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The Trick to Always Looking Sexy for Your Guy

The Trick To Always Looking Sexy For Your Guy

Women from time immemorial wanted to look so that they could catch enthusiastic glances from the opposite sex. They wanted admiration, as well as the desire of a man to take possession of them. To achieve this, many ways were invented to appear even sexier and more beautiful, in order to capture the attention of the desired circle of the strongest half. However, not everyone succeeds, why?

Causes of Antisexual Appearance

  1. A lot of things to do, no time for yourself. Wrapped up in household chores and work, you forget to devote time to yourself, take care of yourself, choose beautiful clothes and flirt with your guy.
  2. There is no sense of proportion and taste in the chosen style of clothing, so that it doesn’t look vulgar, but attractive and sexy, without dropping your modesty and dignity.
  3. There is no time for your figure or just no motivation for exercise and sports. Almost all average men are more pleasant to look at a toned female figure, rather than on accumulation of fat deposits and cellulite.
  4. Ignoring the simple flirting techniques. Men love unexpected and fleeting glances, conversations and flirting, so don’t leave this point without attention.

Creating a Sexy Appearance

It’s not necessary to think that sexuality is an innate quality; it’s quite possible to achieve it. There are proven ways to help you look sexier to your partner. With these tips, you’ll be able to increase the level of your sexual attractiveness.

Learn to wear make-up

Men like a woman to wear a little makeup. They consider it sexy when you emphasize the natural beauty of your eyes or focus on plump lips. But here’s the secret: everything should look natural.

  • Use a shimmering powder or lotion to make your body shine.
  • Men aren’t fans of brightly painted eyes, for example, green or blue shadows. It’s better to give preference to makeup called “smoky eyes”. Use gray, silver, gold, brown, or black tones to recreate this image. Apply powder under your eyes and over your eyelids. In this case, the lipstick should be neutral tones.
  • Don’t overdo it with lip or eye liner. You can try Angelina Jolie’s look: liquid eyeliner lightly applied to the upper eyelid, peach-colored or brown eye shadow, and some black mascara.

Take care of your personal hygiene

  • Do bikini waxing. Try something new “down there” to surprise him. Regular waxing may be a little painful, but it will give you more confidence.
  • Get a manicure. Chewed fingernails are not sexy.
  • Shave your legs and armpits. It’s an obvious, but extremely important thing.
  • Make beautiful eyebrows. Just go to any beauty salon, and, most likely, you’ll get your eyebrows drawn up there at a relatively low price. You will be amazed how quickly well-groomed eyebrows will improve your appearance.

Use colors to attract the guy

Everything that you wear – the color of nail polish or clothing – causes different sensations in a man, depending on the chosen color.

  • Think about red color. So you’ll look hotter in his eyes. Research has shown that women who wear red are more attractive to men.
  • It’s best not to wear more than two colors at the same time. If you’re dressed in black, make a color accent on a bright necklace or shoes. Even one piece of jewelry can make you sexy.
  • Black color is also associated with a sexual appeal. So a man is more likely to find you refined and elegant.
  • Other colors, such as blue or brown, are no longer so strongly associated with the concept of “sexuality”. They are more indicative of reliability and stability.

Try to look good when he wakes up

  • Don’t go to bed with makeup on your face. A fresh face in the morning looks better than smeared mascara and lipstick.
  • Wake up before your guy and go to the bathroom. Clean your teeth, brush your hair quickly, and apply a little blush or face powder.

Wear something beautiful in bed

Of course, you don’t need to pull yourself into a corset or put on a stocking belt, but you also shouldn’t sleep next to a guy in sloppy pajamas or stretched sweatpants.

  • A guy will always find it sexy if you’re wearing only a T-shirt or tank top.
  • Wear something with shoulder-straps or made of silk. You’ll never go wrong in this. From time to time, surprise him with chic and sexy underwear.
  • Give preference to a light cotton T-shirt or T-shirt paired with pajama pants. He’ll probably find it sexy.

Pay attention to your feet

Some people ignore their feet, which can be a big mistake. Old, shabby and ugly shoes can spoil your beautiful outfit.

  • High-heeled shoes will always make a man think, “Oh, this is sexy”. But, of course, you don’t need to wear heels all the time.
  • Get a pedicure. Shining and well-groomed red nails will add sexiness, even if you are wearing usual flip-flops.
  • Soften the skin. Use a special cream to soften rough spots on your feet.

Choose the right perfume

It’s better to choose something light. For example, vanilla or a faint musky aroma. You don’t want to smell like your grandmother. You need to apply a little perfume, and you should have your own special fragrance.

  • Over time, your man will get used to your smell, so mix flavors periodically and surprise him with something new.
  • Apply a lotion with a light fragrance, such as lily or vanilla, which has been found to arouse desire.
  • Spray the perfume in the air and walk through it with your back. This way, when a man hugs you, you will smell nice to him, because his head will be next to your back.
  • Most importantly, don’t overdo it with perfume. Men hate it. No one wants to spend time with a walking perfume shop.


Be feminine

If you’ll bet on your femininity, a man will feel more masculine and want to protect you.

  • Wear skirts and dresses more often than trousers. This way you’ll look more feminine.
  • If you wear jeans, don’t choose too straight styles or models with holes.

Smile more

It’s not enough just to put on lip gloss. Show your joy in life. Nothing catches a man like a beautiful smile.

  • Don’t force a smile, it should be natural.
  • Get your teeth whitened at the dentist or buy special strips at the pharmacy. There is nothing more repulsive than a mouth full of yellow teeth in spots.

Tease him

Tell him that you bought a new bra in an unusual color and ask him to guess which one. Hint that you have prepared a pleasant surprise for him for the evening. Be seductive and tease him in a playful and mysterious manner.

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The Trick to Always Looking Sexy for Your Guy
