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World Rugby investigate alleged racist slur by South Africa’s Mbonambi | South Africa rugby team


World Rugby has launched an investigation into allegations that England’s Tom Curry was called a “white cunt” by South Africa’s Bongi Mbonambi during last weekend’s World Cup semi-final following an official complaint by the Rugby Football Union. The global governing body confirmed that it was “formally reviewing the allegation” which could be heard on the referee Ben O’Keeffe’s microphone during the Springboks’ one-point victory. It is understood that the RFU took the decision to formally lodge a complaint on Sunday and “requested [World Rugby] investigate”. Curry can clearly be heard on a recording via O’Keeffe’s microphone in conversation with the official in the 24th minute of the match. He said: “Sir, sir, if their hooker calls me a white cunt what do I do?” The New Zealander responded by saying: “Nothing please.” He goes on to add, after a short pause: “I’ll be on it,” though it is unclear if he is referring to the specific incident. “World Rugby takes all allegations of discriminatory behaviour extremely seriously,” read a statement. “We can confirm that we …

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World Rugby investigate alleged racist slur by South Africa’s Mbonambi | South Africa rugby team
