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Fact-checkers and the social media misinformation tsunami: A Q&A with Lucas Graves (Poynter)


Poynter: Fact-checkers and the social media misinformation tsunami: A Q&A with Lucas Graves. “Not so many years ago, fact-checking went hand-in-hand with elections reporting and political journalism. With the rise of social media, though, fact-checkers have spent more and more time debunking online misinformation, viral memes and other hoax content. That shift has raised an important question for those who analyze and follow the work of fact-checkers: Has online misinformation reduced the amount of attention from fact-checkers to elections fact-checking and the fact-checking of government?”

The post Fact-checkers and the social media misinformation tsunami: A Q&A with Lucas Graves (Poynter) first appeared on ResearchBuzz: Firehose.

This post first appeared on ResearchBuzz - News About Search Engines, Databases, And Online Information Collections, please read the originial post: here

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Fact-checkers and the social media misinformation tsunami: A Q&A with Lucas Graves (Poynter)
