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Investing for Beginners: 101 Simple Tips to Get Started in 2015

Looking for help on investing for beginners? Or maybe you’re a pro with room for improvement.

This is the most comprehensive list of investment tips in the entire world.

Before this list, you’d have to look in 50 different places to get all this information.

Not anymore.

If you’re looking for simple tips to help you get started in 2015, then you’ll love this ultimate investment guide.

Do you want any of the following?

Better Returns.

Less Stress.

More Confidence Investing.

If these sound like you, then keep reading to find the best 101 tips to help you get started investing.

Let’s go:

(While you’re here, share it with your friends: They’ll think you’re brilliant.)

Double Your Savings With Just a Few Quick Tweaks

1. Save Early & Often
Start investing now, and you’ll find out why compound interest is your best friend.

Putting off investing for retirement for just 7 years can cut your retirement income in half!

2. Pay Yourself First: Here’s the truth: It doesn’t matter how much money you make, you’ll always find a way to spend it.

Don’t give yourself that chance.

Save a little off the top.

You work hard. Don’t you deserve to keep some of your money?

3. Make Savings Automatic: I’m about to make things even easier for you.

Automate your savings.

Contribute to your 401k or setup an automatic bank draft with your IRA. If you don’t think about it, you won’t miss it.

4. Save at Least 15% of Your Income: It can be done! If you want to have a comfortable retirement, saving 15% is a great starting point.

In the next few points, we’ll discuss a few ways to meet this hefty suggestion.

5. Push Yourself Further: What is the most you think you can save? 6%? 8%?

Get a percentage in your head.

Then, add 1 or 2 to that number. If you really push yourself, you’ll realize that you’re capable of saving much more than you ever imagined.

6. Pay Yourself All Raises: Once you start pushing yourself to save harder, start adding any pay raises to your investment savings.

It won’t take too long before your pushing 15% or more.

7. Take Advantage of Employer Match: If your employer offers a match on your 401k, that’s free money!

Be sure to contribute enough to the 401k to receive the full match.

[yellowbox]Not sure if your employer offers a match on your 401k? Contact your HR Department for details.[/yellowbox]

8. Don’t Invest Everything: Let me be very clear on this: You need some savings that isn’t invested in the market.

Most experts recommend 3-6 months of living expenses in emergency savings.

This rainy day fund shouldn’t be invested.

Just put it into a savings or checking account for easy access.

The next time your car breaks down while stocks are down.. you won’t worry.

9. Sign up for dividend reinvestment: Here’s a fancy trick. Be sure to setup all accounts to automatically reinvest all dividends.

Get Rid of Stock Market Fear By Better Understanding the Market

10. Investing isn’t Gambling… If you do it right. If you’re stock picking and market timing, then it’s gambling.

But if you’re a principled, long-term investor, then it’s not gambling.

The stock market has a rich history of offering great long-term returns.

11. Why We Fear the Stock Market: We fear things that we don’t completely understand.

If we hope to get rid of our fears, we need to spend more time learning how to invest money the right way.

You’re doing that right now. Good job rookie.

12. Invest only in what you understand: If you invest in stocks, you should be able to explain how they work. Otherwise, you’re just throwing money against a wall and hoping that something will stick.

13. You don’t have to know everything… just in the important things. Investing is a complicated field.

I don’t know everything about it. Your broker doesn’t know everything (they might not know anything.)

Trying to learn everything will just result in information overload.

[yellowbox]Unsubscribe from any financial publications you receive. Most of the information won’t help you with long term investing. It’ll just cause more confusion and stress in your life.[/yellowbox]

14. No Reason to Fear the Market: Here’s an example of what investors hate:

We fear the ups and downs of the market. We fear the risk of losing money.

But here, check this out:

This one illustrates the money made over the same time period.

If you invested $1 in 1975, and stuck with Large U.S. companies for 40 years, it would have grown to $91 by 2014.

Over the long term, stocks have always gone up.

15. The market is made up of people: Most investors mistakenly think that Wall Street is responsible for determining stock market prices. Wrong.

Prices are set in a very simple (but also complex) way.

People want to sell their stocks for the highest possible price.

People want to buy stocks at the lowest possible price.

The current price of a stock is where those two desires meet.

16. Stock market reacts to news quickly: Some investors also think that they can buy/sell stock right after news hits and beat the price swing. But this is rarely possible. Everyone has access to the same information as you.

For example: Let’s say you hear some bad news about Apple, and you want to quickly sell your Apple stock before the price goes down.

In order for you to sell your stock, someone else has to buy it.

Here’s the problem: The buyer is aware of the bad news too. And they’re going to want to buy it at a discount.

Market prices react very quickly to incoming news, because investors react very quickly to incoming news.

17. You can’t predict the market: The market is made up of people. Each person has their own thoughts, emotions, and convictions. In order to properly predict the market, you would have to know:

  • Tomorrow’s news today (Deep insider information)
  • How everyone on the planet is going to react to that news.

This is why most academics believe that predicting the market is a foolish goal.

[yellowbox]Tune out anybody who thinks they can predict the stock market.[/yellowbox]

18. Today’s winners – tomorrow’s losers: The top past performers over a 5 year period tend to under perform the market in the next 5 years.

Despite this, many advisors still recommend using past performance as an indicator of future results.

19. Understanding Dividends: You make money off of stocks two different ways. 

The first way is dividends.

Dividends are a portion of the income that the company pays out to you. It’s your “cut” as an owner.

20. Understanding Growth:  The second is growth.

Growth occurs when the company chooses to reinvest income back into the company, rather than paying it directly to you.

This increases the value of the company, which increases the stock price.

21. Which is Better? I prefer growth over dividends. You’ll usually pay less in taxes this way, and it shows that the company is focused on growing.

22. Risk is great: No need to fear risk. It’s the ups and downs of the market that create such great returns.

Are You Following the Golden Rules of Investing? If Not.. You Might Be in Trouble.

23. Buy Low – Sell High: The golden rule of investing. Everybody knows it. But almost nobody is actually doing it.

Why not? Because it’s easy to see what’s low and high when looking to the past.

But it’s impossible to see what’s going to happen in the future.

So how do you apply this rule? Well start with the opposite: Make sure you’re not doing things that cause you to Buy High and Sell Low.

24. Stocks Over Bonds: Bonds are important. They protect us from stock market downturns.

But stocks are far better at making money. You should hold as much in stocks as you can stomach.

25. Don’t stock pick: The media makes it look like picking great stocks is easy.

They publish with articles like “The Best Stocks for 2015”.

But they’re usually wrong. And you will be too. Don’t gamble in the stock market.

26. Don’t market time: Market timing is basically stock picking, but with the entire market (or areas of the market). You can’t predict the future. Give it up.

27. Don’t mistake luck for skill: Some people make money off stock picking and market timing. Some people even make money over long periods of time. But don’t be fooled. It’s still luck. Not skill.

28. Never borrow to invest: Investing on margin (fancy term for borrowing) increases risk dramatically without increasing your return. As an alternative, save like crazy, like I suggested in the saving section.

29. More return requires more risk… but more risk doesn’t necessary equal more return. Always take the least risky investment that will get you the same return.

[yellowbox]Many “sophisticated investors” engage in techniques that violate these simple rules. Stick to the basics.[/yellowbox]

Is Investor Behavior Holding You Back from Greater Returns?

30. Keep it simple: Wall Street wants you to think that investing is a super complicated process. But that’s not true. You can do just as well – or even better – with a simple plan.

31. Be patient: Long-term investing isn’t about getting rich quick. Take your time and be remain patient. Remember that the tortoise wins the race.

32. Don’t follow your feelings: Here’s the truth- following your feelings works great- if you’re choosing a spouse. If your choosing an investment, it’s a horrible plan.

33. Tune Out the News: The financial internet, magazines, newspapers, and TV love to play on your EMOTIONS to keep your eyes glued to their information.

But let me repeat myself: Don’t follow your feelings. Don’t follow the financial news.

Most of it is recycled garbage.

34. Past Performance: Even some of the popular “financial gurus” fall for this one. They tell you to pick mutual funds with the best track record.

Here’s my problem with this – You’re betting on yesterday’s winners.

And what’s the golden rule of investing? Buy low, sell high. Not the other way around.

35. Stay out of the Herd: Investors have a tendency to gather in herds and all follow each other to the slaughter.

When everybody is telling you to invest in something, it’s usually the absolute worst time to do so.

Herds are how prices become inflated and bubbles form.

36. Be proactive: Don’t react to every piece of news you hear. That’s what the herds do.

Instead: create an investment plan and stick to it.

37. Don’t sell losers: Let me reiterate this rule again: Buy low, sell high.

It’s a simple rule in theory, but hard as heck in practice.

Our instincts tell us: If something is performing well: buy more. If it’s performing poorly: sell it.

But our instincts are wrong.

38. Stay in the market: When it comes to love – Fools Rush In. When it comes to investing – Fools Rush Out.

Getting out the market when prices go down is the worst thing you can do, because you probably won’t get back in time for the incoming recovery.

Remember that the diversified market averages around 10% each year – and this includes the downturns.

39. Be careful who you trust: There’s a lot of talking heads out there. Listening to all the conflicting information will make your head explode.

40. Question everything: If something doesn’t match up with the basic rules of investing, don’t listen to it.

[yellowbox]Question everybody – even me! If you have a question, leave it in the comments below. I will check the comments out from time to time, and I’ll try my best to respond to all of them.[/yellowbox]

41. Avoid Daytrading: Daytrading is gambling.

You might win some and you might lose some.

Here’s a better plan: Just mail it to me. I’ll waste it for you.

42. Are funds following the rules? Always test whether or not mutual funds are following the rules. For example, if a fund holds a lot of money in cash, it’s likely trying to time the market.

43. Don’t watch returns: I used to watch my returns every day. But the up and down motion almost made me sick. We’re focused on long-term returns, not short-term.

44. Understand your risk tolerance: Risk tolerance is quite simple: How much risk can you take before your crack under the pressure. Don’t get too risky for your stomach to handle, or you’ll bail on the market altogether.

45. Check your statements – brokers aren’t perfect – errors can happen.

Avoid Taxes Legally – Like the Rich!

46. 401ks & 403bs: If you’re company offers an employer sponsored plan, use it to the max! They’ll often match some contributions, and you can contribute automatically out of your check. All good stuff.

47. IRAs and Roth IRAs: If you’re already maxing out your 401k – or your employer sucks and doesn’t offer one – then setup an IRA. Which type you’ll use depends on how you want it to effect your taxes.

  • Want the tax break now? Traditional IRA
  • Want tax free income in retirement? Roth IRA

48. College Savings – 529s and ESAs: Take advantage of college savings accounts to avoid having to pay capital gains taxes on your college savings.

49. It’s Ok to Pay Some Taxes – Some investments, such as certain bonds, will allow you to avoid paying taxes on their gains. Here’s the problem: The returns are trash. It’s ok to pay some taxes if it’s necessary to get great returns.

50. Opt for Growth over dividends in taxable accounts: Stocks that return growth instead of dividends are usually more tax efficient. You have pay taxes on dividends and interest upon receiving them.

51. Hold on to investments for at least 12 months: Investments that are held for more than 12 months qualify for long-term capital gains tax rates which are typically lower than an investor’s income tax rate.

52. Better diversification – Now we’re getting deep: Diversification can actually help with taxes. How? By holding things tend to move in different directions, it’ll help you offset gains with losses.

[yellowbox]Check out the diversification section below for more information.[/yellowbox]

Where Do You See Yourself in a Few Years? What’s your Goals?

53. Retirement Calculator: Are you saving enough for retirement? Use this retirement calculator to find out quick.

54. College Savings Calculator: Looking to save for college? Use the world’s simplest college calculator. Just enter your child’s current age and you’re done.

55. Get Out of Debt: Paying down debt is a great way to free up more income for investing. You can calculate a debt reduction pay for free using this Debt Snowball calculator.

56. Setup a Budget: Financial success isn’t just about investing. It’s also about your ability to live within your means. I use Mint for all my budgeting needs. It’s free!

57. Don’t overestimate the market – Dave Ramsey, a popular financial talk show host, is well know for telling his listeners to expect a 12% average return from the market. But you can read why Dave’s claim is misleading. You should realistically expect more around 10% if you’re well diversified.

[yellowbox]As a sidenote: I’m not hating on Dave Ramsey. He offers great advice on budgeting and debt reduction. I just think his investing advice stinks.[/yellowbox]

58. Have a written investing plan: The alternative to emotional investing (yuck!) is to create a detailed investing plan. This plan would detail your investment philosophy, your goals,  how you pick investments, and even what you plan on doing during a market downturn.

59. Follow the written plan: It’s even more important that you actually follow the investing plan. If you don’t, then it’s just wasted paper.

60. Know your expected social security benefits: Sign up to receive your social security statement online. It includes your estimated social security benefit.

61. Know your time horizon: What is time horizon? It’s simply the number of years you have left until you’re going to need the money you’re investing.

If you’re 30 and planning to retire at 65, then your time horizon is 35 years.

The longer your time horizon the more risk you can take (and more money you can make).

62. Track all your finances including investments using Mint: I already mentioned Mint in the budgeting section. But Mint also has the ability to track all your investment information.

Reduce the Risk of Losing Money By Spreading it Around with Diversification.

63. Small Stocks:
Small Cap stocks are smaller companies, many that you’re not familiar with. Investors tend to shy away from smaller companies (because they are riskier), but they’re potential for growth is much higher than large companies.

So that’s nice lip service, but what about the results? Check this out:

Let’s say you invested just $1 in the stock market back in 1972. How much would you have at the end of 2014?

If you invested in Large Cap Stocks: $67 (not too shabby)

If you invested in Small Cap Stocks: $141 (over double!!)

So when you see articles like this one, you should click them off. Anyone who claims that small cap stocks don’t belong in your portfolio is just being silly.

64. International Stocks: International Stocks haven’t fared well in recent years, which has left many to wonder if they’re necessary. But I still invest in International for better diversification.

I don’t believe that U.S. stocks are always going to be #1. These things go in cycles.

We’ve had times in history when International has completely destroyed the U.S. Market.

For example, take a look at the which was higher each year during the “lost decade” between 2000-2009.

The next time you hear that International is done, just think back to this chart.

65. Find Value Stocks: Value stocks are companies that have fallen out of favor with investors. Frankly, they’ve been performing poorly in most cases. But that’s the thing: Buy Low, Sell High (I feel like a broken record).

Investor’s tend to flock towards strong, stable companies that have performed well recently.

But you’re not going to follow the herd, are you?

66. Avoid Duplicating Stocks: Diversification isn’t just about buying a bunch of stuff.

You can own 20 mutual funds. But if they all invest in Apple, Exxon, Microsoft, and other large U.S. companies, you’re not diversified.

67. Spread out across all areas of the market: What areas of the market should you invest in? Well, all of them. Small, medium, large, and super-sized (McDonalds). You also need to invest in International. And Bonds too!

68. Look Under the Hood: Mutual Funds and ETFs are not investments. They’re “investment vehicles”.

Imagine that you have a bag and you throw a bunch groceries in the bag. The groceries are the investments. The bag is the mutual fund.

It’s important to look deep into your bag and see what kind of groceries you have in it.

Some mutual funds might be named: “Small-Cap Fund” but actually invest mostly in mid-caps.

69. The True Meaning: I touched base on this in #66, but here’s more detail:

Diversification is about buying a bunch of stocks in different areas of the market. Just because you own a bunch of stuff doesn’t mean you’re well diversified. Read even more about why diversification is important in investing.

70. Lower risk by investing in safe bonds: Here’s a common mistake investors make:

They invest in risky bonds. If you’re invested in a bond fund that has the words “High Yield” or “Long” in the name, it’s time to reconsider.

But you might be thinking: But those give me higher returns.

Yes. But they also have much higher risk.

Stocks are for returns. Bonds are for safety. It makes no sense to invest in risky bonds.

[yellowbox] The bonds that I use are high credit and short duration. They don’t make much return… but they offer the best safety of any bonds.[/yellowbox]

71. Rebalance your portfolio: Rebalancing your portfolio is essential. This article will show you exactly how to do it.

Keep More Money in Your Pocket by Reducing Fees

72. Expense Ratio: The expense ratio is the percentage of your money invested that goes to pay fund managers each year.

For example: if the expense ratio is 1.00, that means that 1% is deducted from your account regardless of whether you make or lose money.

It’s important to keep the expense ratio low, since these are guaranteed losses.

How low should you go? The average expense ratio of my funds are 0.25%

73. Trading Costs: Every time you buy or sell investments, you’ll pay a trading cost (unless you’re in a 401k). To avoid these, hold onto your investments for long periods of time.

74. Commission Free ETFs: You can also avoid trading costs by purchasing commission-free ETFs. Most brokers have a selection commission free ETFs.

75. Invest in Mutual Funds Directly from the Source: Here’s another helpful tip on saving money – Go directly to the source. Most fund families sell their investments directly to individuals with no trading costs attached.

76. Advisor Fees: Do you really need an advisor? When you’re a beginner, advisor fees can really cut into your future returns.

If you want to take full advantage of compounding returns, you need every possible dollar invested.

77. Fee Only Advisor: Here’s another possibility: A fee-only advisor.

For beginners that just need help building a well diversified portfolio, you should look for an advisor who will only charge you an hourly rate for this service.

78. Avoid Commission Based Investing: Let me ask you this:

Would you go to a car salesman for unbiased car advice?

I wouldn’t dare insult advisors by claiming that they’re all bad.

But here’s the truth: Most of them are horrible.

And how can you have confidence that an advisor is on your side when the investment company is paying them a commission to recommend their product?

It makes me shiver just thinking about it.

79. Watch 401k Fees: 401k fees usually have much higher fees due to the fact that there’s no trading costs.

You’ll want to watch the expense ratios in your 401k funds. Lower is typically better.

80. Watch IRA Fees too: Many articles recommend IRAs because they have lower costs than 401ks.

But watch out!

Not all IRAs are the same. Be on the lookout for these things:

  • Setup fees
  • Monthly maintenance fees
  • High trading costs
  • Withdrawal fees
  • Closing costs

Each of these can suck the money out of your account in a hurry.

81. Watch out for mutual funds: Here’s a special note on Mutual Funds.

Be very careful with their expense ratios.

A mutual fund’s average expense ratio is 1.20%.

That’s huge!!!

Like I said before, I aim for funds with average expenses of 0.25%. Almost 1% lower.

Pro tip: Look for low cost ETFs as a better alternative to mutual funds.

[yellowbox]Mutual Funds and ETFs also have “hidden costs” in addition to the expense ratio.[/yellowbox]

82. Consider a Discount Broker: Discount brokers often don’t offer advice. So you don’t have to pay as much.

But consider this: most advice that your advisor gives is probably garbage.

So consider firing them for a discount broker.

Investments You Should Avoid (or at Least Be Very Cautious)

83. Single Stocks or Bonds – Did you know that companies sometimes go out of business? Of course. And if you happen to own that company, you’ll lose everything.

The easiest way to diversify is to hold “stock funds”. I currently own over 8,000 different companies.

84. Penny stocks – Have you ever stopped and wondered why penny stocks are priced so low?

Could it have something to do with the fact that nobody would want to invest in them if they were priced higher?

The company likely has nothing else going for it except for a low price.

85. Gold / Silver / Oil / Commodities – Gold / Silver / Big Macs – There all products that go up and down based on supply & demand.

Gold doesn’t have the potential to make a profit without increased demand.

You’re better off in the long-term to own a gold mining company than the gold itself.

86. Sector Funds – Sectors are simply companies grouped by their purpose. Technology is a sector for example.

When you own a Technology sector fund, you own a bunch of Tech related companies.

Here’s the problem: Owning too much in one area of the market increases risk. When the tech bubble burst in 2000, some people lost as much as 80% of their money.

Why? Because they had most their money in Tech stocks.

Pro Tip: Resist the urge to invest in a sector that is “on fire”. This simply means it’ll be the one of the next areas of the market to fall hard.

87. REITs: You’ll hear advice everywhere telling you to diversify into REITs. I’m just hear to tell you – I’m not believing the hype.

Here’s a summary of why:

  1. REITs invest mostly in real estate companies. Did you see #86? Don’t invest in sector funds.
  2. Why do people recommend REITs? Usually because real estate has had great performance recently.. Have we forgotten about 2008 already?
  3. Don’t follow the herd: Everybody is telling me REITs are the big thing, so I’m waiting for the crash.

88. Buying your companies stock: As you know from #83, I don’t like single stocks. But you add even more risk when you buy your employer’s stock.

If your employer goes out of business, you’re already going to lose your income.

But if you invest in them, you also lose your savings.

You might say, “I work for a great, growing company!!” And I would respond with one word: Enron.

89. Exception: Invest in your OWN company: Here’s the only time I recommend investing in a single company: You own it. You control it.

Invest in yourself and your talents. Put together a product or service and sell it.

If it’s something you’re good at, and something you love, even better!

Your business could be a part-time job for extra cash, or a full-time replacement for your 9-5. Whatever floats your boat.

But, don’t put your eggs all in your own basket. You should still diversify outside of your company.

90. Cash Isn’t King in Investing: You worst place you can keep your cash is… well… in cash. Why? Because it makes nothing, and loses money over time (inflation).

[yellowbox]You should still keep some cash for emergencies and short term savings. But you don’t need much cash in your long-term investing portfolio.[/yellowbox]

91. Expanding Bubble “it’s a sure thing”: I mentioned in way up there in #35 that herds create bubbles. A bubble is when the price of certain areas are the market have become INFLATED due to extraordinary demand (Everybody wants it).

As an investor, you can identify bubbles forming when you hear people saying this: “(Blank) is a sure thing.” or “Everybody is making money off of (Blank).”

92. Life Insurance is NOT an investment: Life insurance is insurance. Not an investment. Sounds basic, right?

Well, I have to remind people that ALL THE TIME. Because high-commissioned salespeople get paid good money to try to convince you otherwise.

Think about this: If Life Insurance was a great investment, why would insurance companies have to pay such high commissions to sell it?

93. Annuities – Don’t every invest in anything you don’t fully understand. And annuities take the cake.

I could write an entire book on annuities, but here’s the 10 second recap of why you should avoid them:

  1. They’re expertly designed to be difficult to understand – with many hidden costs and fees.
  2. They promise things that aren’t completely true or possible (7% return with no market risk) – skimming the lines of legal and ethical boundaries.
  3. They pay some of the best commissions out there (which means they know it will take high pressure to get you to buy it).

94. Investing in Friends/Family: You might consider investing in a friend or family member. Here’s a few reasons I’d resist the urge:

  1. It’s a single company – not diversified enough.
  2. You don’t own and control it. (see #89 again)
  3. The decision to buy is usually based on emotional reasons. (due to the relationship)
  4. Additional risk with no additional return: Risk of damaging the relationship

95. Target Date Funds – What in the world could be wrong with a diversified target date fund?

Here’s the deal: They aren’t really diversified that well. Most target funds invest too much money in large companies.

Another problem is that the fund managers tend to pick funds based on past performance – once again – betting on yesterday’s winners.

I also don’t like the lack of control. They can make changes on you at any time and you might not notice – lack of transparency.

96. Lottery Tickets – Do I really need to go into this? For fun: Here’s 11 Things More Likely to Happen then Winning the Lottery.

And here’s a hint: Becoming President of the United States is on the list.

But still, most people still buy lottery tickets from time to time. I guess it offers hope of a better life.

Well, I’m about to steal your hope. If that’s your only plan, then you have no hope. Moving on…

[yellowbox]Seriously… never buy a lottery ticket.[/yellowbox]

97. Load Mutual Funds: Load mutual funds require that you pay a high up-front commission to your broker when you buy them. Usually the commission is around 5%.

So if you invest $10,000 in a fund with a 5% front-load fund, you will pay $500 of that money to your broker. I don’t ever buy front load funds. I opt for no-load instead.

98. Total Stock Market Funds (as a One Stop Shop): Total Stock Market funds are marketed as giving you the chance to diversify with just one fund.

Let’s take a look at the Vanguard Total Market ETF (VTI) as an example of why I have issues with this:

First, it invests only 9% in small companies and the rest in large/mid size companies. You have too much exposure to the large cap area of the market.

Second, while you hold almost 3,800 companies (good thing), almost 14% of your money is invested in only 10 of those 3,800 companies!! (ouch!)

Total Stock Market funds are marketed as being widely diversified, but they’re really not.

Maybe putting this in the avoid section is a little too harsh.

I have no problem with you holding a Total Stock Market Fund, just make sure it’s not the only fund you hold!

99. Savings Bonds – Horrible returns – I’d rather invest in other types of bonds.

100. Certificates of Deposit – Who on earth only wants a 1% long term return. I’ll pass.

[yellowbox]CDs are still a good location for short term savings (less than 5 years.)[/yellowbox]

101. IPOs: Initial public offerings happen when a company decides to sell additional stock directly to investors.

They can be very risky – such as Facebook’s IPO disaster – due to the fact that the original set price is more of an estimate.

Not to mention: They’re single stocks!

Investing for Beginners  – What Should You Do Next?

Whew.. that was a long list.

If you made it all the way to the end, give yourself a pat on the back.

You’re not a quitter.

Here’s what’s next:

Number 1: Comment below and let me know what you think.

I visit these pages frequently and read comments. I’ll try to respond to as many as possible.

Number 2: If you liked this guide,

sign up for my email newsletter right now .

I’ll send you even more tips to help you apply what you learned today.

Number 3: Share this with your friends.

Show them that you’re not a chump when it comes to investing.

The post Investing for Beginners: 101 Simple Tips to Get Started in 2015 appeared first on Investing That Works.

This post first appeared on What Are Your Long Term Investment Goals? - Invest, please read the originial post: here

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Investing for Beginners: 101 Simple Tips to Get Started in 2015


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