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Best deals to shop today: MacBook Air M1, Dyson and more

Best Deals To Shop Today: MacBook Air M1, Dyson And More

Looking for more holiday deals? Visit our Guide to Cyber Week to see all the best sales to shop before — and during — Black Friday.

Keeping track of all the incredible Black Friday deals popping up every day this week is a full-time job in and of itself — in fact, it’s our full-time job! While you focus on Thanksgiving prep, the Underscored team will be keeping track of all the deals you need to know about on the web, and here, we’ll be calling out our 10 favorites for each day of Cyber Week.

This post will be your guide to the best of the best, the most impressive savings on the most coveted items. And be sure to check back, as we’ll be updating our list often with our top picks.

Not only are the Elite Active 75t some of the best wireless earbuds we’ve tested, those looking for a worthy pair of AirPods replacements would have no regrets with these — especially now that they’re at an all-time low price for Black Friday. The Jabras are secure, comfortable and durable enough for high-intensity training and have enough battery life to get you through a long day at the gym.

Some of our — and really, everyone’s — favorite true wireless earbuds are down to a new all-time low price. Right now you can score your very own pair of AirPods Pro — complete with wireless charging case, active noise cancellation, Transparency mode, Adaptive EQ and all the other features you know and love — for just $159 at Walmart (the deal is available to Walmart+ members only until 7 p.m. ET, after which it’s open to all customers). Just be sure to shop before they sell out.

As Ring’s entry-level doorbell, you might not be expecting a ton — but for the discounted price of $41.99 the Video Doorbell Wired gets a lot done. Its HD camera provides a clear view, and it integrates fully into the Ring ecosystem.

The device (which happens to be our favorite fitness tracker) boasts 10 full days of battery life and is built to track your steps, distance, sleep, hourly activity and calories burned, in addition to monitoring your heart rate. Plus, it allows you to receive call, text, calendar and smartphone app notifications right on your wrist.

A solid stand mixer will save you tons of time and energy in the kitchen in addition to, of course, taking your baking game to the next level. And when it comes to stand mixers, nothing compares to this model from KitchenAid. It’s extremely efficient, powerful and versatile — all reasons we named it the best stand mixer of the year. And for over $200 off? There’s no better time to add this timeless tool to your kitchen arsenal.

Related: See all of Target’s best Black Friday deals.

Now’s your chance to snag a Dyson at a discount. Right now Walmart is marking down a Dyson V10 Animal Vacuum Cleaner to $399.99 — a rare deal on a newer model of the stick vac. Of course, the most exciting feature here is that this vac is cord-free. Simply charge up and move about your home without restriction for up to 60 minutes of fade-free power, thanks to an instant-release trigger that engages the battery while you’re cleaning but lets it rest when you’re just moving from one room to the next.

And as with other Dysons, this model features whole-machine HEPA filtration to trap allergens and expel cleaner air, and deep cleans with a powerful motor inside the brush bar that drives nylon bristles deep into carpets to remove ground-in dirt and dander. Plus, utilize three power modes to tackle any cleanup on any floor type.

• Related: Walmart has a ton more on sale for Black Friday.

Another one of our winners when we tested the best air fryers of 2021, the Dash was our affordable pick, thanks to its simple, hassle-free air frying and cheap price tag. And now Target is offering it for even cheaper, slashing $20 off the price and bringing it down to $39.99 — the lowest price we’ve ever seen it.

• Related: All the best air fryer deals on now for Black Friday.

Spanx’s faux leather leggings are one of the international shapewear savior’s bestsellers. Not only can their seamless fit and versatility take them from your daily stretches to your cardio routine, but their chic leather look makes it easy to pair them with a turtleneck for a perfect night-out look

Don’t want or need all the bells and whistles of the Apple Watch Series 7? Then the Apple Watch SE is the way to go. It will track your sleep and workouts and monitor your heart all while letting you install apps and use it as a miniature iPhone.

• Related: See all the Apple Watch Black Friday deals here.

Yes, that’s correct. Henckels’ self-sharpening block set comes with 20 pieces for any kitchen need you might come across. Included are a boning knife, bread knife, chef’s knife, santoku knife, steak knives and more — and it’s now just $239.95.

• Related: See all of Wayfair’s top Black Friday deals.

Keep your feet toasty with these classic no-back, ultra-fluffy slippers. Right now for Black Friday you can get them for $20 off.

The Cricut Maker, a favorite among crafters, is on sale at Amazon for the ultra-low price of $229 — an all-time low price for the machine. Designed to deliver professional-level performance suitable for any skill level, the Cricut Maker is one of the most versatile tools in the crafting world. And if the original model doesn’t suit you, Amazon has plenty of other Cricut models marked down too.

You can score an entry-level M1 MacBook Air for $849.99 in any color from Amazon. And that’s a huge $149.01 off our top pick for an Apple laptop. It’s ideal for pretty much any user, with super-long battery life and fast performance in an ultra-portable design.

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Best deals to shop today: MacBook Air M1, Dyson and more


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