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Is React the new WordPress?

Is React The New WordPress?
Plus Next.js 13.3, a flexible lightbox component, and the popularity of frameworks on Netlify. |

#​334 — April 12, 2023

Read on the Web

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React Status

Next.js 13.3 Released — Increasingly seen as 'the' React framework, Next.js is always worth keeping an eye on. v13.3 introduces a file-based metadata API for dynamically generating assets like sitemaps and robots.txt, dynamic Open Graph image generation, improved routing options, and App Router gains support for fully static exports.

Tim Neutkens and Delba de Oliveira

💡 Another neat tweak is that changes to next.config.js will now automatically restart your local dev server.

Automated Visual Component Testing – Powered by Storybook — Built by Storybook maintainers, Chromatic turns stories into tests. Automate checks for visual changes and verify component behavior on each commit. Ready to start? Sign up today with $500 credit using code: REACTSTATUS.

Chromatic sponsor

How Migrating from Vanilla Redux to Redux Toolkit Improved Shopify's State Management — A look at Shopify's experience improving state management in the Shopify Point of Sale app by migrating from plain Redux to a Redux Toolkit-based one.

Daniel Friyia (Shopify)


  • ⭐️ Sean C Davis ponders: Is React the New WordPress? Some interesting thinking out loud.

  • A fun visual introduction to React, its history, and main mechanics.

  • 📅 React Advanced London is looking for speakers for its October event.

forwardRef(): How to Pass Refs to Child Components — Ref forwarding is a technique for automatically passing a ref through a component to one of its children and forwardRef lets your component expose a DOM node to parent component with a ref.

Dmitri Pavlutin

The Popularity of Frameworks on Netlify — An analysis of framework/SSG usage of sites deployed to the popular Netlify hosting platform that breaks down by free, paid, and enterprise accounts. Unsurprisingly, React dominates, but there are some interesting differences between account types with the percentage using create-react-app dropping dramatically in favor of Next and Gatsby at paid and enterprise levels.

Laurie Voss (Netlify)

📊  What's New in React 18: A Presentation — An easy to follow slidedeck of a presentation given at last week's React Ahmedabad Meetup.

Avani Bataviya

Mastering React: Techniques to Take Your UI to the Next Level — A thorough, iterative tutorial which takes a given feature—in this case, a navigation bar—from the designer's Figma diagram to finished, production-ready component.

Mayank Bansal

📅  JSDayIE 2023: The First JavaScript Conference in Ireland is Back! — Join us on September 26th in Dublin to experience everything the Irish JavaScript community and Ireland have to offer.

JSDayIE sponsor

▶  Working with WebXR with Three.js and React — An ongoing series of videos on the basics of React Three Fiber (a React renderer for Three.js) and how to achieve common augmented reality related tasks.

Mohit Kumar Toshniwal

Generate Open Graph Social Preview Images with Remix — The setup and maintenance of social image preview logic is a hassle most can live without. So why not automate the process with Remix? This well-crafted tutorial shows how.

Jacob Paris

🛠 Code and Tools

Yet Another React Lightbox — Add a lightbox component to your projects "in minutes" – there are several examples to try, as well as a playground with adjustable settings. GitHub repo.

Igor Danchenko

Monaco Editor for ReactMonaco is the code editor component that powers VS Code and this makes it easier to use in React apps. GitHub repo.

Suren Atoyan

Now Shipping: Kubernetes Support, OpenIDConnect (OIDC), and More

Buildkite sponsor

react-math-keyboard: A Keyboard for Math Expressions — A customizable math keyboard, as shown in this live demo.

Robin G

Sandpack 2.6: Component Toolkit for Creating Live Code Editing Experiences — Created by the folks at CodeSandbox, so they know what they're doing. GitHub repo.



  • MUI X 6.1
    ↳ Powerful React component suite.

  • Redwood 4.5
    ↳ Popular app framework.

  • react-day-picker 8.7
    ↳ Customizable date picker component.

  • Plasmo 0.68
    "It's like Next.js for browser extensions"

  • Solito 3.2
    ↳ React Native + Next.js, unified.

  • MMKV 2.8
    ↳ Fast key/value store for React Native.

  • React Native Bootsplash 4.6
    ↳ Show a splash screen during startup.

  • TinyBase 3.0.5
    ↳ Reactive data store for local‑first apps.

  • react-spring 9.7.2
    ↳ Spring physics based animation library.

  • react-hcaptcha 1.8

  • react-native-modal-datetime-picker 15.0


Find React Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.

This post first appeared on Blog De Raoued, please read the originial post: here

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Is React the new WordPress?
