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Trentino Love Fest, 2,50 euro per l’Emilia Romagna


Il programma dei prossimi due giorni: VENERDI’ 28/0717:00 Apertura Cancelli17:00 – 17:15 INTRO DJ SET EDG | TRENTINO EVENTI | RADIO PARTNER17:30 – 18:45 GNE RECORDS19:00 – 19:30 MIDA19:45 – 21:00 INTERLUDE DJ SET EDG | TRENTINO EVENTI | RADIO PARTNER21:15 – 22:30 NASKA22:45 – 23:45 AVA00:00 – 00:30 TONY EFFE00:45 – 02:00 MIKAELA SABATO 29/0717:00 […]

L'articolo Trentino Love Fest, 2,50 euro per l’Emilia Romagna proviene da Secolo Trentino.

This post first appeared on Secolo Trentino, please read the originial post: here

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Trentino Love Fest, 2,50 euro per l’Emilia Romagna
