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In the world of ride-hailing, brands are fast rising and sinking – In the world of ride-hailing, brands are fast rising and sinking , The names of Jeje, Roy, Bonge, and Kurma have been viral lately. They are the icons of Citayam Fashion Week (CFW), a street creativity event that is still being discussed today. The fashion show at the zebra cross in the Dukuh Atas area, Central Jakarta was led by teenagers from Depok, Citayam, and Bojonggede.

So phenomenal, CFW was able to grab the attention of many people, from artists, artists, sociologists, branding experts , politicians, ministers, to the president. CFW is also discussed from various points of view with all the pros and cons. CFW is increasingly being discussed when several artists intend to register CFW IPR through their company.

This paper discusses how a name, brand, event, object, is easy to be famous but also easy to sink or forget. Before going viral, Jeje and Bonge were probably nothing. However, after they went viral and became the media spotlight on both social media and mainstream media, they became figures.

It was the same at the beginning of this year with the figure of Ghozali. The name of this student from Udinus, Semarang suddenly came out when he went viral because he made billions of rupiah in profits thanks to selling his selfies as non-fungible tokens (NFT) in an OpenSea marketplace .

His figure was immediately famous, the phenomenon was peeled everywhere from various points of view, was offered to be a commercial star, and so on. However, his name is now barely heard anymore. It is getting softer and drowned by new phenomena that come and go. The CFW phenomenon is predicted by many parties as well, it is only a momentary phenomenon.

brands are fast rising and sinking

Famous in 15 Minutes

The internet and netizens or netizens play a big role in viral and magnify their names. This phenomenon was predicted by Andy Warhol in 1968, long before the internet was invented.

The artist born in Oakland, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania once said: “ In the future, everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.” The term was first printed on Warhol’s book exhibition program at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden.

Warhol predicts the coming of an era where thanks to technology people will quickly become famous, from ordinary people or nobody to character or somebody . And, it has been answered what Warhol meant by the future, namely the internet world that has developed in such a way to this day. Borrowing the term Anthony Giddens, a sociologist from England, today’s sophisticated world is called The Runaway Worldor the drifting world.

Technology is the main agent of superfast change in today’s world. It was so fast that it seemed as if it was out of control, making the citizens of the world, companies, organizations, and even countries quite overwhelmed in following it. This also makes someone or something quickly famous, no longer in minutes, but seconds. However, those that are fast moving are usually also fast sinking aliases that pass quickly.

Sustainable Brand Awareness

The same goes for brands. In today’s era, it is easy for brands to build brand awareness thanks to internet devices and their derivatives. However, it is not easy to maintain that awareness continuously or make it last long or forever.

The level of brand awareness has four levels, each of which has a different classification. The four are unaware of the brand, brand recognition, brand recall, and top of mind.

In the first stage, customers still feel doubtful and unsure whether they are familiar with the mentioned brand or not. This level is certainly the most avoided by brands or companies. The reason is, why gush a business but its existence is not realized by the consumer community. The current era provides many tools to help brands to build brand awareness.

The second stage, brand recognition , is characterized by the consumer community being able to identify the brand mentioned. This brand has at least been heard by consumers through advertisements and promotions. The third stage, brand recall where customers are able to remember the brand without being given a stimulus. And, the fourth stage is top of mind .

Here, customers remember the brand as the first thing that comes to their mind when talking about the product category of that brand. For example, when people talk about bottled mineral water, they immediately remember AQUA, when they talk about bottled tea, remember Teh Botol Sosro, or when they talk about health soap, they remember Lifebuoy.

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    Of course, there are many ways and activities to build brand awareness . One of them is making short messages so that customers can quickly remember but have a hard time forgetting them. One of them is by using catchy taglines , interesting and unique jingles , and symbols that have strong associations with the brand.

    Of course, don’t forget to take advantage of various publication media, from conventional media, advertisements, sponsorships , to social media or those that are in advanced stages such as the metaverse.
    Finally, more important than that, the brand must first have a strong positioning, differentiation, and brand (GDP). Without a strong GDP, working hard to build brand awareness is like a sand castle that quickly collapses and drifts away without a trace when it is struck by ocean waves.

    This post first appeared on SEO Agency Indonesia, please read the originial post: here

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    In the world of ride-hailing, brands are fast rising and sinking


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