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How to Winterize Your Car to Withstand Cleveland Winters

How To Winterize Your Car To Withstand Cleveland Winters

If you've lived in the area for long, you know Cleveland winters are cold. Early in the season, the wind blows west across Lake Erie and dumps lake-effect snow all over the eastern suburbs. Then it typically happens again in early spring as the lake begins to thaw.

Snowstorms and endless cold make living in the snowbelt a difficult place to drive. The snow, slush, ice and salted roads require expert driving skills and can also be very hard on your car.

To help your car fare well through the harsh winter conditions, it's important to  check all your vehicle’s systems to make sure everything is in top shape and functioning correctly.

There are some simple things you can do to winterize your car to help you avoid costly repairs down the cold winter road. You can do these things yourself or have a professional mechanic take a look. Many service centers will check your systems free of charge. Here’s a quick checklist to get you started:

This post first appeared on Rainbow Muffler & Brake's Blog, please read the originial post: here

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How to Winterize Your Car to Withstand Cleveland Winters
