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Tough Crowd by Graham Linehan


This brilliant number-one best-selling biography finally arrived in my letter box, and I look forward to getting tucked into this excellent masterpiece.

Born in Dublin, Graham Linehan was the creator of Father Ted and The IT Crowd, And I fully recommend his book.

‘One of the most compelling and honest memoirs I’ve read in years. Also the funniest’ – Andrew Doyle

‘Reminds us that Graham is first and foremost a writer, and a very funny one’ – Simon Evans

‘Brilliant, extraordinary, chilling’ – Lissa Evans

‘Hilarious, raw and touching. A must-read for anyone who wants to know the backstory behind Father Ted – and why he gave up the life of a luvvie to fight the threats posed by trans ideology to women’s rights and child safeguarding’ – Helen Joyce

‘A must-read book – funny and utterly compelling’ – Jonathan Ross

‘His brilliance in prose is equal to his brilliance as a screenwriter’ – Richard Ayoade

Get your copy today:

This post first appeared on Personal Blog About Places, Nature And My Writing Journey Etc, please read the originial post: here

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Tough Crowd by Graham Linehan
