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Top destinations for winter holidays in 2022

Top Destinations For Winter Holidays In 2022

A cloud of steam from the mouth, frozen hands and warm boots. Although in winter, in all these destinations, only people resistant to winter could lie on a blanket, don't give up. Snow and cold weather just go with these cities. Dress well, be in a good mood and cities like Copenhagen, Berlin or Dublin will invite you to a fairy tale that you will never experience in summer.

Copenhagen, Denmark

 When you visit the cradle of "Hygge'', the peaceful Danish way of life, you will realize that nothing can go wrong. From fragrant bakeries to hotels with a Christmas atmosphere. The winter magic in Copenhagen is felt everywhere. Despite the colder weather, you don't have to plan your program only for a tour of the interior. The view of the surrounding landscape with a little snow is worth experiencing. 

Book canal cruise on a kayak. Some of these sailings even end with warming up in the sauna. An excellent program, and not only for families with children, is offered by the amusement park Tivoli Gardens, which is a Copenhagen "must see". Warm up in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum, which will delight you with its art collection. It has a thousand statues and portraits from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The modern wing hides 19th-century treasures from France and, of course, Denmark.

Dublin, Ireland 

Dublin is one of the most popular winter destinations and not only because of dozens of cozy bars. Many winter festivals have been held there in recent years. Traditional fire ceremonies also attract visitors.

Trinity Library is the largest in Ireland and one of the most impressive libraries in general. It was built in the 18th century and is home to more than two hundred thousand books. The Guinness Brewery or Guinness Storehouse is considered Ireland's most popular attraction. Sightseeing begins at the bottom of the world's largest beer glass and continues with seven floors full of interactive experiences. Finally, you will enjoy a glass of beer at the famous rooftop bar.

 In the heart of Dublin stands Dublin Castle, which has passed through the hands of many owners since 1204 and has been the scene of numerous historical events. Today, the Irish government holds its meetings there. During the tour of the castle, you will see the best, such as the state apartments and St. Patrick's Hall. Also interesting is the medieval cellar, which was accidentally discovered only in 1986. Its foundations were laid by the Vikings.

Edinburgh, Scotland 

Edinburgh is known for it's romantic atmosphere throughout the year, and winter, in fact, accentuates it even more. If you visit the Royal Botanic Garden or one of the shops on the Royal Mile, you won't regret it. The cold weather encourages the desire for whiskey which is blessed in Edinburgh! Wander into one of the authentic bars and enjoy Scottish specialties.

The Royal Botanical Garden was built in 1670 and is one of the best in the world. It may seem that winter is not the time for flowering, but for some types of plants, this is not true. In addition, the frost has a romantic effect on different trees and shrubs. 

Edinburgh Castle played a significant role in the history of Scotland as a royal seat and military fortress. Today, it is a favorite place for visitors from many countries.

A dark room, a large table and a ray of light. Visit the Camera Obscura, an image of the city in motion inspired by old Victorian technology. There is also the World of Illusions, where everything is not as it seems.

Paris, France 

The City of Light is cold but beautiful in winter. The magical jewelry of winter in Paris is not only lights, but also trees and snow. The usually long queues for the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre will be reduced to nothing, which will make your trip more pleasant.

In Paris, you can skate on ice rinks in wonderful places such as the Grand Palais de Glaces or in the Christmas Village on the Champ de Mars. 

One of the most famous streets in the world, Champs Elysee, gets colorful lighting in winter. Walk through it and take some photos.

Visit the beautiful Palais Garner Opera House. It is beautifully decorated and will delight you even if you don't go to one of the performances. If you have enough time, don't hesitate and watch a show. They are of world-class quality.

This post first appeared on 1stkare Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Top destinations for winter holidays in 2022
