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Complaint Letter for Power Outage


This sample letters address how to write a complaint letter to electricity distribution company over power outage and customer complaint email letter for power cut in your locality.

Power Cut Complaint Letter to the Electricity Department

___________(Name of the society)


Electricity Board,
___________ (Address)


Subject: Complaint letter for frequent power cut

Dear Sir,

I, _______(Name) a resident of _____________(address) residing would like to bring to your attention that in recent _______ (days/weeks/months), we have been experiencing a great number of power cuts, which is a rising concern here in the locality. Because of these cuts, very tragic effects could be noticed on health, both mental and as well as physical. Some of the major agendas are ____________________ (children not able to complete their home works/aged are unable to get proper rests/difficult to cope up with present weather/kitchen chores are disrupted).

The real condition is very difficult to cope up. Please send someone to examine the situation and take necessary action for getting the problem resolved. We would appreciate prompt action on this matter.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,
_________(Contact Number)

Frequently Power/Electricity Failure Complaint Letter

___________(Name of the society)

Electricity Board,


Subject: Frequently Power/Electricity Failure In [Location Name]

Respected Sir,

I wish to draw your kind attention. Towards the frequent power failure in our area. The power supply in ___________ [Enter Location Name] is erratic. There are frequent breakdowns. The supply abruptly stops. The entire area plunged into darkness. The power supply resumed. After half an hour or so on. The residents have a sigh of relief that is short-lived. The supply stops once again. This goes on till midnight.

The residents are put to a lot of inconveniences. Because of frequent breakdowns of power supply. The students, who are preparing for their final examination are the worst suffers.

This frequent breakdown gives a sample opportunity to the robbers. Even the shopkeepers are unable to shutter their shops. Officers of the concerned area requested many times. But they pay a deaf ear to the request of the citizens.

You are requested to take the necessary steps to ensure regular supply of electricity in our area.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,
___________ [Writer’s Name]
___________ [Position]

Incessant Power Outage Complaint Letter

Date: ___________


___________ (Higher Authority)

___________ Address….location….

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to draw your attention about the frequent breakdowns of electricity in this locality and the wonderful inconvenience it causes to the residents! Ours is not really a new locality. It got electricity connections many years back. It appears, even so, that the engineer in -charge from the sub-station has not correctly checked the installations and in-spite from the new wires and energy appliances used, there are failures regarding electricity several times in a day. Sometimes, the current is turned off for several hours in a very stretch.

The factories in the region are compelled stop their working by want of electric electric power and, therefore suffer the great loss of business. Students suffer greatly and cannot maintain study.

I request you, therefore, to see that the power plant and other section at the place is thoroughly checked so that there is no chance of the failure of power supply in future. We are waiting for your kind consideration.

Thanking you,

___________ Yours faithfully,

___________ [Writer’s Name]

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Complaint Letter for Power Outage
