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Wikitrader Scam Review. Automated Success Or Road To Ruin?

Wikitrader Scam Review. Automated Success Or Road To Ruin?

Writing a scam review for Wikitrader binary options software is a perfect example of why scam investigators are kept pretty busy. It takes time, patience and a keen eye to figure out if a company is legit or not and this Wikitrader scam review is no exception. Sure, at first glance everything looks above board—a lot of these investment schemes do.

But it takes more than a sexy blond in a glossy video to convince this scam investigator of a trader’s credibility. Every available fact is checked and double checked. The company’s past history is scrutinized. Inside sources—people who actually know a heck of a lot about the binary options industry—are brought in for impartial advice and personal opinions. Only then can a reliable verdict be verified. And that entire process was brought to bear on this Wikitrader scam review. Read on to discover what we found out.

Wikitrader scam review fact: Binary options are a gold mine for scams

Let’s face it, the binary options trading industry is an attractive market for anyone looking to make a profit. Which is probably why it attracts more than its fair share of criminals and crooks. And for that reason alone it is wise for any trader to be on their guard if they are considering investing in the market. But in this Wikitrader scam review, we are not about to let our emotions and suspicions get the better of us. Nope, we deal in facts here. And we give everyone a fair chance.

To begin with we look around to see what other binary options operatives are saying about Wikitrader. The results are a mixed bag of opinions, from downright scam to totally legit trader. In fact the opinions were so divided we decided not to include them in our Wikitrader scam review—instead we chose to give them the benefit of the doubt on that score and to conduct our investigation with an open mind. So far so good, right?

Wikitrader scam review says: It’s all about the algorithms

Any Wikitrader scam review wouldn’t be complete with taking a look under the hood of the software. Of course, binary options traders will be familiar with the way most trading software works—it scans the market segments and carries out trades based on the behaviour of other traders. This is nothing new, but in the course of our Wikitrader scam review, we felt a little uncomfortable at the company’s claims that its software is the only one around which uses artificial intelligence to accomplish profitable returns for it members.

But between you and me—don’t they all do that? I mean we are talking software programs here, right? And aren’t they all AI-based? That was the first red flag to show up in this Wikitrader scam review. False or embellished claims about how your software functions should not be part of a company’s marketing strategy. Not if you are legit.

Wikitrader scam review asks: Wherefore art thou, automated traders?


The second detail that rang an alarm bell during the course of our Wikitrader scam review was the very fact that the company proclaims itself to be the leading operator of automated trading on the Internet. Sounds good. But when we consider that in the binary trading niche’, auto trading has all but disappeared over the past few years, how come the sexy blond in the video is so convinced that her system works?

I think it’s safe to say that options traders are a lot smarter than they used to be. A lot of reputable trading sites offer training and education in how the binary options markets work. And this is a good thing. Gone are the days when a trader invested his deposit, clicked on the auto button and just sat back and waited to see what happened. That doesn’t happen much these days. So we have to conclude that there must be a genuine reason why automated trading has gone out of style. Apparently, no one bothered to tell this company they are peddling outdated goods. Our Wikitrader scam review just sent up its second red flag.

Wikitrader scam review shouts-Overblown claims, the reddest flag of them all!


Time and time again, dubious traders shoot themselves in the foot with outrageous claims about how much their members can see in their return profits. I have seen promises of one million dollars per month—needless to say, the company that made that absolutely false claim did not last long. During our Wikitrader scam review, however, we found them to be relatively modest in comparison.  $8600 per month says the sexy blond in the video.

It’s a stretch, I know. It may not be a million, but that is still a heck of a lot of money. I’ll say without bias that the day we find a crooked trader who doesn’t make fantastic promises about too good to be true returns on investment, that is the day the job of a scam investigator becomes a lot harder. So up to that point we were inclined to give the blond (and the obviously extensive team behind her) the benefit of the doubt. Until she blew it.

One thing we absolutely cannot leave out of our Wikitrader scam review is the same thing we would have to include in any other review. Any company that gives its potential customers a guarantee they can never lose is just asking to be red-flagged. And if you are versed in how the binary markets work, then you will know that there never can be a guarantee. Never ever. That’s just not the way money goes around. At least, not on this planet.

Wikitrader scam review: Conclusion

While this Wikitrader scam review found no clear evidence the company is a fake, the number of red flags that cropped up during our investigation was quite substantial. Which means we were left to trust the one true weapon all scam investigators have developed over their years of investigating criminals and their crooked schemes—their gut feeling. And during the course of this Wikitrader scam review, our gut felt extremely squeamish. Check out my YouTube Channel for video updates, click here for direct access.

The post Wikitrader Scam Review. Automated Success Or Road To Ruin? appeared first on Trusted Binary Reviews.

This post first appeared on 5 Reasons To Trade With Binary Options Signals, please read the originial post: here

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Wikitrader Scam Review. Automated Success Or Road To Ruin?
