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The Best Advice You Can Hear About Spring Tune-Ups

The Best Advice You Can Hear About Spring Tune-Ups

After a long, cold winter, spring is finally in the air. That means it’s time to get ready for sunshine and road trips. But before you hop in your car and take to the open road — or even just resume your normal driving habits — you’ll want to give your vehicle a little TLC.

Just as you change out your wardrobe each time the seasons change, your car has different needs as the weather changes. Following a spring maintenance checklist is a good way to make sure your car is ready for the warmer weather and ensure that it hasn’t suffered any damage from that cold Ohio winter.

Winter can do more harm to your car than you realize. Potholes caused by the ground expanding and contracting because of frozen rain and snow start appearing in the winter and continue into the spring. They can vary greatly in size, but they’re notoriously bad for your tires and your alignment. That’s not the only hazard of winter; the salt and sand that’s used to keep drivers safe on icy roads can be corrosive to the seals on your undercarriage and lead to problems with your suspension.

Getting ahead of any potential problems is your best bet for staying safe this spring or summer, so here’s a car tune-up checklist to make sure your car is in tip-top condition as the seasons change.

This post first appeared on Rainbow Muffler & Brake's Blog, please read the originial post: here

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The Best Advice You Can Hear About Spring Tune-Ups
