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Precious Metals News & Analysis - Gold News, Silve Blog

Tags: money tom dilorenzo mike maharrey book gold axel merk mike maharrey connor boyack mike maharrey gold gold gold gold silver mike maharrey silver bank gold gold gold mike silver market merk gold gold central bank bank gold buying silver gold gold gold silver weldon gold greg weldon precious metals gold gold money gold gold gold money defense league money bank dilorenzo gold report bank gold buying inflation gold gold inflation debt gold inflation central bank gold retail sales rate economic gold gold money market gold solar silver dollar central banks market bollinger bands gold gold bank inflation metal inflation goldsilver ratio unrealized losses gold bank gold buying bank dollars federal reserve bank sales tax gold rate gold losses debt spending inflation hedge money gold gold reserves gold council credit demand central reserve inflation central banks monetary policy chinas central bank saudi arabia debt inflation hedge trillion central bank bleeding red ink polish central bank government government billionaires wealth gold retail lockbit band mike credit cards monetary policy money supply petrodollar fiscal federal gold reserves precious metals bank central bank gold gold tons spending inflation americans silver trophy government rate fbi sacramento office agent jon stryker victim financial crisis bubbling mike core cpi money defense league federal debt asset classes gold amp silver money metals insider formula inflation dutch central bank gold brics countries gold hockey dollar market recession spending gold happened bank big selloff
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Have We Been In Recession For Years?
Have we already entered recession? Worse, have we been in a recession for years now? Recently I joined Jeff Tucker of the Brownstone Institute on an article about the Herculean task of tryin… Read More
Gold: Break Down To Break Out?
Despite calls for a big sell-off, gold holds above the key $2,300 support level and — as we noted on Monday — may be coiling for a new breakout. Holiday markets have often been a… Read More
From Bold To Boring
After a rollicking spring rally, gold has settled into a trading range that seems typical for a summertime slowdown.One indicator is now pointing toward a big surprise soon, however. If we p… Read More
What In The World Happened In 1971?
A colleague recently discovered a website called "WTF Happened in 1971?" The entire main page is filled with charts and graphs. All of them show some kind of significant shift beginning in 1… Read More
Bank of America is eyeballing $3,000 gold. According to a report released by the big bank, gold prices could potentially hit $3,000 an ounce in the next 12 to 18 months as the Federal Reserv… Read More
You've probably heard the phrase, "Go for the gold!" Well, in hockey, they do things a little differently. It's "Go for the silver!" Tonight, hockey players from either Edmonton or Florida w… Read More
All Roads Lead To More Inflation
Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason. Coming up don’t miss a tremendous interview with Tom DiLorenzo, president of the renowned Mises Institute and… Read More
Since the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates, investors have enjoyed higher yields on cash socked away in money market accounts and bonds. Higher yields have created some headwin… Read More
Inflation Is Dead! Or Is It?
Strike up the band and wave the victory banners! Inflation is dead! Or is it? The May Consumer Price Index (CPI) report was cause for optimism. But price inflation is like that stubborn weed… Read More
Silver Up, Treasuries Down
It may be time to turn a little near-term cautious on silver. We recently got some signals of a potential rate cut from the Fed. A recent GDP revision from the US Department of Commerce said… Read More
Gold & Silver In Mini-Crash Mode
Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason. Later on in today’s program, we have an important update on Money Metals’ efforts to enact pro-sound mon… Read More
How Much Gold Is There In The World?
How much gold is there in the world? The quick answer is not much - at least not relatively speaking. According to the World Gold Council, as of the end of 2023, around 212,582 tons of gold… Read More
Gold has had a nice run over the last few months and it's garnered a lot of attention. Silver has kind of gotten lost in the shadow of gold's shine. But as host Mike Maharrey explains in thi… Read More
You Are Paying More And Getting Less!
You are paying more and getting less thanks to persistent price inflation. Politicians and talking heads on financial news networks often point to “strong” retail sales data to s… Read More
The rapidly eroding confidence in our institutions gets plenty of news coverage. We expect it will be a dominant theme for investors in the years ahead. Investing success may require correct… Read More
A New Bull Market In Silver!
Wow, it’s been some ride. Over the past four years silver has tested $30 three times. We’ve even seen silver reach new multi-decade highs in most major currencies. And until th… Read More
The Federal Reserve can't seem to get a handle on price inflation. It vacillates back and forth between dovish and hawkish, raising hopes for interest rate cuts one week and dashing them the… Read More
After the latest CPI report, the mainstream declared price inflation dead and put interest rate cuts back on the table. In this episode of the Money Metals' Midweek Memo, host Mike Maharrey… Read More

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Precious Metals News & Analysis - Gold News, Silve
