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Counter-terrorism police investigate death of man in Hartlepool | UK news


Counter-terrorism police are leading an investigation into the suspected murder of a 70-year-old man who was killed in Hartlepool in the early hours of Sunday. Police named the victim as Terrence Carney of Hartlepool and said early inquiries suggest he was a passerby, not known to his killer, and had been recently using a nearby cash machine. The suspected murder took place after an earlier incident involving another man which is being treated as suspected attempted murder. No terrorism incident was declared and it is understood that none is likely to be. Police said inquiries were continuing into a possible motive for the attacks and investigators were keeping an open mind. A counter-terrorism spokesperson said officers from the Cleveland force were called to a terrace house in Hartlepool at 5.17am on Sunday. On arrival, police found a man with injuries that were not life-threatening. He was taken to hospital, where he remains. A second man, now known to be Terrence Carney, was found about half a mile away. Police said he died at the scene …

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Counter-terrorism police investigate death of man in Hartlepool | UK news
