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October 2021 Tarot Spread

Hello and welcome to a new month. I have recently been developing some of my energetic abilities as an Energy healer and medicine woman. In the process, I have been working on channeling information, spiritual guidance, as well as delving into energy.

During this practice and learning I had a conversation or rather a spiritual meditation, if you will, with my spirit guides and Spirit, about the month of October. What Spirit had to say was that October, on the surface is going to be very much the same of what we have been experiencing in our life.

But underneath the surface we are going to be encountering and experiencing a shifting energy that has the potential to leave us tired at the end of the day.

Our physical actions are going to remain the norm of what we’ve been experiencing, while this addition of energetic shifting will exist on a soul, Mother Earth, and solar system level. Thus, combined, we’re going to expend a lot of energy throughout the day and potentially feel tired.

However, if we are unable to sense or see what’s going on underneath the surface on a spiritual and esoteric level, it can leave us feeling challenged or confused, questioning “Why am I feeling so tired?”

With this spiritual insight in mind, I wanted to spend this month spread taking a look at what’s going on underneath the surface.

So even if you are unable to see the shifting energy, by knowing why it’s happening and how it’s going to benefit us, you are then better able to display compassion and understanding when someone is tired or when you yourself are tired.

Because you will know there are things going on underneath the surface with this spiritual growth that is happening at this time. And on that note, I chose the Self-Aware Spread.

I came across this particular spread when watching Brian Cormack Carr’s Tarot To The Nines series he did on YouTube, about the numerological influence on the tarot cards.

These are really great videos, very engaging, going deeply into the energies of each card, giving you something to think about. And in the process, he gave a couple of spreads to utilize as well. Here is the link to his series.

The Story of The First Seven:

The Self-Aware tarot spread is designed utilizing the first seven cards of the Major Arcana, along with the Fool. Taking the symbolic influence of each card, each position acquires it’s meaning.

For those of you new to tarot, the Major Arcana represents 22 cards within the Tarot and the big life events that we experience. Card zero is represented by the Fool, who represents us as individuals as we start our journey. Be that the journey of our life or a more specific life cycle.

Since the Fool will travel the story arc of the Major and Minor Arcana he doesn’t have a number, yet is often the first card in a deck.

Following the Fool, there are 21 numbered Major Arcana cards which create a story about life. The first seven cards, seen here in this spread, represent the Fool’s journey to learning mastery of the physical world.

He will then learn spiritual mastery within the second set of seven and put what he knows to the test within the last set of seven.

While these cards are numbered and follow a set order, in reality, we experience these lessons in many orders and sometimes many times.

My Question:

Alright, my question for my spirit guides and spirit is, “I’m asking for insight into the month of October 2021, and the underlying energetic influence that is transpiring this month.”

Shadow Card:

As always, we start with our shadow card, which in this instance is the 5 of Swords. The shadow card will provide us the overarching energy to the situation related to the spread, so this is the card for the overarching energy for the month.

What’s drawing my eye is the clouds as well as

the figure standing tall and the figures standing off in the distance, which tells me the story that this month, all will be well.

We see this message in the clear sky. There will be things that come up, but they lack the strength and potency to be debilitating. We see this with the cloud’s inability to cover the whole sky.

Due to the presence of some clouds, we can sense that it is a choice if we are going to step into conflicting experiences, or if we are going to choose the clear sky, that stability.

I also see with our Fool in the forefront, that he is standing with his feet apart, very much in a straight stance of strength and stability. We also have these two Fools that are the background, where one looks sad and one’s walking away.

What this tells me is that this month, by choosing to ground and to shield, to be in this strong stance it will put you in a position for prosperity. That if you encounter moments where you feel like the two Fools in the background, by widening your stance, calling in your spirit guides, really channeling positive energy you can transform your day and month- and be very successful.

0:The Fool- Leaping Into

We then move to card number one and we see here the Page of Wands, who is a messenger. There’s also that fire energy, new beginnings, you also see the pyramids in the background, indicating ancientness, as well as the history of Mother Earth.

In this position, I read the Page of Wands, as this message that we are leaping into a new age. We can see on a human, third dimensional level, evidence of that coming out of COVID, entering into this new phase in human life.

But also on an energetic level that we’re transitioning into a new world of equality, of honor, and integrity, of compassion, and heart.

1:The Magician- The Magic

Now this is very interesting, you can see the Page of Wands at the top of the spread and the Page of Swords underneath him, and both Pages are part of the “we” suit, which is focus of self.

The magic of the Page of Swords indicates cutting away the BS, the

lies, deception, deceit, and is very much in keeping with the message of the Page of Wands, that we are entering this new age of heart and compassion. That the magic that’s going to help bring that to reality comes from the Page of Swords.

Which means cutting away the layers of money, muck, and the deception that we tell ourselves, that we tell the world, and the lies the world tells us. So that we can have the truth of people and of ourselves with it no-longer being obscured.

We also see here a transition within the clouds from the 5 of Swords. Where the clouds were very jagged, to where they are fluffy.

They still carry a hint of gray that sometimes looks like rain, but that these fluffy clouds have a gentleness to them within the very imagery of this of this card. This transition in clouds continues this message of re-birth and change that we are experiencing.

2:The High Priestess- The Secret

With this position and the corelating card we will be able to see what this energetic shifting and the subsequent transformation occurring underneath the surface is creating.

The 4 of Wands is a beautiful card, a card of celebration. It is also an interesting card within

the numerological story arc of the Tarot. Because the four comes after we started with this potential (the Ace), made some plans with the twos, did some things and saw some returns with the threes, and the four is a pause.

Numerologically speaking, it’s a celebration that we have laid this foundation, this framework, and now we’re celebrating.

We see here within this card, a celebration, which brings with it this Castle of Dreams that we’re building. In the tarot, there is a story about the Fool’s journeying to his/her Castle of Dreams.

The Castle of Dreams symbolizes what your dream life is. It can represent be the grand ness of your life and what you want your life to be like, it can also represent the end result within a cycle- if you want to learn compassion or self-love, if you want a particular job or a family.

We already see that life of beauty and prosperity in the 4 of Wands, and if you think about 78 cards within the Tarot, we are already beginning to see the Castle of Dreams early on. Given this card’s position it tells a story that we’ve had some success and some groundwork and that we’re going to maintain and develop more and continue to grow and create.

As we continue within the story arc of the Tarot, and if you think about it in the form of Wands, we are on the outside of the Castle of Dreams. Indicating that we’ve built the structure, and by the time you make it to the 10 of Pentacles you’re going to see our Fool inside the Castle of Dreams.

This card, the 4 of Wands is telling us that the secret to this energy right now, is about laying the foundational pieces to this life of prosperity. If you take a moment to think about it, right now, what we are using to navigate our life on a global level, as well as on a societal and cultural level is creating the life that we see and know.

Then if you consider for a moment the calls for freedom and equality, kindness and compassion, that these calls to action that we are hearing in our community and around the globe, point out that the culture we are living is insufficient to create this life of prosperity that we see in the 4 of Wands. So, in order to create that life of prosperity, things need to change, our understanding, the very energy that we use needs to change.

As a result, we are undergoing a transformation, a new age as we saw with the Page of Wands, and right now it is just starting on an esoteric level underneath the surface this month.

When you feel this new energy and you’re transforming on a soul level, honor, that that’s going to take some work. Even if you cannot physically see the evidence of this work, honor that it is happening.

So, if you need that nap, that snack, or some time alone you honor this truth, honor yourself, start practicing that self-love, and know that this energy transition that we’re experiencing is going to help set us up to create that foundation for a life of prosperity.

3:The Empress- My Passion

With the 3 of Pentacles we see here these Fools, Masons, are working on this beautiful building and we can clearly can see the evidence of their passion. This tells me, that this month you will have the opportunity to follow your passions and your desires.

Something requiring hard work, yes, but it will be of something that you enjoy. Since this is a general reading I can’t be any more specific, but take a moment to consider -What do you dream about? What engages you?

The Empress energy creates an environment that honors these calls to action that we have been hearing, to create a world where we are content and happy.

She is the Divine Mother, the creativity, very much in keeping with heart and passion. So, how can you share your identity with the world in a manner that honors your passions?

Don’t limit this to just the traditional artistic routes of music and art. Building a strong home that will shelter someone is a gift, cooking delicious food, nurtures, creating a wonderful garden creates serenity and sanctuary.

How can you honor yourself, and bring this beautiful part of yourself to the world to share?

4:The Emperor- The Rules

The numerological influence of the number four, as seen in the 4 of Wands and with the Emperor indicates a pause as well as the foundation pieces that have been put into place. With the Emperor there is also a message of responsibility for what has been created

(positively and negatively).

If the Emperor neglects his empire, he won’t have it for very long. That home that he has built, that Castle of Dreams, will always require love and care. As such, this card represents the structure and responsibilities that we have this coming month.

This position of the Emperor is represented by the 5 of Wands, and I read this twofold.

One- the 5 of Wands can represent the different elements of ourselves and choosing which version of ourselves to manifest. The ego driven version or the balanced and honorable version.

Two- the 5 of Wands can represent conflict.

So, I read this card as a message (the rule) to stay true to who you are and practice on manifesting and displaying through your choices, your words and your actions, who you are as a person in a manner that is kind.

I also read this card as a recommendation to avoid conflict. Honoring who you are does not require conflict, and it is not required that others understand or agree with the paths in life that you have chosen.

With the 5 of Wands right next to the Page of Swords there is the message that we are cutting away the masks worn when we present ourselves to others. Choosing who we are, the path we will take, and choosing to share these truths with others.

As you cut away the fear of not being lovable, and you show yourself for who you are, you are entering into an act of love for yourself, you love yourself. It also is going to allow you to feel love from others, because you will know they love you for who you are and not who you pretend to be around them.

In response to the cutting away of these masks you’re also going to learn and grow. Learn who in your life is going to help support you, like in the 3 of Pentacles (your tribe).

You are going to resonate with certain people because you share something or a fundamental truth that is the same. And they are going to become your tribe, your teammates, and they’re going to stand and help you build that 4 of Wands. That celebration and your Castle of Dreams.

While those who rebel against your truths will teach you strength. For they might attempt to change you to keep you, but we both know that they’re attempting to keep a figment, and it’s time to let them go. Just as you might let go of a false piece of wisdom, or a culture that cannot create and honor the call for equality and freedom.

So, this month the Emperor says that the rules are, “be who you are.” Don’t shove it in people’s faces, don’t force them to understand or know, just be who you are for your own sake.

Those who stick by your side and love you, love them. And together, as a tribe, you will support each other and become a community that is built on love, compassion, and equality.

5:The Hierophant- My Path

We have another four, with the 4 of Cups. In this instance the pause from the four’s energy brings with it dissatisfaction. In the story arc of the Suit of Cups, we reach a moment where we realize that the foundation we have created is no-longer in keeping with what

resonates with us.

One of the hardest things about changing our life is when we’ve put in energy, invested money or time, and then decide to walk away. Because we’ve put in that energy and time and felt like we got nothing out of it.

In truth, you learned more about what resonates with you and who you are. And you are now presented with a learning opportunity to demonstrate self-love. Rather than sticking to a relationship, a job, a community or culture, just because you invested energy you choose instead to change, so that you can live a life of happiness.

We see here with the 4 of Cups that the Fool is taking a look at those three cups that he’s already built and put together and is really unhappy. We see this with the cross legs and the crossed arms. We also see this hand coming in, somewhat like the Ace of Cups offering this other cup.

There is a saying that, “When one door closes, another one opens,” and very similar to that, when you’re dissatisfied with an area of your life there are other opportunities. You can change and choose a different approach or experience.

So, whether it is a cultural understanding of life, or if it is a relationship, job, community, friendship, or family member- set aside the amount of time, energy or money that you’ve put in and think….

“Does this bring me joy?”

And if the answer is “no.” Take a moment to consider, does something need to change, or is this thing, no-longer relevant to my life today? Then thank whatever “it” is for the blessings, the happy memories, the lessons it taught and how it has shaped you in this moment.

Then let it go, for as you let it go, you open up the space inside of yourself for new experiences, new connections, and a new state of reality.

6:The Lovers- My Expression

Look at that 8 of Cups, depicting walking away. We see the moon, that ambiguity, guiding the traveler who carries less than before. Indicating a release of material things, of those wounds, those pains.

While often think of the material things we release when we walk

away and transform, we also carry wounds and emotions. And unless we address them, they are still fresh. They influence our present moment and if you’re carrying around unexpressed or un-honored anger, fear, resentment, or pain, they’re going to influence your present moment and not for the better.

But if you take a moment to honor how you’re feeling, and then let it go. Those emotions are returned to the moment in which they were experienced, returned to the past where they will no-longer influence your present or future. This opens you up to experiencing new things.

Where are you in your life? Are you undergoing a transition? Do the things that used to bring you joy still relevant?

The 8 of Cups indicates where your emotional state is at this time, and we very much see this transformation in our lives. We are shifting and transform in light of the experiences we have had in recent years.

These experiences which have left us re-evaluating what we hold dear and important and what no-longer carries weight with us. As a result, we are walking away from the old and irrelevant and for many, traveling into a new unknown in search of connection.

The 8 of Cups is also a part of the Suit of Cups, which is a suit of emotions. Indicating that how you’re feeling is changing, and you are going in a new direction. As you enter this new version of yourself.

7:The Chariot- Where am I heading? The Outcome

This post first appeared on Rae Medicine Woman, please read the originial post: here

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October 2021 Tarot Spread


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