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A Snapshot of January


It is hard to believe it is time to post a snapshot of January 2023, but here it goes. 

 In homage to Sarah H. at Death Wears Diamond Jewelry, who is no longer blogging but is missed.

Listening…  AJR and my 2022 Playlist on Amazon

Reading…  Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson, but I do not like it

Watching…  House, I have a lot in common with the main character.

Creating … Things are slow on the creative front....still.

Hoping… I find someone new to waste time with.

Buying… I have managed not to buy anything lately. Second month in a row!

Loving...  Chocolate chip cookies lately.

Planning… On preparing my taxes soon.

Missing… Ava's booty calls. It has been a while since I have seen her. I haven't heard from her for almost 3 weeks now. I am not sure I will anytime soon.

Feeling… Like isolating for the remainder of winter. We will see.

This post first appeared on Felo De Se, please read the originial post: here

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A Snapshot of January
