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September 2021 Tarot Spread

Hello, good morning, and welcome to a new month. As you know, at the start of every month I sit down and I do a tarot Spread for us. This month, I felt drawn to do a tarot spread, to help us reconnect with the spiritual element in our lives.

A few days ago, I was speaking with a friend, and he shared with me that he felt very lost at this time. For most of us, we like to know where we’re headed, what’s going on, and we like to plan accordingly.

However, there are times in our lives when our ignorance or the shifting tides within the world can leave us in a place where we don’t know where we’re headed. Unclear with what’s going on, this unknown element to the path before us is often symbolized with the Moon card from the Major Arcana.

When we take a moment to gaze at this card we can see a crustacean emerging from the water to travel on this path before us. He represents old feelings and ancient instincts, which symbolizes things that we need to address before moving forward, as well as those old instincts, or ancient

skills or intuition.

The pillars that we see before us stand wide, separated by this path. Here they symbolize a warning not to be rigid as we travel forward. This rigidity or structure that we are so accustomed to will not aid us at this time.

The Moon that we see is actually a combination of the full moon, half-moon and the sun. Representing that the moon fully illuminates our path before us. Ten little drops of gold connect the Earth with the Moon and relates to the Hebrew letter J, indicating the transition between heaven and earth. The wandering, of the souls.

While the dog, represents the tamed and the wolf represents the wild. Since both are present, they represent elements of ourselves that are available to us as we begin this journey. So we may combine and utilize the wisdom and practicality that time has taught humanity (dog) and also connect with our intuition and what our gut is telling us (wolf).

When we take a moment to ponder this card, we can see that when what we have known, is no longer true or healthy for us and when we are unclear about the path before us, we may lack the structure that we once had. But when we see the fullness of the moon how brightly it shines and the little flecks of gold connecting us to heaven, we learn that even in these darkest moments we do not travel alone.

When we’re lost and we can’t see or envision where we’re headed in our lives, it does not mean that our other senses have deserted us. Like the crustacean teaches us, it is time we let go of old feelings about the unknown and adopt a more holistic approach.

As for myself, it was a couple years ago when the Moon appeared in my spreads. At that time, I had started studying tarot and was unclear where I was headed with my life, what I desired, and the path before me was just as the Moon depicts, shadowed. With only the Moon’s light guiding my way, the spiritual guidance that I was receiving, and what my intuition suggested.

I remember one time, I had almost reached the end of a master spread, which totals 32 cards. I was at the last card and had made the comment to my mom that I had missed the Moon card. Then I turned over card number 32, representing the final outcome and there it was, the Moon.

I remember at this time in my life, how disconcerting it felt to lack the clarity that I had possessed throughout my childhood. As a child, I knew I had school, summer break, and school again. This structure and cycle to my life created a certainty that when we are unclear about where we’re headed, deserts us.

I also remember experiencing signs that I was not alone, that I was guided. As well as tools at my disposal to help me find my way. One tool was the tarot. I could do spreads and even if the ultimate outcome card was the Moon, the cards suggesting what actions I could take or what needed to be resolved provided recommendations that helped to facilitate a future that I could not see.

The Illumination Spread:

I have chosen this month to do the Illumination Spread. At this time when the world is shifting and our lives are transforming, knowing where we’re headed can elude us. But we don’t need to

to know where we’re headed in order to know how to live today. And through spiritual connection with Spirit and our Spirit Guides, we can receive signs and guidance. So that even if we may not know where our soul contract is taking us or what the world has in store, those who do can help us out and we can choose to listen.

I discovered this spread from Brian Cormack Carr’s Youtube Channel and his series “Tarot To The Nines” where he breaks down the deck through the use of numbers. I highly recommend checking out this engaging and in-depth look at how we can view the deck through the lens of the Universe.

My Question:

This month I am calling on Spirit, my spirit guides, and your spirit guides to help guide us as we move forward with our lives.

Shadow Card:

We start first with our shadow card. Here we see the 5 of Cups, symbolizing a transition within our life. In this case a transition that we may not have looked forward to.

For whenever we reach a moment in our life’s journey, when what we have known no longer

satisfies us, is no longer healthy, or no longer relevant we experience grief. Because for a time those things and those people, were near and dear to us.

The 5 of Cups represents a loss and the unknown element that we experience before we move forward, and this ambiguity is represented by the black cloak our Fool wears. But there is always hope and we see this hope and potential in the two cups that stand behind our Fool.

The human race is experiencing transitions, going from what we have known (the stability) to a new unknown. Due to the pandemic, civil rights movements, the energy shift that we are experiencing, as well personal development and growth in our own lives. At this time, we are experiencing a release so that we may move on to new and brighter things.

1: What does the Hermit Illuminate?

For each of the four aspects of this particular tarot spread, each position has two cards, providing greater depth and clarity behind the meaning for each position.

With the Page of Swords and the Queen of Wands, we have two court cards from two different suits. One page and the other a queen. Within the court card story arc, the page proceeds the queen and we see this here. But within the Minor Arcana story arc, the Wands proceed the Swords, which in this case it’s reversed.

When we consider the influence of the Hermit, we see him pondering, looking inward while also guiding others with his light. In this particular spread, the Hermit represents the intuition or the internal reflection that we possess that will help guide us as we move forward.

With the Page of Swords, we see a warning to not act rashly or hastily. As well as a recommendation to avoid the gossip and potential harm that harsh words, lies, and deceit can cause.

We also see here the Fool on his own in a tumultuous

environment, as seen with the wind brushing the trees in the foreground, and that his sword is raised up. He’s ready for action. As a result, I would also read this card in this position as acting rashly or defensively when we don’t possess the answers to life, who we are, or where we are going.

It can be common to feel like we have somehow failed because we don’t possess the answers to these questions, or we can feel defensive and act in such a manner. In either case this emotional response and perception of events is not necessary. I would encourage you to honor how you are feeling, honor where you are in your life, and display self-compassion.

With the Queen of Wands, she represents the focus on self here. The Wands represent a “me” suit as do the Swords. While the Cups and Pentacles represent a “we” suit, indicating an overarching energy or influence in perception. Some people will look to help others and give before they

think of their own needs, and desires, whereas the suit of Wands and Swords indicate a more self-centered perspective.

While self-centered can be a derogatory descriptive phrase, in truth, it is important that we care for ourselves. This self-love not only aids us in our own life’s journey but improves the quality of life for the world as a whole.

With the Queen of Wands, we see a representation of knowing what you want, knowing how to go about getting it, and going out and getting it. In this instance, I read the Queen of Wands as an encouragement to ponder what it is you want, not what you are supposed to want or have been pursuing.

One of the hardest things can be changing course after we’ve invested time, energy, and potentially money into a path that is no-longer what is best for us. We can feel that we have failed. When in truth if we continue on a path that we know is no-longer healthy or relevant to who we are or what we desire, we have caused more harm than if we walk away.

I also read this as taking the time to look inward, there’s that Hermit, and consider your life. Not following the orders or expectations of a loved one or what society has to say, with regards to what to do in our lives based on our gender, our age, or ethnicities.

At this time, even if you’re unclear where you are headed moving forward, you can create a different structure for your life based on emotions and desires. As well as a foundation of need.

We need food, water, clothes, safety, shelter. We can desire love, happiness, success, contentment, serenity, excitement, and adventure.

Utilize these broad ideas and desired experiences to help guide you as you move forward. Even if you’re unclear where you’re headed, on a day-to-day basis when you make decisions, try new things, or leave old things, having that sense of what you’re looking for guide you.

Lastly the Page of Swords can also be cutting out the BS, so cut away what is no-longer relevant to your life, healthy for you, or of interest. When you do that you create a space in your life for the new joys to enter.

2: What does the Moon Illuminate?

As we’ve discussed, while the Moon can represent ambiguity, there is still light that shines and guides our way. Even if it doesn’t illuminate the entire landscape of our situation or our lives, we are still guided.

The 8 of Pentacles and the Hanged Man provide us two layers of insight. With the 8 of Pentacles we have that eight energy which is hard work, consistency, and the message that we will not be successful without investing the effort required.

If we look at our Fool, we see that he has made the same pentacle disk repeatedly. While we see his finished products here, how many did he need to make beforehand in order to learn his craft and learn how to structure the pentacle in a balanced manner?
Here, we see the repetitive motion that hard work requires. By remaining where we are, we merely remain under the light of the moon. But if we emerge from the water and continue on the path as seen, allowing our intuition to guide us, then through the repetitiveness of one foot in front of the other it will guide us past the pillars and into the sunlight.

Our Hanged Man offers additional insight and represents a crossroads. We are on a journey, as a result, we experience many paths, many adventures, and experiences. At this time, we have entered into a crossroads where we get to decide which path we take.

While it can be easy to continue as we have been and not put the energy or consideration in to reevaluate. However, this continuation on the same path isn’t always the healthiest or wisest choice. Sometimes a deviation, however scary, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar leads us to the greatest results.

The Hanged Man also represents acceptance and when paired with the 8 of Pentacles I read this as accepting where you are on your life’s journey. If you attempt to exist in the future, where you know who you are and have your dream life, you miss the blessings of today. For today is where life is happening, which is why the present moment is such a gift.

Looking back during my own time of ambiguity, there were instances where my spirit guides made themselves known. One was when a small bear cub ran across the road in the middle of the day as I was driving home.

The small bear cub had jumped out from the nearby forest and scampered across the road. I saw no mother or father bear. Since there had been no cars coming in the opposite direction nor any cars behind me, it allowed me the time to stop, let the bear cross, and watch it as it disappeared into the underbrush.

I then immediately drove home as quickly, but safely, as I could, and looked up bears in Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak (this link will take you to, which I am an affiliate of). What I discovered was that a bear cub will stay with his mother for two years before embarking on its own.

What ended up being true for me is that it was two years of ambiguity before I got an idea to write a book and discovered the first visible step on my path towards my career. Of course, there had many steps beforehand, but they had not been ones that I had consciously seen.

The bear cub crossed my path about one year after having lost my way and it would be another year before a lot of things fell into place. Had I been lost in the future, within my own mind, I wouldn’t have been aware of my surroundings. The trees that I was looking at, the music I was listening to, and that bear cub.

I would have missed my message, by choosing not to listen, because chances are that the bear cub wouldn’t have crossed my path, or I wouldn’t have been prepared to stop (he was super speedy).

There are a number of instances during that two-year time period where my spirit guides let me know that they were there supporting me. Through the Hangman, we learn acceptance. Accept where you are on your life’s journey, and see what you can experience during this time.

Because you will not get this time back, you will not be able to in retrospect, try out those new hobbies that you wanted to try. Nor read that book that you had felt like reading. So, what are you interested in trying or experiencing?

3: Where will I find my light?

Given the context of our reading, I’m reading this position as how we will be able to see our spirit guides and Spirit conversing with us.

The 10 of Pentacles and the 2 of Wands took me a moment to ascertain the meaning behind these two cards due to their pairing. But when I sat with these cards for a moment, I saw the family within the 10 of pentacles and the globe within the 2 of Wands. In this instance, I read this as a perception change, as well as meditation.

Within the 10 of pentacles we see the 10 Pentacles, arranged within the Qabalah’s Tree of Life. This indicates the different elements that make up life.

When we lose the structure and certainty that we achieve through sight, clarity, and even

society there still exists the spiritual structure of our soul contract, Spirit, and our spirit guides. Which possess the ability to know where we’re headed and guide us with this additional insight.

We also see within the 10 of Pentacles the family. In this instance, I read this as viewing our spirit guides and the spiritual world as a part of our family and treating them as such. Talking with them, connecting, and expressing love and gratitude.

The 2 of Wands displays our Fool contemplating a globe within his hand and this represents contemplation or meditation. That we can connect with our own intuition as well as our spirit guides through guided meditation. Taking the time, just as the Fool is, to consider

the world around us, the grand picture, our interconnectedness as representative by the globe, and what it is we desire.

I recently read that when we connect with our true and most authentic self and follow our intuition, this connection in essence is connecting us not only with our higher self but with the truest form of ourselves. With this clarity, we open the connections we have to the Universe because we have removed the masks or facades.

When reading two cards within a single position, I like to view them as one card. Then it is a simple as reading a single card. What draws your eyes? What elements make themselves known to you and how do they weave together, conflict, or create a story in answer to your question?

In this case by sitting to ponder the 10 of Pentacles and the 2 of Wands I was drawn to the small and big picture elements to life. Seen through the family within the 10 of Pentacles, the globe within the 2 of Wands, and the message of life’s layers in the Qabalah’s formation. This message helps to remind me that even when one area of our life becomes unknown or vague, that there are other elements that we can utilize to continue navigating our life, albeit slightly differently.

4: What will I learn?

Life is a journey and it does not matter where we are, we are both teacher and student. So even though you might be unclear as to the future, by remaining in the present moment, you can invest your time in learning the lessons relevant to you today.

In this case, the 5 of Pentacles can be seen with apprehension. Since it is arguably the most depressing card of the deck. Indicating depression, anxiety, and if we look at this card, we can see the agony. But we also see a window with these Pentacles following underneath the 10 of

Pentacles, connecting us to the light and hope.

Given the position of this card, I would say that the meaning of our 5 of Pentacles is learning how to ask for help. This could be a family member, someone in your community, also our spirit guides and Spirit. There are times when the answers we seek with regards to our future, relationships, or own healing are beyond our realm of knowledge.

But when we consider things from the perspective of having a loving and supportive creator, we learn that simple truths like, not knowing, are not a consequence. Instead they are merely an element to human life. Therefore, we get to decide how we experience the situation.

When we look at things from the perspective of Spirit, a creator who loves us unconditionally. When we look from the perspective of love, we can discover self-forgiveness, compassion, courage, and confidence. A Heart-Centered lifestyle.

We then see Strength visually emulating this choice and power we have to decide which is in charge, our ego, pride, and fear or our love, compassion, and faith.

The control or discipline Strength teaches us, shows that we don’t

This post first appeared on Rae Medicine Woman, please read the originial post: here

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September 2021 Tarot Spread


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