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Closet Project
Just so excited to share our recent closest organization project! We have a really nice sized closet, but it lacks organization systems - there is just one rack all the way around. That's mo… Read More
Family Photos 2024
One of Blake's cousins recently celebrated their 10 year wedding anniversary with a lovely evening at his Uncle's lake house. It was just so nice to be together with everyone for a happy occ… Read More
Summer Snapshots
Just popping in to say Hi! This summer has been lovely, and we are in the thick of it. Absolutely brutal temperatures here, and a just as brutally busy schedule. This is just a fun phot… Read More
Summer Overalls Outfit
I picked up a pair of overalls at Old Navy recently, and this has become one of my favorite summertime looks! Paired with a white tank top and some fresh Adidas. I quite literally wore a hol… Read More
Current Goals
Walk Every DayThere is enough evidence out there that walking is great for you, so I don't need to rehash that here. But, I have personally noticed a difference in my disposition when I get… Read More
Disney Trip Highlights
My family kicked off summer vacation with 3 days at Disney! Not going to lie, it was pretty hot, but we still enjoyed ourselves immensely. We did an Animal Kingdom Day, an Epcot Day, and the… Read More
Our West Seattle | Alki Beach Airbnb
The Airbnb we stayed in while visiting Seattle is just too cute not to share! It was a studio style apartment that had lots of luxurious upgrades and thoughtful touches. We love staying here… Read More
Recent Reads #35
Ooof, I've gotten rather behind on sharing book reviews! Buckle up for a pretty long list of what I've been reading since March.JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate i… Read More
A Day In Seattle, WA
We actually had a day and a half in Seattle. The first day we disembarked from our Alaskan cruise, and then stopped at a few places with Blake's cousin who traveled with… Read More
Port Of Call: Juneau, Alaska
The 3rd port we visited during our Alaskan cruise was Juneau! This city was really cool, and I felt that it was the most accustomed to large quantities of cruise tourists. LOTS of shops and… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #14
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are rep… Read More
Port Of Call: Sitka, Alaska
The second port we visited on our Alaskan cruise was Sitka! What a cute town! The port is just outside of the downtown area, so you are shuttled by bus to a visitor's center. The center itse… Read More
Port Of Call: Ketchikan, Alaska
The first port we visited on our Alaskan cruise was Ketchikan! It's a sweet little harbor town, that our cruise ship quickly overwhelmed. We took a taxi up to the trailhead for the Rainbird… Read More
A Day In Vancouver
Blake and I just got back from an absolutely dream of a trip! We took a cruise to Alaska and also spent some time in Vancouver and Seattle on either end of the cruise. We spent about a… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #13
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are rep… Read More
Old Navy Top Haul
As I have assessed my closet, I noticed I was really missing some fresh spring/summer tops in my wardrobe. I popped into Old Navy one Friday morning and was able to score several tops and th… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #11 + 12
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are rep… Read More
Saying Goodbye To Delly
This is a post I don't want to write. And, I probably won't get through typing it without crying. We had to say goodbye to our sweet Delly girl this past week at 13 years old. I'm not sure h… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #10
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are rep… Read More
Three Days At Disney
Blake and I were able to spend 3 days at Disney with his cousin, and it was a blast! We did just about everything at Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and EPCOT. The weather was great, and t… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #9
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are rep… Read More
Our 14th Anniversary
Just a little photo diary of our 14th anniversary celebrations with our friends and family this past week! We are feeling so spoiled and loved. 14 years is just wild, how are we old enough f… Read More
Recent Reads #34
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.The Women by Kristin HannahIn a sea of WWII historical fiction, it was so interesting to read about a dif… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #8
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are rep… Read More
March Grove Haul
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.E-Cloth Stainless SetI have long loved E-Cloths! You just add water. Their glass cleaning cloths are top… Read More
My New Cricut!
For our anniversary this year, I asked Blake to upgrade my Cricut. I've had my Cricut Explore for a few years now, and boy has it paid for itself. It's the backbone of my Etsy store. With al… Read More
Snapshot Of My Day
Time I woke up: My alarm went off at 6am, and even though I hit snooze, I still got up before the 5 minutes were up. First thing I did upon waking: I took Delly out. Now that she's olde… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #7
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are rep… Read More
J. Crew Spring 2024 Wishlist
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.Shell Tank I just love the colors in this shell top! Ribbed Ruffleneck HenleyIs ruffleneck a re… Read More
Declutter Challenge Day 19 - Cords
Welcome to day nineteen of the Declutter Challenge! I shared the schedule here. Each day has a 10 minute task, and an option to kick it up a notch and declutter further.On day… Read More
Declutter Challenge Day 15 - Your Car
Welcome to day fifteen of the Declutter Challenge! I shared the schedule here. Each day has a 10 minute task, and an option to kick it up a notch and declutter further.Day 15 means we are de… Read More
Declutter Challenge Day 13 - Flex Day
Welcome to day thirteen of the Declutter Challenge! I shared the schedule here. Each day has a 10 minute task, and an option to kick it up a notch and declutter further.Day 13 is a flex day!… Read More
Declutter Challenge Day 10 - Make Up
Welcome to day ten of the Declutter Challenge! I shared the schedule here. Each day has a 10 minute task, and an option to kick it up a notch and declutter further.On day 10 w… Read More
Recent Reads #33
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.The Mystery Guest by Nita ProseMolly Gray is back in the sequel to The Maid! The Maid was one of my top b… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #6
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are reporting bac… Read More
Declutter Challenge Day 8 - Flex Day
Welcome to day eight of the Declutter Challenge! I shared the schedule here. Each day has a 10 minute task, and an option to kick it up a notch and declutter further.A Flex Day is totally up… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #5
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are reporting bac… Read More
Declutter Challenge Day 1 - Purses
Welcome to day one of the Declutter Challenge! I shared the schedule here. Each day has a 10 minute task, and an option to kick it up a notch and declutter further.Today, we are tackling our… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #4
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are reporting bac… Read More
January Grove Co Haul
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.This Month's Order:Grab Green Cookware PodsAbsolutely love using these! You just drop a pod into your coo… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cookbook Club #3
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are reporting bac… Read More
Recent Reads #32
Sharing my 5 Star Reads over on Instagram! JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.Just The Nicest Couple by Mary KubicaJake is missing. His… Read More
February Declutter Challenge
In the month of February I'm hosting a Decluttering Challenge! Every day has a space assigned to declutter. Each task should take about 10 minutes, depending on how much stuff you have. But… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cook Book Club #2
In case you missed it, 2 of my cousins and I are attempting to cook our way through the Dinner Tonight Cookbook together. We are taking turns choosing a recipe to make, and are reporting bac… Read More
Lake Lafayette Heritage Trail
Just a little photo diary of our New Years Day hike around Lake Lafayette. It's about 3 miles total, and a very easy trail. Just a little muddy in the last quarter!Blake and I love to do tra… Read More
Dinner Tonight Cook Book Club #1
Two of my cousins and I are doing a little cookbook club! It's an experiment, so we are still outlining the 'rules'. Basically, the 3 of us are big Defined Dish fans and when we received the… Read More
Just 4 Things
My Eye Won't Stop TwitchingThis happened to me a few years ago. My eye twitched for a solid month, if not longer. I read up on all kinds of reasons it could happen, but eventually it just we… Read More
My Top Books Of 2023
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van PeltIf you only read one book on this list, make it Remarkably… Read More
Things I'm Doing To Get More Organized
It's no secret that I love being an organized person. Truthfully, I had to become a person who enjoys being organized, because there is no other way I could accomplish what I accomplish with… Read More
A Day In The Life
Morning RoutineUp sometime around 6:30 am today. Between the two of us, every morning we:- Get ourselves up and teeth brushed.- Get the pugs up and out to pee. - Get the pugs fed.- Unlo… Read More
Recent Reads #31
Shop These Books:JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.Happiness Falls by Angie KimMia is a twenty year old twin, in a Korean-American family… Read More
Just 6 Things
Draper James DressUgh, I can't find this dress online to link for you! I have been shopping for some wintery dresses for our Alaskan cruise, and stumbled across this one on Poshmark. I don't… Read More
November Grove Co Haul
Grove Co DusterI actually had this duster, but the handle fell apart and I put it back together wrong (apparently losing a little piece) and have been using it all this time anyway. It was t… Read More
Garden Of Eden Trail - Bristol FL
Blake and I both had the day off last Friday, so we decided to go on a little adventure! Actually, hiking trails is one of our favorite things to do together and we try to make time for it w… Read More
Recent Outfits
With the temperatures slowly starting to drop here, I've been enjoying a new variety of clothes! Honestly, most days you'll find me in workout gear or my work uniform - but I had a few cute… Read More
End Of The Year Goals
This is our friend's porch - it's SO pretty!Get Delly HealthyWe've been struggling with Delly the past few months. She's going on 13, and I'm having a hard time accepting that she's a senior… Read More
2023 Gift Ideas For Anyone!
Gift giving is one of my favorite things. Is there a better feeling than nailing it, and finding the exact perfect thing for someone? Recently, my cousin said that she was just going to call… Read More
Recent Reads #30
LOVING this new Book Worm decal design I have in my Etsy shop!JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.These Silent Woods by Kimi Cunningham Grant… Read More
 ReadingI'm on book number 78 of the year! You can hear more about what I'm reading in my next Recent Reads post. But, I was really happy to have three 5 star reads in my last roun… Read More
October Grove Collaborative Haul
Caldrea Blue Basil Sage Room SprayShall I introduce you to my new favorite scent! Oh my gosh, I love this and I finally figured out why. When I was growing up, my mom used a Caldrea hand soa… Read More
Two Fall Target Dresses
You know your girl loves a good midi dress! I'm so excited that the two dresses I ordered from Target this week both worked great! Love it when that happens. Both of these dresses can be dre… Read More
Recent Reads #29
So very happy to report that I have three 5 star books to tell you about today! Honestly, I haven't read that many 10/10 books this year, and I was beginning to get discouraged. My Goodreads… Read More
FSU V Southern Miss 2023
This past weekend we were able to take my sister and brother in law to their first FSU football game! It was sort of a big deal, because even though my sister grew up in Tallahassee, she nev… Read More
Instagram Giveaway
Just thought I'd pop on to say I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY over on Instagram! I'm celebrating hitting 2,000 Etsy sales. This giveaway included a couple of things from my shop, as well as a few fu… Read More
Gosh, what a week! On Wednesday, we were faced with Hurricane Idalia. The eye of the storm went in about an hour east of us, and right in between where we live and my sister lives. We have l… Read More
Recent Reads #28
If you are in need of a good book recommendation - I'm your girl! With over 28 Recent Reads Posts to date, you can also find a lot of my suggestions under the book tag. Additionally, follow… Read More
August Grove Haul
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.Super Bloom Vitamin C Serum - free gift!This was my gift with purchase for the month! I have a prett… Read More
Recent Reads #27
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer Jack Masterson wrote a mega-best selling book series for kids in the 90's. Everyone has been waiting years and years for another installation in the Cloc… Read More

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