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Russia threatens to deploy advanced nuclear ICBM

Russia Threatens To Deploy Advanced Nuclear ICBM

 President Putin threatens the world with what is considered to be a "deliberate" intercontinental ballistic missile.

A Russian colonel living near the border with Ukraine was killed in a drone attack while mowing his lawn.

Ukrainian drone attacks Russian airport.

As the Ukrainian counterattack gains momentum, Moscow is drawing on its last well-trained reserves.

Russia sinks its ship to protect a vital bridge from Ukrainian Navy drones. These drones have proven so effective that Russia claims that a Ukrainian drone crashed into a train station.

The United States says the Ukrainian counterattack is making progress.

With so many Russia landmines planted in Ukraine, the country is asking for help.

Russia announces retaliation after Ukraine launches new attack on Crimean bridges.

Ukraine has accused Russia of deliberately attacking rescue workers with rockets.

According to recent findings, Russia attacked the Ukrainian military with chemical weapons.

A Ukrainian woman suspected of collaborating with or working for Russia has been arrested as part of a plot to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Moscow is trying to persuade Russians to move to war-torn Mariupol. Russia bombs a blood transfusion center in Ukraine.

Russia also bombed grain warehouses in Ukraine. World grain prices rose 17% as Russia attacked another grain supply in Ukraine.

Russia bombs grain warehouses. A Russian bomb damaged the cathedral in Odessa, Ukraine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The US said cluster munitions were causing change in Ukraine. Ukrainian intelligence has confirmed that Wagner's unit has rejected the option of joining the Russian regular army and is moving to Belarus.

The Wagner Group has rejected President Putin's offer to join the Russian military. The head of the Wagner Group returned to Russia and recovered the confiscated weapons, but recent US intelligence suggests he may never have traveled to Belarus in the first place. In fact, intelligence agencies suggest he may have met with President Putin after the uprising. President Putin is reportedly purging suspected traitors in the military. Charges against Wagner's rebellious boss were dropped.

The boss of the Wagner mercenaries tried to call President Putin, believing the revolt had gone "too far," but Putin reportedly ignored his calls.

The UK is considering preparing for a scenario in which the Russian Federation collapses. This follows the Wagner Group halting its invasion of Moscow less than 24 hours after declaring open rebellion against Russian forces. Intelligence officials believe the uprising was stopped because Russian agents threatened the sheikh's family.

Last week, the Wagner Mercenaries arrested a Russian military commander after the group's leader accused the Russian military of planting land mines in the group's path.

Just a few weeks ago, Wagner's superiors said his military was not strong enough to attempt a coup. The head of the Wagner Group has criticized Russia's defense minister, saying his children are living in luxury while Russian soldiers die. According to the head of the Wagner Group, 20,000 of his troops died in the Battle of Bahmut.

After the victory at Bahmut, Coach Wagner vowed to leave Bahmut. Zelency denied the alleged Russian victory at Bakhmut.

This post first appeared on Weird News And Fun, please read the originial post: here

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Russia threatens to deploy advanced nuclear ICBM
