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Can Separation Anxiety Cause Vomiting And Diarrhea In Chihuahuas?

Separation anxiety is very challenging for chihuahuas, and just like in people, stress can make them sick to their stomachs. This means that chihuahuas can definitely get sick or have diarrhea when they are worried about being alone.

But it’s important to know for sure that your chihuahua has separation anxiety, in case its symptoms are the results of something more grave.

Let’s talk about how chihuahuas show separation anxiety, how to fix it, and what else it could be if it’s not that.

The Definition Of Separation Anxiety


When your chihuahua dog has separation anxiety, he gets upset when his owner or family leaves. It is believed to affect about 14% of dogs in the U.S., and it is more likely to happen to puppies, rescue dogs, intelligent breeds such as chihuahuas, older dogs, and dogs with scary illnesses or who are recovering from abuse or tragic experience.

Most of the time, it’s because they don’t have enough confidence or independence. Under-stimulation can also be a factor. This is because stress takes up energy, so the more exercise and mental stimulation your dog gets, the less room there is for stress in their lives.

The symptoms of separation anxiety In Chihuahuas?


To be sure that your chihuahua’s diarrhea and vomiting are caused by separation anxiety, you should think about whether or not they are showing any other signs of anxiety. Other signs include doing the same thing over and over again, like pacing, shaking, or drooling.

Separation anxiety can also make chihuahuas destroy their own things and things around the house. When their owners leave the house, go to the bathroom inside, or try to leave the house, many dogs with separation anxiety bark and whine a lot. They might even hurt themselves if they scratch, bite, and lick too much.

How to handle signs of separation anxiety?


Don’t get mad if your chihuahua puppy gets into trouble when you leave the house. This could make them feel worse and give them more anxiety. It could even motivate their actions because they are needy of your attention, and don’t forget, it’s not their mistake.
You should never hurt a dog that gets upset when you leave. Instead, you should show them that this kind of behavior doesn’t get any attention, but when they behave well, you should praise them a lot. You should do some separation training to stop your chihuahua from displaying unwanted behaviors when you leave.

How To Train Your Chihuahua To handle separation Anxiety?


To prevent or end separation anxiety and all of its symptoms, you need to teach your chihuahua dog that he or she can do things on his or her own.

You can do this by giving each other more space over time. Try getting out of the house for a few minutes first. Don’t make a big deal out of leaving, because that can make them nervous, but always say goodbye so they know what’s going on. Instead, you should make a big deal when you get back. This will show that you have something to look forward to when you return home.

The next day, stay out a little bit longer and keep doing that, adding a little more time each day. This lets your chihuahuas know that you will always come back, even when you leave. If you do this most days, your dog’s symptoms should change in a big way within a few weeks.

To give your chihuahua more confidence, you should also try to make him or her feel good about being alone. Use a puzzle toy or a treat dispenser to get your chihuahua to play alone when you’re at home.

Then, when you leave the next time, give it to them right before you leave and leave it with them. This will give your Chi something fun to do when you’re not around and teach them that being alone can be fun and rewarding.

It’s also a good idea to get your chihuahua used to signs of separation. Try doing things you would normally do before leaving the house, like putting on your shoes. Then, don’t leave the house. Just keep doing what you were doing. This will show your dog that there’s nothing to worry about when you do something, which should make him or her feel better.

How To Make Chihuahuas Less Anxious?


If your Chi has severe separation anxiety, try a supplement or plug-in diffuser to help you train him or her. They are all-natural and safe, and it is known that they help pets feel less stressed.

As was said above, not getting enough stimulation can cause separation anxiety. So, if you want your chihuahua to be less anxious, make sure he gets enough exercise and has a lot of fun and social interactions.

How much exercise your chihuahua needs depends on how old he is,  and how big he is, so ask your vet for specifics. To make your walks as interesting as possible, you must try to go to different locations, do different things, and talk to a lot of people and dogs.

Chihuahuas who have trouble being alone should spend time with other dogs. It makes them happy and keeps them from being lonely. Try to spend as much time as possible with your dog, love them a lot, and never leave them isolated for more than  4hours at a time.

Playing and keeping the dog’s mind busy are two of the best ways to deal with anxiety. Games like “hide and seek” and “treasure hunt” are great ways for dogs to relieve stress. Toys like puzzle games, feeding mats, and balls that dispense treats are also great for chihuahuas with anxious minds.

Other causes of vomiting & diarrhea in Chihuahuas


If you don’t think your chihuahua’s stomach problems are caused by separation anxiety, it’s a good idea to learn what else could be going on. Just like with people, there are many things that could make a chihuahua’s stomach upset, however, some are more probable than others.

Vomiting and diarrhea in chihuahuas are most often caused by things other than illness. These include internal blockages, eating something poisonous, food allergies, changes in diet, medicines, and other forms of stress or anxiety. Viruses, illnesses, gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, parasite infestations, and long-term health problems like inflammatory bowel disease and cancer can all cause stomach upsets.

Taking in poisons

When a chihuahua eats something toxic, like a poisonous food, plant, or pesticide, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and a lot of drooling. In more serious cases, it can also cause shaking, seizures, drunk walking, loss of consciousness, or coma. Based on what was eaten, there may be other symptoms, but these are the most common ones.

If you’re worried about something your chihuahua ate, you should talk to your vet. Depending on what was eaten, the vet may tell you to wait and see what happens or to go to the emergency vet hospital closest to you.

If your Chi ate something that could kill it, like antifreeze, the vet might be able to give it an antidote, but only if you act quickly. In less serious cases of poisoning, the person may need to be made to throw up or rehydrate so that the poison can leave the body naturally.

Internal blockages

When chihuahuas eat things that they can’t digest, they can get blockages inside their bodies. Toys, rocks, and sticks are often to blame. Blockages or obstructions inside the body can cause stomachaches, bloating, abdominal pain, slouching, and a loss of appetite, among other things.

If you think your chihuahua has a blockage inside, you should call your vet right away. They may be able to identify where the blockage is by feeling your dog’s stomach, and they may also do an x-ray to see what the blockage is. Depending on what it is and where it is, your vet may be capable of making your pet throw up or may have to perform surgery. Most dogs should get better if they get care quickly.

Dietary changes

If your chihuahua’s stomach is sensitive, a diet change can cause a stomach upset for a short time. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your chihuahua is allergic to the change you’re making.  It just indicates that their digestion requires time to adapt.
This is likely to happen if you are making a big change, like switching from store-bought food to a raw diet. If you intend to make a big change in your chihuahua’s diet, you must do so gradually over time.

For instance, for the first two or three days, fill 3/4 of their bowl with their old food and 1/4 with the new food. After that, make it 50/50. If their body responds well, pause a day or two and give them 3/4 new food. Then, after a day or two, give them all brand-new food. If their stomach starts to act up at any point, go back a step and wait a few days.

Food Allergies

Just like people, chihuahuas can have food sensitivities and allergies. They can make your dogs throw up, or have diarrhea, gas, or stomach pain. Allergies can also cause skin problems like itching, bad skin and coat health, and repeated ear infections.

Dogs including chihuahuas often have reactions to grains like gluten and soy, as well as to some proteins, especially those in dairy products, eggs, chicken, beef, and lamb. Try to eliminate food by food. This is an elimination diet that helps you figure out what your chihuahua is allergic to over time. It typically takes somewhere around 6 and 12 weeks.

Once you know what’s wrong, you can stop doing what’s making your chihuahua sick. There are a lot of kibbles on the market today that don’t have grains or common allergens. If your chihuahua has a more complicated allergy, like to proteins, you may have to try different things to find out what works, but Salmon is generally an excellent option


Some medications can also make chihuahuas sick to their stomachs. Medication for pets can have side effects, just like medicine for people. To make up for this, make sure your dog drinks a lot of water and eats a lot of healthy food. If you think your dog might be allergic to the medicine, talk to your vet about other options.


Chihuahuas can get bacterial and fungal infections on their skin and inside their bodies. Most of the time, they are picked up when someone touches, breathes in, or eats a contaminant, and they can spread rapidly all over the body.

Exterior infections are easy to spot because they leave a cut or wound on the skin that is red and itchy. It could also have places, pus, or discharge, as well as a bad odor. This could occur on the skin, or in other parts of the body including ears and eyes.

Internal infections, especially those that affect the stomach or bowels, most often cause vomiting and diarrhea and are frequently associated with fever and low energy, loss of appetite, pain or discomfort, and fast breathing.

If you don’t treat your infected chihuahua, the infection could spread and turn into a septic. Once the tests are done, the vet will give antibiotics or antifungal drugs to get rid of the infection.


Your Chi could also be going through some other kind of stress or anxiety. Stress and anxiety are often caused by things like big life shifts or shifts in schedule, social phobia, disease, or death in the family, as well as separation anxiety.

The signs are similar to those of separation anxiety. But they may happen at any time of day or night, not just when you’re away. If your chihuahua is stressed or anxious, you should try to link their triggers to something good if you can, or you should just avoid them.

Help will also come from having a stable usual schedule with a lot of affection long walks, and games that challenge the mind. If your chihuahua is very stressed, buy some anti-anxiety products, and don’t be afraid to talk to a trainer or behaviorist if you’re having trouble.


Inflammatory response of the stomach or intestines is what makes gastroenteritis. It usually makes ogsd throw up and have diarrhea, as well as hurt their stomachs and make them lose their appetite. In very bad cases, the vomit or diarrhea may have blood in it.

Most of the time, the exact causes aren’t known, but they may have to do with eating strange or spoiled food, toxins, or bacteria. They may also be linked to health problems like liver and kidney disease.

Pets can die from severe gastroenteritis, so you should take your chihuahua to the vet as quickly as possible. To figure out what’s wrong, your vet will ask you about their symptoms, look at them, and maybe run a few tests.

Depending on how sick your chihuahua is, the treatment will be different, but most of the time, gastroenteritis is treated with a bland diet, medicine, and electrolytes to help your chihuahua get back to normal. Severe cases may need treatment with IV fluids, but most dogs will feel better within a few days to one week.


There are a few viruses that can make chihuahuas throw up and have diarrhea. Canine parvovirus is the one that happens most often. But almost all of these things are vaccinated against in a dog’s first few weeks of life, so they’re more likely to happen to puppies, strays, and dogs that have been rescued.

When trying to figure out why your chihuahua’s stomach is upset, look at their history and call your vet if you think they might have a virus. Most viruses can be found in blood, and vets can treat them with medicine and shots. Chihuahuas need to be treated and vaccinated because viruses like canine parvovirus spread quickly and kill a lot of dogs if they aren’t treated.


Outside, parasites are easy for chihahuas to get into their tongues and noses. They can even get into the skin and be spread to other dogs by fleas. They can also be passed on to newborn puppies from their mothers.

Parasites are bugs that live in or on another animal and eat it. Fleas and worms are popular parasites that affect dogs. Parasites can attack the entire body if you don’t protect your dog or treat them. This can lead to serious illness or even death.

Chihuahua owners should give their dogs preventive medicines on a regular basis to protect them from parasites. If you do give your chihuahua medicine to keep parasites away, parasites shouldn’t make your dog sick to his stomach.

One of the main signs of an internal parasite infestation is stomach upset, which is often followed by a swollen stomach, weight loss, thirst, and feeling tired. Usually, feces tests are used to check for it. They are easy to treat, though, with anti-parasitic pills that can be bought over the counter or with a doctor’s prescription.


Most chihuahuas get pancreatitis when they eat too much fat, either all at once or over time. If you don’t treat it, it can be very painful and dangerous. Some of the symptoms are throwing up and having diarrhea, stomach pain, and not wanting to eat. Vets may use blood tests, X-rays, and ultrasounds to figure out what’s wrong.

Mild pancreatitis can be treated with rest, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, dietary changes, and treatments that help the body get back to normal levels of water. With treatment, most people have a pretty good chance of getting better. But dogs with severe cases may need to stay in the hospital. They will get fluids through an IV and stronger drugs.


Cancer is a frequent reason why dogs die, and many types of cancer, most often stomach cancer, can cause them to throw up and have diarrhea. This is more likely to happen when older pets have stomach upsets often and over and over again. Talk to your vet about testing for cancer if you can’t find a more obvious reason for their stomach problems.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Your Chihuahua

IBD, or inflammatory bowel disease, is a condition in which a dog’s intestine or digestive system is constantly inflamed. No one cause is known for sure, but weak immune systems and genetics are thought to play a role.

If the inflammation doesn’t go away, it can damage the lining of the digestive tract. This can make it hard to digest food. The most common signs are throwing up, having diarrhea, feeling tired, having a change in appetite, and losing weight.

Even though there is no cure. It is easy to deal with by taking prescription drugs and changing what your dog eats. Initial tests include looking at the person’s poop, taking blood samples, and taking X-rays or ultrasounds of the stomach or intestines. To find out what kind of IBD a dog has, a surgical biopsy can also be done. As long as the condition is taken care of, it shouldn’t change how long or how well a dog lives.

What to do when your chihuahua’s stomach hurts?

Don’t worry if your chihuahua has stomach aches. If you need to, reassure them and clean up afterward. When your chihuahua guards their vomit, invite them into some other space. Then keep them away from it while you clean it up. If your vet has asked you to get a data set. Use a container that has been sterilized and put the lid on it tightly as soon as you’re done.

How to help your Chihuahua get better after he or she throws up or has diarrhea

If your chihuahua has been throwing up and going to the bathroom a lot, they are probably very dehydrated.

Once you and your vet have figured out what’s wrong and how to treat it. You should give your dog water and electrolytes to help him feel better. Electrolytes are made up of important minerals. They help the body do a lot of its work and speed up recovery. You can generally buy oral electrolyte solutions at the vet or online.

If your dog is getting better from something food-related, stomach-related, or that needed strong medicine. Then your vet may also tell you to give your dog a bland diet and probiotics. This way you help get their gut bacteria back in balance.

Last Word

Even though separation anxiety can cause stomach problems, it’s important to be sure that’s the case. Keep an eye out for other signs and behaviors. And if you’re worried about your chihuahua’s health, call your vet right away.


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This post first appeared on The Maltese Chihuahua Mix, please read the originial post: here

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Can Separation Anxiety Cause Vomiting And Diarrhea In Chihuahuas?


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