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 My birthday was last Wednesday. I started defining my age as six decades old. It sounds cleaner than the years. I took three days off for my birthday. On the first day, I cleane… Read More
Sam and I went to a wedding on Saturday. The bride is a mutual friend. The bride and groom are both in their fifties. The groom is about a 4 in looks. The bride is a 6 or 7, but the groom is… Read More
In homage to Sarah H. at Death Wears Diamond Jewelry, who is no longer blogging but is missed.Listening…Podcasts, my latest is Something You Should Know.Reading…No ne… Read More
 Tuesday night, Tinkerbell sent me some images of T-Rex moving into his college dorm at CMU. How time flies. I still remember T-Rex as the child from my book. I didn't respond to Tinker… Read More
I sometimes wonder if my lack of posts is related to my need to explore my thoughts and feelings more deeply. It could be because Grammarly edits everything I write and makes it better than… Read More
"Someone help me." It was the phrase repeated over and over throughout the day by the elderly woman with dementia in the room down the hall from me while I was in the hospital Monday/Tuesday… Read More
 In homage to Sarah H. at Death Wears Diamond Jewelry, who is no longer blogging but is missed.Listening…Podcasts, my latest is Something You Should Know.Reading&hellip… Read More
We are getting rain from the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl. Unlike the brief violent downpours we received last month, it has been steadily raining today. I wrote back to Ray and asked if she… Read More
 I displayed five Lego models at a small event on Sunday. The event was held at a church hall on the other side of town, about an hour away. A woman asked me to attend the event while I… Read More
Thursday, July 4thThe holiday has yet to begin, and I get a phone call at 2:30 a.m. Only one person calls me at 2:30 a.m.: Tinkerbell, my pseudo-adopted daughter. Tinkerbell and I have not s… Read More
 The weather was peculiar this weekend. Saturday morning, it rained, and it has been raining often. As Saturday progressed, it turned hot and muggy. I did my shopping early and stayed i… Read More
I noticed I missed doing a Snapshot of May. I have to try harder to keep up on this blog.In homage to Sarah H. at Death Wears Diamond Jewelry, who is no longer blogging but is miss… Read More
After a week of work, I swung by Gia's Airbnb in Ferndale on Friday evening. She greeted me in peach-colored exercise shorts, a grey spaghetti-strap tank top, and a stylish black and grey ca… Read More
 Gia has a captivating smile. When she truly smiles, her eyes sparkle, the years fall from her face, and she has a youthful innocence. Gia has been in Michigan for a month and is gettin… Read More
 I don't know why I haven't been taking the time to write more. Many things go by without me recording them here. I find it hard to recreate the events in a narrative that pleases me. T… Read More
I have been seeing both Gia and Brit. Both could be better. I enjoy hanging out with Gia. She is opening up to me slowly but plans to stay only through June. She is still hard to get close t… Read More
On Friday, I left work at noon. Due to unpredictable weather, I planned to meet Gia at the Somerset Mall at 1:00 p.m. Gia knows her way around the area. At one point, she lived in Detroit fo… Read More
 Gia is back in Detroit, which surprised me. She indicated she was thinking about coming back, but then, on Monday, she texted me, saying she was coming back on Tuesday.Gia: I'll be in… Read More
My twins text me occasionally things about my ex-wife. I don't really engage much with them about her. The twins like to complain, and I am sure they do the same thing about me. I did receiv… Read More
 Brit came over last night. I'm picky, and even I admit this girl is a 9 out of 10. I still need to figure her out. Brit is quiet, but I don't see any red flags yet. She has blond hair… Read More
 Gia flew back to Rhode Island Friday morning. She enjoyed her time here. It is as close to a vacation as she will allow herself. I don't think I have seen the last of her. Although it… Read More
 I met the new girl at a coffee show in Roseville yesterday. For lack of a better name, I will call her Brit. Brit has long, straight blond hair and a fake tan glow. Brit wore yogi pant… Read More
 I viewed the solar eclipse yesterday. It did not go dark here, but we witnessed the moon cover the sun. I used special glasses. I have nothing of interest to report. I have been buildi… Read More
Snapshot Of March
  In homage to Sarah H. at Death Wears Diamond Jewelry, who is no longer blogging but is missed.Listening… Podcasts like The Rewatcher: Buffy The Vampire Slayer. T… Read More
 I am annoyed with office stuff today. I don't talk much about my job. It is safer that way. People amaze me, though. Some do not want to make any effort of their own. They want to be t… Read More
BrickFestLive Display
It took 3 hours to set up Friday. Below are pictures from my display. The event coordinators were very friendly and accommodating to changes that I requested to my table layout. They allowed… Read More
 Tomorrow, I must lug my Lego models to the Novi Suburban Show Place for BrickFest Live. This is the same place I previously displayed, but a different show. They are only giving people… Read More
 For those of you keeping up Firefly is now pregnant with her second child. I haven't spoken to her lately, so I do not know if this was planned. The baby is due in August, which is the… Read More
Sam texted me Friday asking if I wanted to get dinner. I agreed, and we planned to meet at 6:00. I hung around the office after work instead of heading home and waiting for 6:00. I arrived a… Read More
Last Friday, I went to see the psychic. It could have been a better reading. She did come up with a few good nuggets, though. She did see me seeing Gia again. She described Gia perfectly. Th… Read More
 I have been trying to keep up with the blog this year. This weather makes me feel like staying put. When I am at home, I don't feel like leaving. Even at work, I dread getting into the… Read More
In homage to Sarah H. at Death Wears Diamond Jewelry, who is no longer blogging but is missed.Listening… Podcasts Why Files Operation Podcast. It deals with a wide rang… Read More
From my balcony, I saw a vacant field and the houses beyond for nineteen years. Now, looking out the doorwall, I see a wall of black shingled roofs that block out everything. It's been cold… Read More
Final Project For BrickFest
 The Gladiator read -3 degrees this morning as I drove to work. I stayed indoors over the weekend. I built Legos on Saturday and watched Peaky Blinders on Sunday. I took some images dur… Read More
      Here is a quick look at the finished roof. It actually comes apart in three sections.                       … Read More
 In my post Conversations, Rothwilder suggested: Give her some space, see if she writes you and takes initiative. Only way to know for sure. I took their advice and gave Gia s… Read More
Weekend In
 I stayed inside and built Legos all weekend. I hope to be accepted to display in BrickFestLive the first week in March. The club I loosely belong to displays year-round at other venues… Read More
 Max stopped by for lunch today. He says they have him on overtime for the next three weeks. Max works in a shop that specializes in making walk-in freezers for restaurants. They ship t… Read More
Gia and I are still texting daily. Mostly, she just replies to mine, but she always responds.Bathwater: Happy New Year. Did you make any resolutions?Gia: Nope. You?Bathwater: To stop wasting… Read More
Happy New Year
It's a new dayBut it all feels oldIt's a good lifeThat's what I'm toldBut everything, it all just feels the sameI am back to work. I didn't miss it. I was falling into a pretty good routine… Read More
Tree House
 I have completed a new Lego project for those who have been asking. I spent a few days sorting Legos and cleaning the area before starting on a Forestmen Tree House. The build went str… Read More
 Our weather has been rainy and mild. No complaints from me. Sam and I went to dinner Saturday night. We went to Green Lantern because we lacked any other choice. The place was not busy… Read More
I have ignored the holiday spirit this year. Christmas holds nothing positive for me except an extended vacation from the stresses of work. My time with Gia didn't help. We had so much fun t… Read More
Thinking back, I did meet Gia at the clubs once before the night we hit it off. It was later in the evening on a weekend. I was getting ready to leave, and Gia started conversing with me. I… Read More
 Side note: I only made it to Monday before getting called into meetings.Thursday was my last official work day. I head to the club later that evening to see Gia. Flight Club has been s… Read More
Tomorrow is my last official day of work for 2023. I have been counting down the days. I plan to do a three-day fast during my first week of vacation. I also have a 90-minute massage schedul… Read More
 Gia is back in town for a few weeks. I went to see her at the club Thursday night. She is a lot of fun. We met for lunch again on Sunday in Royal Oak. We went to the Emory. Gia showed… Read More
 In homage to Sarah H. at Death Wears Diamond Jewelry, who is no longer blogging but is missed.Listening… Podcasts like Morbid (true crime and ghost stories). Find… Read More
 It was Tinkerbell's birthday on Saturday. I texted her the day before asking if she had special plans and didn't get a reply. I didn't hear from her, so I didn't bother texting her on… Read More
I didn't get a chance to post a Snapshot of November. Work has been busy, and I am looking forward to the end of the year and some time off. You can tell nothing new is happening here from t… Read More