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Do You Suffer From Learned Helplessness?

Do You Suffer From Learned Helplessness?

Learned Helplessness:

Have you ever seen a circus elephant tied to a tint peg or a horse held back by a tiny wire fence? These are great examples of learned helplessness. At one point in time when those animals were young, they could not break free from their constraints. Now that they are older and stronger, they could break free anytime they choose. Unfortunately, they have been held back for so long they won’t try anymore. Are you suffering from learned helplessness?

You are more capable than you realize!

Are you living your life just reacting to what comes at you or are you in charge and living your life on purpose? Did you realize you can design your life? Are you barely surviving or are you thriving?

It’s time to stand up and live proactively. Stop waiting for the next hit from life. Stand up and hit back. Step out and make a choice to live proactively.

It’s time to get up off of that pity party and remember who you are. You have seeds of greatness in you if you throw off the helpless mindset.

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This post first appeared on Synova Ink, please read the originial post: here

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Do You Suffer From Learned Helplessness?
