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Best Tools Used For Coding Standards In Odoo Development

Odoo is an open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that is highly customizable and modified according to the needs of the user. It is important to follow coding standards to maintain high-quality code and make it easier for developers to collaborate on projects. There are several tools available that can be used to enforce coding standards in Odoo development. Here we will discuss some of the most popular tools used for coding standards in Odoo and provide examples of how they can be used.

Before exploring the topic, do you know what is the coding standard in Odoo?

Coding Standards in Odoo Development

Coding standards in Odoo refer to a set of guidelines and best practices that developers should follow when writing code for Odoo applications. These coding standards help ensure that the code is consistent, easy to read, maintainable, and error-free. Following coding standards also helps improve collaboration among developers and ensures that the codebase is scalable and sustainable over time.

Some of the key coding standards for Odoo development include:

Use Python PEP8 Style Guide To Format Code

PEP 8 is a widely used style guide for Python code formatting that provides guidelines on how to write clean, readable, and consistent code. The PEP 8 style guide covers topics such as code layout, indentation, comments, naming conventions, and more. Here are some key elements of PEP 8 that are relevant to Odoo development:

  • Indentation:
  • Use four spaces instead of tabs.

  • Line length:
  • Limit lines to 79 characters or fewer. If a line must be longer, it should be broken into multiple lines with appropriate indentation.

  • Imports:
  • Import statements should be at the top of the file, with one import per line. Import statements should be grouped in order, standard library imports, third-party library imports, and local application/library imports.

  • Naming conventions:
  • Identify descriptive names for variables, functions, or classes that convey their purpose and usage. For functions, use lowercase letters and separate words with underscores to enhance readability. Class names should use CamelCase.

Follow Module Structure & Naming Conventions

Odoo has a well-defined module structure and naming conventions that must be followed while developing Odoo applications. Adhering to these standards can help ensure that your code is consistent and easy to understand for other developers. Here are some key elements of the module structure and naming conventions of Odoo:

  • Module structure:
  • Each Odoo module should be organized into a directory that contains a manifest file (, a module file (, and any other necessary files (views, models, controllers, etc.).

  • Naming conventions:
  • Modules, models, and fields should be named using a combination of lowercase letters and underscores. For example, the module name “My Custom Module” should be named “my_custom_module”. Model names should be singular and start with a capital letter (e.g., “MyModel”). Field names should be lowercase with underscores between words (e.g., “my_field”).

Document The Code Using Docstrings & Comments

Docstrings and comments help explain the purpose and functionality of code, making it easier for other developers to understand and maintain the code. Here are some tips for documenting code using docstrings and comments in Odoo:

  • Docstrings:
  • Docstrings are used to document classes, functions, and modules in Python. Docstrings should be written in triple quotes and should describe what the class, function, or module does, as well as any arguments, return values, and exceptions it may raise.

  • Comments:
  • Use comments to explain specific lines of code that may not be immediately obvious to other developers. Comments should be kept concise and to the point, and should not be used to explain entire functions or classes.

  • Consistency:
  • Use a consistent format and style for your docstrings and comments throughout your codebase. It helps to make your code easily readable and understandable.

Follow Coding Guidelines For Database Models & Fields

Here are some guidelines for creating database models and fields in Odoo:

  • Naming conventions:
  • Use descriptive names for your database models and fields. Model names should be singular and start with a capital letter, while field names should be lowercase with underscores between words.

  • Field Types:
  • Choose the appropriate field type for your data. Odoo provides several field types such as Char, Text, Integer, Float, Date, DateTime, Boolean, Many2one, One2many, and Many2many. Use the field types that best fit your data and avoid creating unnecessary fields.

  • Relations:
  • Use the Many2one and Many2many field types to establish relationships between database models. This can help simplify your code and improve your performance.

  • Constraints:
  • Use constraints to enforce data integrity and ensure that data is consistent. Odoo provides several types of constraints such as unique, check, and SQL constraints. Use the appropriate constraint type for your data to ensure that your database is well-formed. In Odoo, there are two types of constraints that can be used to ensure the validity of data entered into the system.

    • Python Constraints
    • Python constraints are executed whenever a record is created or updated and can be used to check for various conditions such as field values, relationships between records, and other business logic.

    • SQL Constraints
    • SQL constraints are used to enforce data integrity rules at the database level. These constraints are defined in SQL and are executed by the database whenever data is inserted, updated, or deleted. SQL constraints can be used to enforce various rules such as uniqueness, referential integrity, and data type validation.

  • ORM Methods:
  • Use the appropriate ORM methods such as create(), write(), and unlink() to interact with your database models. This can help ensure that your code is consistent and easy to maintain.

Write clean and efficient code that follows the SOLID principles.

It ensures that your code is maintainable, extensible, and easy to understand. Here are some guidelines for writing clean and efficient code that follows the SOLID principles:

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP):
  • Each class or module should have a single responsibility. This can help ensure that your code is focused, easy to understand, and easy to test.

  • Open-Closed Principle (OCP):
  • Your code should be open for extension but closed for modification. This means that you should be able to add new functionality to your code without having to modify existing code.

  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP):
  • Your code should be able to substitute any instance of a class with an instance of its subclass without affecting the correctness of the program.

  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP):
  • Your code should be organized into small, focused interfaces. This can help ensure that your code is easy to understand, easy to test, and easy to modify.

  • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP):
  • Your code should depend on abstractions, not on concrete implementations. This can help ensure that your code is flexible, extensible, and easy to test.

Properly Handle Exceptions & Errors

It is crucial to create robust and reliable software in Odoo with properly handles exceptions and errors. Here are some guidelines for handling exceptions and errors in your Odoo code:

  • Use try-except blocks:
  • Wrap your code in try-except blocks to catch and handle exceptions. This can help prevent your code from crashing and provide more useful error messages.

  • Catch-specific exceptions:
  • Catch-specific exceptions instead of using a generic except clause. This can help you handle different types of exceptions in different ways and provide more meaningful error messages.

  • Handle exceptions gracefully:
  • Handle exceptions gracefully by providing informative error messages to the user. This can help them understand what went wrong and how to fix the problem.

  • Log errors:
  • Log errors and exceptions to a log file or the console. This can help you debug issues and diagnose problems in your code.

Essential Tools Used For Coding Standards In Odoo

Here, discuss some of the available tools and how to use them effectively.

1. pylint-odoo

pylint-odoo is a tool that integrates the pylint library with Odoo. Pylint is a static code analysis tool that checks for coding errors, style inconsistencies, and potential bugs. With ‘pylint-odoo’, developers can ensure that their code adheres to the Odoo coding standards, which include naming conventions, indentation, and the use of APIs.

To use pylint-odoo, first, install it using pip:

pip install pylint-odoo

Then, run it on your Odoo module:

pylint –load-plugins=pylint_odoo -d all your_module_name

When this command is executed, pylint analyzes the code in the specified module and displays any warnings or errors related to coding standards. The developer can then fix these issues to ensure that the code meets the required quality and adheres to best practices.

2. flake8-odoo

Flake8 is a Python package that is used for code linting. It checks code for syntax errors, unused imports, and other common errors that can lead to bugs and inconsistencies. Flake8 is highly configurable, allowing developers to customize the rules that are enforced.

To use flake8-odoo, install flake8 and flake8-odoo using pip:

pip install flake8 flake8-odoo

Execute the command on your Odoo module:

flake8 your_module_name

When you run flake8 your_module_name on your Odoo module, Flake8 will analyze your code and generate a report that highlights any coding errors or style inconsistencies that violate the coding standards. The report includes details about the location of each issue and provides suggestions on how to fix them.

By running Flake8 regularly, developers can ensure that their code is of high quality and adheres to the best practices, making it easier to maintain and improve over time.

3. Black

Black is a code format that automatically formats code according to a set of predefined rules. It helps to ensure that the code is consistent and easy to read. It is highly configurable, allowing developers to customize the formatting rules that are enforced.

To use Black in Odoo development, you can install it using pip and run it from the command line.

pip install black

Once Black is installed, you can run ‘black mymodule’ to format the code in the ‘mymodule’ directory according to the predefined rules.

black mymodule

This command will apply Black’s formatting rules to all Python files in the ‘mymodule’ directory and its subdirectories.

4. OCA/maintainer-quality-tools

Maintainer-quality-tools is a collection of tools developed by the Odoo Community Association (OCA) that help maintainers ensure the quality of their modules. The tools include pylint-odoo and flake8-odoo, as well as other tools such as coverage measurement and testing.

To use maintainer-quality-tools, first, install it using pip:

pip install OCA/maintainer-quality-tools

Execute the command on your Odoo module:

python -m oca_maintainer_quality_tools –pylint your_module_name

Using ‘maintainer-quality-tools’ with ‘pylint-odoo’ can help ensure that Odoo modules adhere to best practices, are consistent, and are maintainable over time. It can also help developers catch issues early on in the development process, making it easier and more efficient to fix them.

5. Coverage

Coverage is a Python package that is used to measure the code coverage of automated tests. It helps to ensure that all code is thoroughly tested and can identify areas of the code that are not being tested. Coverage is highly configurable, allowing developers to customize the tests that are run and the coverage thresholds that are enforced.

To use Coverage in Odoo development, you can install it using pip and run it from the command line.

pip install coverage

Once Coverage is installed, you can use the following commands to measure the code coverage of your tests:

coverage run –source=mymodule -m unittest discover

This command runs your tests and measures the code coverage. The ‘–source’ flag specifies the directory that contains the source code that is being tested (in this case, the mymodule directory). The -m flag specifies the module that runs the tests (in this case, unittest discover).

coverage report -m

Execute the command it generates a report that shows the code coverage. The ‘-m’ flag specifies that the report should include a summary of each file’s coverage, as well as the percentage of code that was covered by the tests.

Wrapping Up

Coding standards are crucial for maintaining high-quality software, and Odoo has numerous tools available for implementing them. Pylint-odoo, flake8-odoo, maintainer-quality-tools, and Black are just a few examples of the many tools available for coding standards in Odoo. By using these tools, developers can improve the quality of their code and make it easier to maintain.

If you want to build your own project on Odoo, contact Odoo Development & Implementation Solution provider, CodeTrade. Our team of certified Odoo developers and experts in customization take pride in delivering customer-centric Odoo ERP solutions with a wealth of experience. You can hire Odoo developers who can help take your business to new heights.

Streamline Your Business Operations with Odoo ERP Development

The post Best Tools Used For Coding Standards In Odoo Development appeared first on Custom Software Development Company.

This post first appeared on Web Development Trends 2023, please read the originial post: here

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Best Tools Used For Coding Standards In Odoo Development


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