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Internally Displaced People Challenged in Cold Season


Afghanistan: As winter approaches, some internally displaced people complain about the lack of basic living facilities.

They ask the current government and supporting institutions to provide them with assistance.

Zarghona is the breadwinner of eight family members and said that in addition to other costs, she is concerned about the lack of fuel.

“I have children, there is no work, the weather is cold, we don’t have food, we don’t have shelter, the weather is getting cold, the children collect the papers, I don’t have a heater,” said Zarghona.

Some displaced people also have the same challenges as Zarghona and expressed concern over lack of food and fuel for the coming winter.

“We collect some papers to burn, we cook food with it, we warm our stove with it, both children are facing problems, and we are also facing problems,” said Qand Agha, an internally displaced person.

Zabiullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, said that efforts are being made to provide the necessary assistance from the Ministry of Immigrants for these displaced people.

“Afghanistan’s economy is not strong enough to treat everyone equally. Therefore, it is natural that we have problems, in this regard, we ask for cooperation from the countries and international institutions to help these displaced people,” said Zabiullah Mujahid.

The upcoming winter is approaching, while this year, the economic crisis and the increase in unemployment has made many citizens of the country poor.

This post first appeared on Tech Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Internally Displaced People Challenged in Cold Season
