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Yoga with Adriene

Yoga With Adriene

I’ve been meaning to write about Yoga with Adriene. Her motto is ‘find what feels good.’ She is one of my favourite yoga instructors on YouTube and is also probably the most well-known yoga instructor on YouTube with close to 3 million subscribers. She has a channel with hundreds of videos. She mentions in at least one of her videos that she had an injury in the past. I can’t remember exactly what it was….maybe a cracked tailbone…something serious and well that to me is inspiring and a good reminder that yoga heals. I personally have experienced the healing benefits of yoga and that is why I would encourage anyone and everyone to try yoga. Her example also reminds us too that we can overcome some of the most difficult situations.

Yoga with Adriene Pros and Cons

Something I always look for in an online instructor is how detailed they are with their instruction AND the timing of the instructions. If the timing is off it feels uncomfortable, you can injure yourself, and/or feel confused or rushed. That doesn’t happen with her practices, Adriene gets the timing and cues right. She also has a sense of humour and doesn’t say ‘yummy’ at all. I think things are yummy but yoga isn’t one of them, so that is one thing I dislike immensely when teachers use the word yummy.

The practices that I’ve followed thus far, in general, are not very challenging in an athletic way. Now it might just be that I haven’t found those videos yet or they are the ones available with a paid subscription. That doesn’t mean that I don’t struggle sometimes. It also doesn’t mean that I don’t sweat either. For me one day I can follow a practice by an instructor and it is refreshing and I feel strong and other days the exact same practice is more difficult. Sometimes my balance is off or I feel weaker on one side of my body or simply weaker overall. So that’s not what I am referring to when I say they aren’t very challenging because yoga can be challenging on any given day.

It seems like the reason why I don’t find these challenging in an athletic way is that most of the poses in her practices are ones that I am at ease with. I used to fence and learned from some world-class fencing masters, even though I wasn’t a great fencer – my lunges are amazing. Yes, amazeballs! There I said it. Maybe for someone else that isn’t their strength and they would find her videos more challenging. There isn’t a lot of warrior 3, standing splits, dolphin pose or inversions – at least not in the practices that I’ve tried thus far. That is just my experience. Everyone is different. So don’t let my experience deter you. It doesn’t deter me. When I choose to follow any of her practices, they are just what I need when I do them. They are easy to follow and overall get the job done. Plus, she also has a giant fur beast named Benji who joins her periodically and dogs are beings of love. My 2 fur beasts, Kiki and Nerica join me on the mat sometimes too. Although the only yoga pose they do is a downward dog.

I haven’t purchased a subscription to her classes yet. Although I will buy a paid subscription (when funding allows) in the future to ultimately dig deeper and report back on her paid offerings…honestly the only real drawback to her channel is that there are so many videos it is hard to sort through them all.

2 Things

In the meantime there are 2 things that I want to share here about Yoga with Adriene, one is time sensitive, an upcoming 30-day yoga series and the second item which I will actually include first are my 2 favourite practices that I’ve done multiple times myself and personally I prefer longer practices, that is a holdover from my younger years – back in the 80s taking dance classes at the Clark Center with Lenore Latimer where classes were 1.5 hours long, 1/2 hour at the barre and 1/2 hour of stretching before a 1/2 hour of modern dance and we used to wear leg warmers too!

My Favourite Yoga with Adriene Practices

Compassion Yoga – Core Strength Vinyasa – Yoga With Adriene

Compassion Yoga – Core Strength Vinyasa – Yoga With Adriene

A mindful yoga flow that targets core conditioning and love of self. Move from a place of connect and tone & build muscle with mindfulness. This one is sure to welcome results in both mind and body. Balance is your natural state. Explore your body, your breath and be present for yourself.

Her description reads as follows:

A mindful yoga flow that targets core conditioning and love of self. Move from a place of connect and tone & build muscle with mindfulness. This one is sure to welcome results in both mind and body. Balance is your natural state. Explore your body, your breath and be present for yourself.

Yoga For Weight Loss | Strengthen and Lengthen

Yoga For Weight Loss | Strengthen and Lengthen

40 min Yoga For Weight Loss series continues with this Strengthen and Lengthen sequence! Learn proper alignment and how to infuse mindful energy and awareness into you practice. Adriene offers modifications as well as inspiration to detail the practice to suit your needs and desires! Breathe deep and enjoy your at home yoga practice.

Her description reads as follows:

40 min Yoga For Weight Loss series continues with this Strengthen and Lengthen sequence! Learn proper alignment and how to infuse mindful energy and awareness into your practice. Adriene offers modifications as well as inspiration to detail the practice to suit your needs and desires! Breathe deep and enjoy the at home yoga practice. This is a full body experience, work it out!

Adriene’s free TRUE 30 Day Yoga Journey

Kick off the New Year with 30 Days of Yoga With Adriene!

There is a 30-days of yoga ‘journey’ challenge coming to her YouTube channel this January and if you sign-up you will receive emails to keep you on track and a calendar you can print to track your progress. I will be participating in the challenge even though I will be travelling throughout the month.

Sign-up at the link below to receive the downloadable TRUE calendar and a daily email to guide you on your 30-Day journey. By the way, my review of Adriene’s channel and posting this challenge are because I want to share this information, this is NOT an affiliate link or any such thing. Adriene has no idea who I am. I’m simply a student who loves yoga and think everyone should give it a try.

I’m in! TRUE: 30 Day Yoga Journey

TRUE – 30 Day Yoga Journey is a free series of videos designed to uncover, reveal and restore.

If you want to learn more about Adriene or want to follow her on the various social media networks, here are some of her links –

Instagram: @adrienelouise
For more Yoga With Adriene visit
Find What Feels Good membership site at

If you have practised with her on her channel or are going to participate in the 30-day challenge comment below and let me know. If you liked this post and you want to see more like it, comment below and share with your friends and family on the various social media networks.

The post Yoga with Adriene appeared first on Conscious Life Space.

This post first appeared on Conscious Life Space, please read the originial post: here

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Yoga with Adriene
