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2:30 a.m. Phone Call

Thursday, July 4th

The holiday has yet to begin, and I get a phone call at 2:30 a.m. Only one person calls me at 2:30 a.m.: Tinkerbell, my pseudo-adopted daughter. Tinkerbell and I have not spoken or texted in over six months. She pulled away without an explanation. She still knows there is one person she can always call.

Tinkerbell was drunk and on her porch after an argument with her boyfriend, Tech. It sounds like their Relationship is imploding. Tinkerbell mentioned they hadn't had sex since January. Their sexual relationship has always been an issue for Tinkerbell. 

I listened. I told her she would get through this. Tinkerbell reminded me I said last time. I didn't ask her why she had ignored me for six months or more. I assumed it had something to do with her relationship. I will ask her that another day if she decides to stick around. She said thanks for picking up several times during the call because she knew she had no right to expect it.

I often told Sam that Tinkerbell and Tech's relationship would end when T Rex (Tinkerbell's son) graduates high school. T Rex graduated this year and will attend CMU in the fall. Despite how obvious this seemed, Tinkerbell made no plans for this eventuality. I am sure Tinkerbell will figure it out—she always does. My only advice was not to rush things and leave his house without having a plan.

We talked for an hour. On Friday, I texted Tinkerbell and told her I was available on Saturday if she needed to leave the house. She replied that she would be fine. 

This post first appeared on Felo De Se, please read the originial post: here

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2:30 a.m. Phone Call
