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The Homefaker's Homestead Blog

We wanted to start a community of people who can laugh at themselves and share a good story, recipe or just great advice. We wanted to expand beyond the bounds of just motherhood – we want to celebrate fatherhood, too! Together, let’s highlight the in-between moments and the outtakes of homemaking. We want to encourage you! You make those meals, you bake the shit out of those desserts, grow your garden, even if it refuses to grow in your care, complete that exercise class once a month, fudge the Teacher Appreciation gift idea you found on Pinterest. But no matter what you do, don’t stop being you! Here, at the Homefaker’s Homestead, we represent all the second-place, perfect, wannabes, gonnabes, never-gonna-bes, self-made, lovely homemakers!
10 Tips To Save Money As A Homemaker
If you’re feeling like your budget is getting tight, and you need to reduce costs without drastically changing your lifestyle, consider the following 10 tips… The post 10 Tips T… Read More
How To Live Off The Grid
Many people feel the need for privacy, staying in the fresh air, free from exhaust fumes, peace, and tranquility. It seems that all these things… The post How To Live Off The Grid app… Read More
DIY Fire Cider Oxymel Recipe
“When you feel like shit, take a hit.” Despite the myriad habits we can incorporate to stay healthy and to prevent illness, our immune systems… The post DIY Fire Cider Oxy… Read More

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The Homefaker's Homestead
