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Stateline: AI bots are helping 911 dispatchers with their workload


Stateline: AI bots are helping 911 dispatchers with their workload. “In the United States, AI is quietly transforming how non-emergency calls are handled in dispatch centers. An AI-powered system can triage and coordinate the flood of reports, promptly alerting the relevant agencies. For now, AI-powered systems only manage non-emergency calls, which typically come from a non-911 phone number but are answered in the same centers, allowing human dispatchers to focus on emergencies.”

The post Stateline: AI bots are helping 911 dispatchers with their workload first appeared on ResearchBuzz: Firehose.

This post first appeared on ResearchBuzz - News About Search Engines, Databases, And Online Information Collections, please read the originial post: here

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Stateline: AI bots are helping 911 dispatchers with their workload
