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Perché dovresti mettere la protezione solare sulle palpebre, secondo gli esperti

Sappiamo tutti che siamo fatti per indossare crema solare Ogni giorno per proteggere la salute e l’aspetto della pelle.

Ma questo non significa che tutti lo facciano – e anche per quelli di noi che ci provano, tendiamo a trascurare alcune aree della pelle. Uno dei punti principali che spesso manca alle persone è l’area palpebrale.

“Ho visto alcuni dei peggiori tumori della pelle nella zona delle palpebre”, Dott.ssa Karan Lal Dal gruppo di dermatologia Schweiger a Hillsboro, New Jersey, per HuffPost. La chirurgia del cancro della pelle in quest’area è complessa e può causare cicatrici significative che possono causare secchezza cronica degli occhi. Ho visto persone perdere l’intera pelle delle palpebre inferiore e superiore a causa del cancro della pelle”.

Applicare la protezione solare sulle palpebre può sembrare controintuitivo. Per tutta la vita, siamo stati condizionati da etichette che ci avvertono di evitare di posizionare qualcosa vicino alla zona degli occhi, ed è chiaro che molti di noi si attengono ad esso.

“Poiché la pelle in quest’area è sensibile, a volte le persone potrebbero essere caute nell’applicare la protezione solare in quest’area, o potrebbero interromperla perché pensano che si attaccherà ai loro occhi”, ha affermato il dermatologo di New York City. Il dottor Hadley King. “Oppure potrebbero smettere di funzionare perché la crema solare che usavano in passato in quest’area ha irritato la loro pelle o rovinato il trucco degli occhi”.

Tuttavia, quando si tratta di protezione solare, devi assolutamente assicurarti che le palpebre siano coperte. E ci sono modi per farlo senza provare irritazione e disagio. Di seguito, gli esperti descrivono in dettaglio la funzione della protezione solare sulle palpebre e danno i loro consigli per scegliere e applicare il prodotto giusto per la massima protezione.

Natdanai Pankong / EyeEm tramite Getty Images

L’applicazione della protezione solare protegge la salute e l’aspetto della pelle.

Perché è importante applicare la protezione solare sulle palpebre?

“È importante applicare la protezione solare su tutte le aree della pelle esposte ai raggi UV, comprese le palpebre”, ha affermato King. “Vediamo spesso tumori della pelle legati al sole nella zona degli occhi e, in alcuni casi, i tumori della pelle nella zona degli occhi possono essere più difficili e più aggressivi da trattare”.

Dott.. Babri SarkarUn dermatologo di Newton, nel Massachusetts, ha confermato che la palpebra è un luogo particolarmente sgradevole che necessita di un intervento chirurgico per il cancro della pelle.

“Ci sono alcuni posti in cui non è molto divertente sottoporsi a un intervento chirurgico al melanoma e l’area intorno all’occhio è sicuramente uno di questi”, ha detto. “L’uso della protezione solare qui lo impedisce.”

Oltre a proteggere dal cancro, applicare la protezione solare sulla delicata pelle delle palpebre fa la differenza anche dal punto di vista estetico.

“Le palpebre sono soggette a iperpigmentazione post-infiammatoria da sfregamento e graffi perché la pelle in quest’area è molto sottile”, ha detto Lal. “Poiché la pelle delle palpebre è molto sottile, è altamente suscettibile ai danni del sole. Ciò può portare a una pelle cadente e screpolata sulla palpebra. L’uso della protezione solare può ridurre il rischio di sviluppare precocemente la pelle palpebrale cadente. “

Oltre a ridurre la formazione di rughe sulla pelle delicata e delicata delle palpebre, la protezione solare può anche aiutare a prevenire la comparsa delle occhiaie intorno agli occhi.

“A volte è dovuto a una perdita di volume o di vasi sanguigni sotto la pelle ea volte è dovuto all’effettivo scurimento della pelle in quella zona”, ha detto Sarkar. “L’uso della protezione solare intorno agli occhi può aiutare a prevenire una nuova pigmentazione, un’ulteriore pigmentazione o l’oscuramento della pelle”.

The matte duo from Supergoop contains the Mineral Mattescreen, a matte skin primer with SPF 40 and the (Re)setting 100% mineral powder with SPF 35. The Powdered Sunscreen comes in four shades: translucent, light, medium and deep.","credit":"Supergoop","creditUrl":"Supergoop","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d713f1e0000a9891b2d16.webp","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Sarkar says powdered sunscreen can be great for folks with oily skin or people who just like the matte look. \"Sunscreen powders treat a lot of of the skin concerns that plague people when it's especially sunny,\" Sarkar told HuffPost. \"Oily skin that makes you feel like people can see you from outer space? Instant mattification with a sunscreen powder.\" 

The matte duo from Supergoop contains the Mineral Mattescreen, a matte skin primer with SPF 40 and the (Re)setting 100% mineral powder with SPF 35. The powdered sunscreen comes in four shades: translucent, light, medium and deep.","credit":"Supergoop","width":1274,"height":1730,"ops":""},"title":"For oily skin and a matte finish","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get the duo from Supergoop for $68.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":1,"positionInSubUnit":1},{"text":"Get the (Re)setting powder from Supergoop for $30.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":2,"positionInSubUnit":2}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":0,"imagePositionInSubUnit":0},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":600,"height":600,"credit":"Brush On Block"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d7185e4b0723f801b4f0e","caption":"If you're a total gym rat, love to go to the beach and pool in the summer or just tend to get sweaty, this powdered sunscreen from Brush On Block may have your number. It's water- and sweat-resistant for 80 minutes and contains jojoba oil, safflower oil and rice lipids to be super hydrating in the heat or for dry skin. This powder is translucent and comes in SPF 30.","credit":"Brush On Block","creditUrl":"Brush On Block","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d7185240000834d96f4ea.webp","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"If you're a total gym rat, love to go to the beach and pool in the summer or just tend to get sweaty, this powdered sunscreen from Brush On Block may have your number. It's water- and sweat-resistant for 80 minutes and contains jojoba oil, safflower oil and rice lipids to be super hydrating in the heat or for dry skin. This powder is translucent and comes in SPF 30.","credit":"Brush On Block","width":600,"height":600,"ops":""},"title":"Best water-resistant hydrating powder","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":"","badge":"","cta":[{"text":"Get it from Amazon for $34.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":4,"positionInSubUnit":4,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"Get it from Brush On Block for $34.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":5,"positionInSubUnit":5}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":3,"imagePositionInSubUnit":3},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":1044,"height":1138,"credit":"Dermstore"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d716ce4b0723f801b4ec7","caption":"Sarkar said that a tinted sunscreen powder can instantly upgrade your summer beauty routine. \"Makeup wearing off due to a sweaty, summer day? Tinted sunscreen powders give just a hint of coverage to cover those blemishes that make us all a little more self-conscious,\" she said. \"And they play well with makeup.\"

It's important to note that at least for now, powdered sunscreen shade ranges are generally lacking. This tinted brush-on sunscreen from iS Clincal has one of the best ranges available, with shades in bronze, cream, deep and ivory. It minimizes the look of pores, absorbs surface oil on your face, works well as a finishing powder, and has an SPF 40.","credit":"Dermstore","creditUrl":"Dermstore","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d7c182400008b4d96f4f4.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Sarkar said that a tinted sunscreen powder can instantly upgrade your summer beauty routine. \"Makeup wearing off due to a sweaty, summer day? Tinted sunscreen powders give just a hint of coverage to cover those blemishes that make us all a little more self-conscious,\" she said. \"And they play well with makeup.\" 

It's important to note that at least for now, powdered sunscreen shade ranges are generally lacking. This tinted brush-on sunscreen from iS Clincal has one of the best ranges available, with shades in bronze, cream, deep and ivory. It minimizes the look of pores, absorbs surface oil on your face, works well as a finishing powder, and has an SPF 40.","credit":"Dermstore","width":1044,"height":1138,"ops":""},"title":"For easy application and touch-ups over a full face of makeup","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Dermstore for $78.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":7,"positionInSubUnit":7}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":6,"imagePositionInSubUnit":6},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":950,"height":1048,"credit":"Larkly"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d7134e4b0e97a3520cac4","caption":"Sarkar emphasized that powdered sunscreen is ideal for re-applying and touchups throughout the day. Of course, that means you want to keep a couple around to always have one on hand.

\"They're super portable,\" Sarkar said. \"You can have one in your purse, your car, your desk etc. There's no excuse not to reapply on the go.\"

This sunscreen from Larkly comes in a super compact bottle that's easy to tuck into purses, glove boxes and drawers, yet the groovy branding means you may want to flaunt it on your counter or office desk. It's a translucent powder with SPF 30.","credit":"Larkly","creditUrl":"Larkly","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d71e1230000f7dd139ecd.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Sarkar emphasized that powdered sunscreen is ideal for re-applying and touchups throughout the day. Of course, that means you want to keep a couple around to always have one on hand. 

\"They're super portable,\" Sarkar said. \"You can have one in your purse, your car, your desk etc. There's no excuse not to reapply on the go.\" 

This sunscreen from Larkly comes in a super compact bottle that's easy to tuck into purses, glove boxes and drawers, yet the groovy branding means you may want to flaunt it on your counter or office desk. It's a translucent powder with SPF 30.","credit":"Larkly","width":950,"height":1048,"ops":"crop_18_21_914_1015"},"title":"The cutest branding with a compact bottle you'll want to keep around","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Amazon for $32.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":9,"positionInSubUnit":9,"isAmazonLink":true}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":8,"imagePositionInSubUnit":8},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":1378,"height":1398,"credit":"Colorescience"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d9c2fe4b0723f801b8fd7","caption":"If you're attached to your highlighter and love to make your face shimmer and glisten, you may worry that powdered sunscreen will dim your glow. Dr. Doris Day, a practicing dermatologist in New York City, says that finding a sunscreen that works with your makeup routine is imperative. \"If you find one you like, you are more likely to use it consistently and to reapply it,\" Day told HuffPost.

This Sunforgettable Glow brush-on sunscreen from Colorescience is a SPF 50 powdered sunscreen with a pearlescent finish, giving your skin a shimmery, shiny glow. It's water- and sweat-resistant for up to 80 minutes and works on all skin types and tones.","credit":"Colorescience","creditUrl":"Colorescience","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d9c2e21000026ed5064d1.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"If you're attached to your highlighter and love to make your face shimmer and glisten, you may worry that powdered sunscreen will dim your glow. Dr. Doris Day, a practicing dermatologist in New York City, says that finding a sunscreen that works with your makeup routine is imperative. \"If you find one you like, you are more likely to use it consistently and to reapply it,\" Day told HuffPost. 

This Sunforgettable Glow brush-on sunscreen from Colorescience is a SPF 50 powdered sunscreen with a pearlescent finish, giving your skin a shimmery, shiny glow. It's water- and sweat-resistant for up to 80 minutes and works on all skin types and tones.","credit":"Colorescience","width":1378,"height":1398,"ops":""},"title":"For highlighter lovers and people who love to shimmer","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Colorscience for $69.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":11,"positionInSubUnit":11}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":10,"imagePositionInSubUnit":10},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":1500,"height":1500,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d714ae4b066ecde15bc95","caption":"Davis explains that while powdered sunscreen can be a great addition to a makeup routine, it's also a useful product for men, genderless hotties and folks that don't wear makeup.

\"Powdered sunscreen is a great way to re-apply to the back of the hands if you are in the car driving or if you are going to be outside for long sporting events,\" Davis told HuffPost.

This SPF 30 powdered sunscreen from Nature's Apothecary is translucent, water- and sweat-resistant, hypoallergenic and reef- and river-friendly for all sorts of swimming. It can also be used like a baby powder to get sand off your feet before getting into the car.","credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"Amazon","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d7149210000c2c8506498.jpg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Davis explains that while powdered sunscreen can be a great addition to a makeup routine, it's also a useful product for men, genderless hotties and folks that don't wear makeup.

\"Powdered sunscreen is a great way to re-apply to the back of the hands if you are in the car driving or if you are going to be outside for long sporting events,\" Davis told HuffPost. 

This SPF 30 powdered sunscreen from Nature's Apothecary is translucent, water- and sweat-resistant, hypoallergenic and reef- and river-friendly for all sorts of swimming. It can also be used like a baby powder to get sand off your feet before getting into the car.","credit":"Amazon","width":1500,"height":1500,"ops":""},"title":"For a unisex powder that doesn't look like makeup","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Amazon for $15.99.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":13,"positionInSubUnit":13,"isAmazonLink":true}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":12,"imagePositionInSubUnit":12},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":1150,"height":1408,"credit":"Target"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d729ce4b0e97a3520cf24","caption":"If already know you like the tropical scent and floral packaging of drugstore brand Hawaiian Tropic, their powdered sunscreen may naturally fit into your lifestyle. This translucent powder has SPF 30 and layers well with makeup.","credit":"Target","creditUrl":"Target","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d729b23000084d3139ecf.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"If already know you like the tropical scent and floral packaging of drugstore brand Hawaiian Tropic, their powdered sunscreen may naturally fit into your lifestyle. This translucent powder has SPF 30 and layers well with makeup.","credit":"Target","width":1150,"height":1408,"ops":""},"title":"The best drugstore version with brand recognition","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Target for $16.99.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":15,"positionInSubUnit":15},{"text":"Get it from Amazon for $16.99.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":16,"positionInSubUnit":16,"isAmazonLink":true}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":14,"imagePositionInSubUnit":14},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":1500,"height":1500,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d7214e4b0e97a3520cd90","caption":"Walter urges you to use a powered sunscreen that's at least SPF 30. He also said to pay attention to your face as the weather starts to get warmer. \"If you notice your face tanning over time, this would be a sign that you’re not applying enough or not reapplying often enough,\" Walter told HuffPost.

He noted that finding a compact and portable powdered sunscreen can help you reapply during the day with ease. \"Powdered sunscreen is easy to apply over makeup and portable with no mess,\" Walter said, \"making them great for on-the-go reapplication.\"

For maximum coverage and super easy application, try this mineral brush sunscreen from Isdin with SPF 50. It's a translucent powder that works with all skin tones and can be easily applied to your face as well as your arms, neck and ears.","credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"Amazon","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d7213210000c2c850649b.jpg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Walter urges you to use a powered sunscreen that's at least SPF 30. He also said to pay attention to your face as the weather starts to get warmer. \"If you notice your face tanning over time, this would be a sign that you’re not applying enough or not reapplying often enough,\" Walter told HuffPost.

He noted that finding a compact and portable powdered sunscreen can help you reapply during the day with ease. \"Powdered sunscreen is easy to apply over makeup and portable with no mess,\" Walter said, \"making them great for on-the-go reapplication.\"

For maximum coverage and super easy application, try this mineral brush sunscreen from Isdin with SPF 50. It's a translucent powder that works with all skin tones and can be easily applied to your face as well as your arms, neck and ears.","credit":"Amazon","width":1500,"height":1500,"ops":""},"title":"For superior coverage","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Amazon for $55.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":18,"positionInSubUnit":18,"isAmazonLink":true}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":17,"imagePositionInSubUnit":17},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":896,"height":1146,"credit":"Supergoop"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d9a55e4b0e97a35210aea","caption":"Walter explained that powdered sunscreen isn't just good for your face and arms, it can also be used for your scalp. To protect your whole head from the sun, powdered sunscreen can be applied almost like a dry shampoo around your roots to keep your scalp safe.

This Poof Mineral Part Powder from Supergoop is a translucent, unisex SPF 35 powder specially designed for hair parts and scalps. It comes in an easy-spray bottle that helps get the powder exactly where it needs to be.","credit":"Supergoop","creditUrl":"Supergoop","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d9a542400008b4d96f52b.png","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Walter explained that powdered sunscreen isn't just good for your face and arms, it can also be used for your scalp. To protect your whole head from the sun, powdered sunscreen can be applied almost like a dry shampoo around your roots to keep your scalp safe. 

This Poof Mineral Part Powder from Supergoop is a translucent, unisex SPF 35 powder specially designed for hair parts and scalps. It comes in an easy-spray bottle that helps get the powder exactly where it needs to be.","credit":"Supergoop","width":896,"height":1146,"ops":""},"title":"For scalp lines and keeping your whole head protected","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Supergoop for $34.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":20,"positionInSubUnit":20}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":19,"imagePositionInSubUnit":19},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":1500,"height":1500,"credit":"Amazon"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d98aae4b0be72bff8e4eb","caption":"Finding a powdered sunscreen that works for you also means considering the packaging and application style. If you prefer a makeup compact-type package over an all-in-one brush, Davis suggests finding a pressed powder that comes with a sponge or application pad.

This translucent powder from Suntegrity has SPF 50 with a matte finish and comes with its own application pad.","credit":"Amazon","creditUrl":"Amazon","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d98aa240000914d96f529.jpg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Finding a powdered sunscreen that works for you also means considering the packaging and application style. If you prefer a makeup compact-type package over an all-in-one brush, Davis suggests finding a pressed powder that comes with a sponge or application pad. 

This translucent powder from Suntegrity has SPF 50 with a matte finish and comes with its own application pad.","credit":"Amazon","width":1500,"height":1500,"ops":""},"title":"Best compact powdered sunscreen","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Amazon for $48.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":22,"positionInSubUnit":22,"isAmazonLink":true}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":21,"imagePositionInSubUnit":21},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":1800,"height":1800,"credit":"Brush On Block"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"625d72ede4b0723f801b5368","caption":"Sarkar said that powdered sunscreen can be great for kids to re-apply during the day. \"They're effortless to use,\" she said. \"Even a toddler can manage to smush some powder on their face if given a sunscreen brush.\"

This translucent brush-on sunscreen from Brush On Block has an extra fluffy brush for sensitive skin, and the bright color bristles make it easy to see if there's enough product on the brush. It's water- and sweat-resistant for up to 80 minutes and has SPF 30.","credit":"Brush On Block","creditUrl":"Brush On Block","source":"","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"625d72ec24000004ac96f4ee.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Sarkar said that powdered sunscreen can be great for kids to re-apply during the day. \"They're effortless to use,\" she said. \"Even a toddler can manage to smush some powder on their face if given a sunscreen brush.\" 

This translucent brush-on sunscreen from Brush On Block has an extra fluffy brush for sensitive skin, and the bright color bristles make it easy to see if there's enough product on the brush. It's water- and sweat-resistant for up to 80 minutes and has SPF 30.","credit":"Brush On Block","width":1800,"height":1800,"ops":""},"title":"For the kiddos","type":"image","meta":null,"summary":null,"badge":null,"cta":[{"text":"Get it from Amazon for $24.70.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":24,"positionInSubUnit":24,"isAmazonLink":true},{"text":"Get it from Brush On Block for $26.","url":"","ampPositionInUnit":25,"positionInSubUnit":25}],"textWrap":"wrapped","imagePositionInUnit":23,"imagePositionInSubUnit":23},"provider":null}],"options":{"theme":"life","device":"desktop","editionInfo":{"id":"us","name":"U.S.","link":"","locale":"en_US"},"slideshowAd":{"scriptTags":[],"otherHtml":""},"slideshowEndCard":{"scriptTags":[{"attribs":{},"scriptBody":"\r\n (function(){\r\n var c = document.getElementById('taboola-endslate-thumbnails');\r\n += '-' + Math.round(Math.random()*1e16);\r\n \r\n var taboolaParams = {\r\n loader: \"//\",\r\n mode: \"thumbnails-b\",\r\n container:,\r\n placement: \"Endslate Thumbnails\",\r\n target_type: \"mix\"\r\n };\r\n \r\n if (typeof window.modulousQueue === \"function\") {\r\n \twindow.modulousQueue.add(function(){ doTaboola(taboolaParams); });\r\n } else {\r\n \tdoTaboola(taboolaParams);\r\n }\r\n }());\r\n"}],"otherHtml":"

I dermatologi condividono per te la migliore crema solare in polvere

Qual è il miglior tipo di crema solare per questa zona?

Tutti i dermatologi che hanno parlato con HuffPost hanno consigliato di utilizzare creme solari minerali quando possibile.

“Il bruciore e il bruciore della palpebra sono molto comuni, soprattutto dopo aver utilizzato filtri solari chimici – come quelli contenenti ossibenzone e avobenzone – quindi consiglio di utilizzare solo filtri solari che contengono ossido di zinco e biossido di titanio per la pelle delle palpebre”, ha detto Lal, aggiungendo che tu puoi usare la protezione solare sulla palpebra anche per il resto del viso.

Prova a scegliere una crema solare minerale ad ampio spettro con un SPF di 30 o superiore. Se una crema solare per il viso irrita le palpebre, King consiglia di cercare una crema solare progettata specificamente per la zona degli occhi, come

This post first appeared on BuzzNews, Le Notizie Che Fanno Rumore, please read the originial post: here

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Perché dovresti mettere la protezione solare sulle palpebre, secondo gli esperti


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