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Why improving your skills may lead to more luck


If you are a golfer you know that you don’t always hit the ball perfectly.

Sometimes you miss the ball ever so slightly and the results are horrible.

But sometimes the reverse is true – you miss the shot, but your drive still turns out all right and somehow it seems as though the better you get at the game, the more it happens.

How can that be?

Of course, if you improve your skills, the better at the game you will get. That’s a given.

So then when you hit the ball badly, you have practiced enough on your swing not to make a complete mess out of the shot.

That’s all very good, but what has that got to do with investing?

Quite a lot it turns out.

If you are getting into the habit of analyzing your stocks you will gain some skills.

Those skills are crucial when it comes to determine if a certain stock provides good value or not.

The post Why improving your skills may lead to more luck appeared first on LJ Nissen's blog.

This post first appeared on LJ Nissen Investments, please read the originial post: here

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Why improving your skills may lead to more luck
