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Top 4 Yoga Asanas For Sinus Relief: Easy To Perform Poses To Get Rid Of Nasal Congestion

Top 4 Yoga Asanas For Sinus Relief: Easy To Perform Poses To Get Rid Of Nasal Congestion

 One of the common natural remedies to treat sinus infections is practising certain yoga poses. Practising yoga is an effective way to provide symptomatic relief and increase healthy breathing.                                  

  Yoga Asanas For Sinus Relief: Sinus or Sinusitis is commonly referred to as inflammation in the sinuses, which includes spaces around your forehead, cheeks and nose usually filled with air. Sinus infection can cause a stuffy or runny nose, with fever and other symptoms. The common causes of sinusitis are the common cold, viruses such as bacteria, fungi and allergies. Also known as rhinosinusitis, the types of sinus infections are based on how long you have been experiencing it, and its causes.                                                                                                    Signs And Symptoms of Sinusitis:

-   Postnasal drip (mucus dripping down your throat)                     

  Runny nose with thick yellow or green mucus

- Stuffy nose

-  Facial pressure (particularly around your nose, eyes and forehead)

- Pressure or pain in your teeth

   Ear pressure or pain

-  Fever

-  Bad breath (halitosis) or a bad taste in your mouth

-  Cough

-  Headache

-  Tiredness

  Yoga For Sinus Relief

   One of the common natural remedies to treat sinus infections is practising certain yoga poses. Practising yoga is an effective way to provide symptomatic relief and increase healthy breathing. In a conversation with the editorial Only My Health, face yoga expert, Mansi Gulati shared some easy-to-perform yoga poses that you can try to get rid of nasal congestion.

  Adho Mukha Svanasana

   Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward-facing dog pose is an extremely easy to perform inversion yoga asana. This asana can also be performed as a part of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation. Practising this yoga pose leaves you energised and rejuvenates the body, lengthens the spine, strengthens the muscles of the chest increases lung capacity and brings strength throughout the body, especially the arms, shoulders, legs, and feet.

 Salamba Sarvangasana 

  Shoulder stand pose is an exrtremely effective yoga pose to get relief from sinus infection.

 Also known as the shoulder stand pose, this yoga pose is a powerful asana that involves leaning inversions. It is an extremely effective posture for sinus relief and other infections. This yoga pose increases the blood flow throughout the body and helps boost immunity.

  Setu Bandhasana

      Setu Bandhasana or bridge pose is an ideal yoga asana that strengthens the back muscles, relieves tired back, gives good stretch to the chest, neck and spine and calms the mind and body. Practising bridge pose can relieve the symptoms of sinusitis by stimulating the blood flow to the head.


   Bhujangasana or cobra pose is an easy-to-form yoga pose that is performed in a cycle of Surya Namaskar. This yoga pose opens up the shoulders and neck to relieve pain, tones the abdomen, strengthens the entire back and shoulders, improves flexibility of the upper and middle back, expands the chest and improves blood circulation.                               Yoga asanas can provide sinus relief by promoting better circulation and reducing congestion. Poses like the "Bridge Pose," "Camel Pose," and "Child's Pose" can help alleviate sinus pressure, improve drainage, and ease breathing. Regular practice of these asanas may provide natural and soothing relief from sinus discomfort. 

This post first appeared on How Do Astronauts Survive In Space | Space Science?, please read the originial post: here

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Top 4 Yoga Asanas For Sinus Relief: Easy To Perform Poses To Get Rid Of Nasal Congestion
