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MVP Meaning in Business + 10 Most Successful Examples

Have you been wondering about Mvp Meaning in business? This is a question that is often asked by entrepreneurs, software developers, and product owners. The term MVP stands for ‘Minimum Viable Product’ which is used to describe the most basic version of a product that can be released to the public and developed further to ensure success.

By understanding MVP and its Meaning, businesses can leverage CRO tools to optimize their products and services. Using these tools in combination with an MVP approach, they can quickly identify key features that have the greatest impact on conversion rates. This helps them focus on perfecting specific elements while still ensuring that the overall product meets customer needs.

In this article, we’ll discuss what MVP means and how it can be used to develop successful products. 

Pro Tip: CRO tools are often used to build MVPs. And WatchThemLive is one of the best ones in the market, enabling you to A/B test your product and build on it! Stay tuned to understand how!

MVP Meaning: The Definition

In business, MVP or Minimum Viable Product refers to the process of releasing an early version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early users and generate accurate feedback for further Development. No wonder why this concept has gained traction in the startup and software development world!

An MVP should contain only the most important features and be released on time. This allows businesses to quickly validate ideas and identify areas where they can refine their products before committing significant resources.

By testing out ideas with early users and website optimization tools, companies can gain valuable insights about what works, what doesn’t work, and how to improve upon existing designs. This helps them ensure that future versions of their products will be more successful than earlier iterations.

What Is the First Step to Building MVP

Now that you’ve mastered MVP meaning, let’s see what you should do for building MVP. The first step in building an MVP is understanding what sets your product apart from all others. It should be determined which parts of the product are essential, which ones can be added later, and how much time will be needed for development. 

Remember that it’s important not only to plan out each feature but also to think about how they interact with one another. This will help make sure that nothing gets overlooked during production. 

What Comes First: The Funding or the MVP Phase

You may be facing a lot of difficult conundrums concerning what aspects must come first when starting up a business, the chicken or the egg! This is the same situation for developing a new product or service, the question of what comes first is often posed: the funding or the MVP phase?!

Would it be possible to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) without the necessary funding? Investing or obtaining financial support can often require potential investors to see either your product or business plan. And the goal of the MVP phase is to determine whether there is a market for your product. 

Yet, the fantastic part about the tech and digital world is that you don’t need to worry too much about costs – entering this field of work is manageable! 

On the one hand, having financial resources available allows you to move forward with designing and testing your idea before launching it into the marketplace. On the other hand, if you have creative ideas and a well-established circle of connections, then you could possibly obtain some financial support for your project.

So, both of them are necessary for your business. 

MVP Meaning in a Startup

The core idea behind MVP is that rather than spending time perfecting a product prior to release, founders should instead build something simple and test it among consumers as quickly as possible. The feedback from customers can then be used to refine and improve the initial offering, with subsequent iterations created based on user input. 

By conducting this process early on, startups can save time, money, and effort by honing in on exactly what customers are looking for in an offering before investing heavily into its creation.

What Is MVP Development for Startups

MVP development for start-ups is a key part of the early stages of creating a successful business. It involves designing, developing, and testing the product with a minimum set of features. This enables businesses to experiment with different strategies quickly and cheaply as they adapt their product or service according to customer feedback. 

With an MVP, startups can identify areas where further investment may be necessary such as additional features or changes in design, while also providing them with insights into how users interact with their product or service.

MVP Meaning in Software Development

By releasing an early version of the product with minimal features, developers can rapidly discover what users need or expect out of their product while minimizing the cost and risk associated with developing more complex solutions. 

How CRO Tools Can Help You Build MVP

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tools can provide invaluable insight into customer behavior which is essential when deciding to build MVP. 

They give you a better understanding of your existing customers’ behavior by tracking how they interact with your websites and products. By using this data, businesses are able to identify areas where they can make improvements such as increasing website speed or providing a superior customer experience that results in boosting conversions.

WatchThemLive is one of the best behavior analytics tools that provides you with many useful features, including heatmaps, session replays, visual live chat, etc. In the following, we’re going to delve into its functions. 


When creating an MVP, accuracy is key. A website heatmap tool provides a clear representation of where visitors click, scroll, and move their mouse on a page. It allows teams to identify areas of opportunity or improvement in an MVP. 

WatchThemLive Heatmap

Through this type of analytics tool, teams can identify which features are being used most and the best placement for content or CTA’s within their product’s interface. 

Session Replay

Do you know how CCTV works? Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems are becoming more and more popular. Cameras are connected to a recording device or recorder that captures still images or video footage which can then be stored on hard drives or other digital media devices. This is exactly how session replay works, but on websites! 

Session replay software is a powerful debugging tool that records user activity on websites and mobile apps. It logs all movements, clicks, forms completion, mouse hover activities, and more. This allows developers to gain insights into how users interact with their product which helps them identify areas of improvement or potential bugs in the MVP before it reaches consumers. 

WatchThemLive Session Recording

Additionally, session replays allow for simple A/B testing which enables developers to compare different variations of an MVP feature side by side in order to make decisions about which version will work best for the end user.

Visual Live Chat

Live chat apps are essential tools for companies to interact with customers in real time, providing them with immediate feedback on their products. WatchThemLive enables you to pair your session replay with live chat. So, you can collect data on user behavior, such as which features they use most often and the reasons for the support inquiries they make. 

This information can be used to improve feature development, allowing you to develop a better-tailored MVP. 

How Your Startup Can Benefit from an MVP

You’re already familiar with the MVP meaning and how software developers can use it. But how can this concept benefit start-ups? Well, an MVP reduces the risk involved in launching a startup by allowing entrepreneurs to test their product in the market without having to fully develop it. It also enables startups to gain feedback from customers and make necessary adjustments before investing too heavily in the development of the product. 

With an MVP, startups can identify their target audience and see if they are interested in their product before making large investments in production. This allows them to save both time and money while gaining valuable insights into what potential customers may want or need. 

Additionally, an MVP helps entrepreneurs bring products to market quickly. So, they can begin generating revenue sooner rather than later.

Successful Businesses That Started With MVP Development: MVP Examples

To understand MVP meaning on a deeper and more practical level, let’s see what brands and businesses started out with this concept! In this section, we will explore some famous examples of businesses that have been able to use MVP development successfully. 

1. Uber

In 2009, founders, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, wanted to investigate whether or not there was potential interest in their new transportation service, which they initially named ubercab. 

They began with only a limited number of cars in their fleet and decided to provide this service only in San Fransico and New York in order to manage the number of users.  

Uber just focused on one feature – booking a ride. Users have the opportunity to specify their current location within the app or, as an alternative, send an SMS text. Uber will then dispatch the closest taxi to the rider’s location.

Despite its simplicity, the Uber MVP offered the founders an opportunity to validate their original concept. Furthermore, it enabled them to receive invaluable feedback which allowed for enhancements and improvements to be made to their application.

2. Airbnb

In 2007, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia encountered two issues that ultimately served as the inspiration for Airbnb. 

Initially, they encountered difficulty in paying the rent of their apartment in San Francisco. And, after examining the situation, they noticed that the attendees of a sold-out design conference were having trouble finding affordable accommodation.

They had developed an impressive platform to give homeowners the opportunity to rent out any extra space to strangers. In order to check the validity of their idea, Chesky and Gebbia decided to apply it to their living room as a form of accommodation. They then created a basic website to showcase this offering.

Ultimately, they decided to rent their place out to three people at the rate of $80 per night, which was well-received and proved that their idea had been a successful one. To evaluate whether homeowners would be open to this idea, they broadened their MVP so that people could list their space for rent. This is how Airbnb proved to be a worthy idea and turned into the familiar name it is today!

3. Dropbox

Dropbox is one of the great examples of MVP. The founder, Drew Houston, prepared a product demonstration that surprised Houston. He made the right decision to keep things simple. So, the demo went viral and was easily shared around the web.

The idea was clear and straightforward, making it simple to illustrate in a video. Evidently, the thousands of people who signed up proved that there was a significant need for his solution in the marketplace.

4. Spotify

In 2008, Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon saw an opportunity to provide music lovers with a service that would allow them to stream songs easily. The initial prototype was created and released within four months in 2006. Then, they released a beta launch in 2007. 

They knew that people take pleasure in hearing music, either when it is streamed online or downloaded. Some of Sweden’s most famous music bloggers assisted them in testing their new app, and they spoke highly of their experience.

As a result, they expanded the market and add new features like the freemium version, song sharing, playlist creation, offline mode in the premium version, etc.

5. Foursquare

Foursquare, the location-based social network, began by providing just one feature in 2009 – check-ins and gamification rewards – in its Minimum Viable Product form. This application was rather basic, allowing users to check in at any given location.

Then, they added recommendations, city guides, and other features when they saw people appreciate their idea. 

6. Amazon

Amazon is another example that flourished due to the power of an MVP. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, chose this name as it is a reference to the world’s largest river. After careful consideration, Mr. Bezos concluded that books were an ideal initial product to offer due to their widespread accessibility, inexpensive shipping methods, and constant global demand.

In order to provide excellent customer service, Mr. Bezos purchased the requested book from a bookstore and sent it to the customer through the post office. In a span of two months, Amazon experienced rapid success, with profits reaching $20,000 per week. Two years later, it became a public company!

7. Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of this successful global social media network, had an interesting start to this business venture. A hint for its initial purpose can be seen in the name itself; ‘face book’. When he created an early MVP, he intended to build a web directory for Harvard university that includes the names and photos of all students.

The Facebook MVP had an unexpected level of success. Following the launch, Zuckerberg was pleasantly surprised to see 1500 users in just a few days. After only one month, half of Harvard’s students had Facebook accounts already. 

Then, Facebook expanded its MVP to other universities like Stanford and Yale. Finally, it had broadened its outreach to cover all universities in North America by 2004. And now, it is the popular social medium we all know and uses to connect with our family and friends.

8. Groupon

Andrew Mason was the creative mind behind Groupon, which he put to test through a mailing list he called The Point. Groupon initially focused on selling a single product—T-shirts. But instead of building the infrastructure from scratch, he used existing solutions in order to facilitate the operation. They have constructed the website using WordPress to simplify the process of designing and developing it, eliminating the need for a dedicated web design and development team. 

Mason did not provide any e-commerce features, such as shopping carts or checkouts. To make a purchase, customers could communicate with Mason through email. When an order was received by Mason, they used FileMaker to create a PDF coupon. This authentic coupon was sent out automatically to the user through a script on their local machine, eliminating the need for servers.

Groupon demonstrated that while access to a development team and advanced technology may be beneficial, they are not essential when starting to develop your MVP. 

9. Etsy

Rob Kalin, Chris Maguire, and Haim Schoppik established Etsy in 2005 to provide a solution to an issue that was commonly experienced during that time. It is evident that eBay was and still is the largest marketplace during those years, however, many sellers found their fees too expensive. That’s why an alternative came in. 

It is important to recognize that, during this period, many online marketplaces similar to eBay were trying to become the foremost e-commerce platform. Unfortunately, none of them achieved success. So, what made Etsy a successful one?

The founders were aware that there was an important issue and they addressed it directly. After finding out the MVP meaning in business. it took them two months to come up with a basic version of their product. And due to its early success, Etsy has become a credible competitor for eBay.

10. Instacart

Apoorva Mehta, the founder of Instacard, was an inspirational thinker with a fabulous concept for a mobile grocery delivery service. Whenever a request was made to the Instacart MVP, the founders would purchase and deliver the products directly to their customers.

Although the backend of the system was quite basic, the system, unfortunately, accepted every order placed, even if the company was not able to carry out the request.

Despite the challenging infrastructure, the MVP managed to work effectively. Users were not aware of all the manual processes taking place behind the scenes, though!

FAQs on MVP Meaning Slang

We have had a thorough discussion regarding the meaning of MVP so far. Now, it’s time to answer any frequently asked question you may have.

Q1. What Does MVP Mean in Business?

It refers to a new product in the development stage. It is the first version of a product that developers create with enough features to attract early adopters and then use their feedback to improve upon it. 

Q2. What Does MVP Mean in TikTok?

MVP is an acronym that stands for Most Valuable Player, and it is a term used on TikTok. It refers to users who have gained high levels of follower engagement and recognition from other TikTok users. 

MVPs are usually identified by their creative content, viral trends they started or were part of, and engaging videos. They also tend to be trendsetters in the app; setting popular styles or trends which others will follow. In return for all this hard work, MVPs can receive special benefits from TikTok such as brand collaborations or invitations to exclusive events. 


In this article, we’ve discussed everything you must know about MVP and its benefits. Also, we’ve compiled a list of examples to make it more clear. In conclusion, it is clear that MVP’s meaning is an important concept to understand when developing a product, website, or service. It helps to identify what the core features of the product should be while allowing developers to quickly and inexpensively test products with real users. The data and feedback from MVPs can then be used to inform further development and create a stronger product.

Moreover, WatchThemLive can give you a hand in this process to create a better MVP. Don’t waste a second and sign up for FREE

This post first appeared on Watch Them Live, please read the originial post: here

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MVP Meaning in Business + 10 Most Successful Examples


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