat: 16 grams

– Iron: 6% of the DV

– Vitamin B12: 6% of the DV

– Niacin: 26% of the DV

– Riboflavin: 14% of the DV

– Zinc: 24% of the DV

– Phosphorus: 20% of the DV

Therefore, if you are looking to reduce your calorie and saturated fat intake while still consuming adequate amounts of protein, venison is a great option.

Health Benefits of Game meat Venison

Venison is an excellent source of protein and is relatively low in fat, making it a healthy alternative to beef. It is also rich in iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are essential nutrients for maintaining good health. Additionally, venison is high in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid that has been shown to have anti-cancer properties and to reduce the risk of heart disease.

At its best during autumn, British Venison is a great choice for those looking for a high-quality and sustainable source of protein. Eating seasonally is a fantastic way to support local food production while also enjoying the many benefits of this meat. In this article, we’ll explore the top five health benefits of venison.

1. Venison is a complete source of protein

In just 100g of venison, you’ll find approximately 24g of protein. This makes venison a fantastic option for those looking to increase their protein intake. It’s a complete protein, containing all of the essential amino acids our bodies can’t make on their own, making it a crucial nutrient for growth, repair, and immune system support.

2. Venison is lower in saturated fat

Reducing saturated fat intake is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While it’s not necessary to eliminate saturated fat entirely, it’s essential to incorporate more unsaturated fats like olive oil and whole grains. Venison is lower in saturated fat than other red meats, making it a great alternative.

3. Venison is a great source of iron

Venison is also an excellent source of iron, an essential mineral that is important for carrying oxygen around the body. A lack of iron can lead to fatigue and decreased cognitive function, so incorporating venison into your diet is an excellent way to boost your iron levels.

4. Venison is rich in vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a crucial vitamin that helps keep our nerves and blood cells healthy. It also plays a vital role in the formation of DNA. Venison is a rich source of this important nutrient, making it an excellent choice for those looking to boost their B12 intake.

5. Venison is low in calories

For those watching their weight, venison is an excellent choice. It is low in calories and high in protein, making it a filling and satisfying meal option. Additionally, it’s a lean meat that can be cooked in a variety of ways, making it an excellent ingredient to have in your recipe repertoire.

In conclusion, venison is a fantastic choice for those looking to support sustainable food production while enjoying the many health benefits of this delicious meat. From its high-quality protein content to its low saturated fat and calorie content, venison is an excellent addition to any healthy and

Is Venison High in Cholesterol ?

If you’re a meat lover looking to switch to healthier options, you might be wondering if venison high in cholesterol. Venison, or game meat from deer and elk, is known for its earthy taste and smooth texture. Compared to other types of red meat, venison is leaner, making it an attractive choice for those who are health-conscious. In this article, we’ll explore whether venison is high in cholesterol and how it compares to other meats.

Cholesterol content in Venison

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is produced naturally by your body, and it’s also present in certain animal-based foods. While the body needs some cholesterol for hormone and cell production, excessive amounts of cholesterol in your blood can be linked to an increased risk of heart disease (1, 2). The amount of cholesterol found in venison can vary based on the specific cut of meat.

The shoulder clod and rib cuts of venison contain more cholesterol than leaner cuts like the loin or top round. A 3-ounce serving of venison loin contains 67 mg of cholesterol, while the same serving of shoulder clod contains 96 mg of cholesterol. Tenderloin and top round have 75 mg and 72 mg of cholesterol, respectively, while the same serving of ground venison has 83 mg of cholesterol. Ribs contain the most cholesterol, with a 3-ounce serving containing 95 mg (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

Venison Nutrition facts Comparison with other meats

The cholesterol content of venison and other meats depends on various factors, including the specific cut of meat and how it’s prepared. For instance, cooking venison using cholesterol-containing fats like lard or butter can increase the total amount of cholesterol in your meal (9, 10).

While venison is slightly higher in cholesterol than some other meats, including beef and pork, the difference is minimal. A 3-ounce serving of cooked ground venison contains 83 mg of cholesterol, while the same serving of cooked beef contains 71 mg of cholesterol. A serving of cooked pork contains 71 mg of cholesterol.

 CaloriesProteinFatSaturated fatCholesterol
Venison15922.5 grams7 grams3.4 grams83 mg
Beef20421 grams12.5 grams4.8 grams71 mg
Pork25222 grams18 grams6.5 grams80 mg
Lamb24121 grams17 grams7 grams82 mg
Chicken17123 grams9 grams2.3 grams78 mg
Turkey17323.5 grams9 grams2.3 grams79 mg


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Can You Eat Venison Every Day : Side Effects

Venison Red meat is a staple food in many cultures and cuisines. It is often associated with high protein content and a host of essential nutrients. However, there are concerns about the negative effects of consuming red meat every day.

The World Cancer Research Fund recommends that individuals should not consume more than three servings of venison red meat a week, which is approximately 12 to 18 ounces when cooked. Eating more than that can have negative side effects. We reached out to two registered dietitians to explore the potential negative consequences of consuming red meat on a daily basis.

1. Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

One of the most common side effects of consuming venison red meat is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. According to Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim and The Portion Teller Plan, “Diets high in red and processed meats are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).” A recent study suggested that consuming 1.1 servings per day of red meat, including beef, pork, bison, and venison, was linked to a 22% higher chance of atherosclerotic CVD.

2. High Saturated Fat Content

Saturated fats are found in most animal products, including red meat. A three-ounce piece of ribeye steak, for example, contains roughly eight grams of saturated fat. Consuming high amounts of saturated fat can increase cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

3. Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer

The American Cancer Society notes that consuming venison red meat, particularly processed meat, is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. A 2015 study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention found that consuming red meat on a daily basis was linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

4. Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Consuming venison red meat on a daily basis has also been associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. A 2011 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that higher consumption of red meat was associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes in women.

5. Increased Risk of Kidney Disease

High protein diets, including those high in red meat, have been linked to an increased risk of kidney disease. A 2018 study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that individuals who consumed high amounts of animal protein, including red meat, had an increased risk of developing kidney disease.

6. Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Consuming venison red meat on a daily basis has also been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that individuals who consumed red meat on a daily basis had higher levels of beta-amyloid, a protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Negative Environmental Impact

Consuming venison red meat has a negative impact on the environment. The production of red meat requires large amounts of resources, including water and land, and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Choosing plant-based alternatives can have a positive impact on the environment.

Conclusion : Venison Nutrition Facts.

In conclusion, venison is a delicious and nutritious meat that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a healthy alternative to beef and is a great source of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. When prepared and cooked correctly, venison can be a flavorful addition to any meal. Whether you are a hunter or simply a food enthusiast, venison is definitely worth trying. With its unique flavor and health benefits, it is sure to become a staple in your diet.

Consuming Game meat every day can have negative consequences on your health. These include an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and colorectal cancer. Additionally, red meat has a negative impact on the environment. It is important to limit consumption and choose plant-based alternatives for a healthy and sustainable diet. We hope have given Venison nutrition facts iun detail for you to understand and plan your diet accordingly.

This post first appeared on Daily Lifestyle Household Needs, please read the originial post: here

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Game meat Venison Nutrition Facts 2023 : Best & Simple
