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The Importance Of Branding In Web Design And SEO in 2022


There is no need to introduce some brands. At the same time, it does not matter at all how you feel about this or that brand, you will recognize their logos a mile away. When you see the swoosh logo on someone's sneakers, you'll instantly know it's Nike.

A white two-tailed mermaid on a green background on a paper coffee cup will immediately let you know that this is a Starbucks. A bitten apple in white or silver color on smartphones, laptops, and tablets will let you immediately know that this is an Apple product.

The logos of such companies are automatically recognized by people all over the world, even if they do not have signatures with the name of the company. Such logos are not just a recognizable image, they are the whole concept of the company in several elements.

Importance Of Branding In Web Design And SEO

Many companies, especially young ones, aim to achieve the same recognition. If world-famous enterprises were already well-known before the Internet's heyday, businesses now need to increase their online reach.

What Is “Branding”?  

It is a marketing tool that consists of symbols and designs by which a company can be identified and a reputation that is formed in the process of developing a company. Accordingly, rebranding is an update of corporate positioning in its entirety or certain aspects.

However, simple elements identify a huge number of important ideas about the company for buyers to understand. With simple symbols, color schemes, and even fonts, you put information about what you offer people. Moreover, they carry information about what philosophy you adhere to in the company, as well as what your culture is. More importantly, you put in them the emotions that you want people to evoke when they mention your company. This, at its core, makes your company stand out from the rest.

Why Does It Matter?

  • We tend to shop from online stores and shops we are familiar with. This is confirmed by more than 40 percent of people who would prefer a familiar company over a newcomer to the market or a little-known brand.
  • Different colors evoke certain emotions. Sticking to those color combinations chosen at an early stage will increase your recognition by up to 80%.
  • It takes users less than one second to decide whether to continue using the site or not.
  • Adhering to brand consistency affects not only recognition but also an increase in revenue. On average, for many companies, this has led to an increase in profits of more than 30%.
  • Companies cannot exist outside of society. That is why customers take into account the positions of brands on various social as well as political issues. In this regard, about 65% will continue to buy the company's products or will ignore them, based on the position of the company.
  • Throughout the time spent on the site of an online store, users evaluate what kind of customer experience companies offer them. Approximately 75% of people, based on this, decide whether they will buy something or not.

Branding in Web Design

The design of the site is intended to influence and shape visitors' perceptions of the company. Brand design is a tandem of various corporate identity elements. All the elements that tell the audience about the brand can be included in the unique design.


The way you inform buyers about your company should be equally reflected in both online and physical marketing materials. Thus, the same brand idea should be displayed in the design or email newsletter and publications on social platforms, flyers, and advertisements on television or radio.

Customers will struggle to recognize your company if the way you portray yourself online differs from how it looks on physical marketing materials. The modern market appreciates uniqueness and doesn’t encourage “bored” secondary items. Unique attributes of the products you sell are all part of branding that people take note of.

The images that you post both on your site and Instagram should be made in a recognizable style.  This can be seen in the many company profiles that post pictures in different styles. Process images in a branded style to avoid this. A unified approach to the processing of all published posts gives a more pleasing look and is viewed by the customer subconsciously as much easier.

Visual Representation of Values

You're not just picking a lovely and elegant picture when you choose a specific image, symbol, or color. You specifically select each element to fully reflect your values and ideas. This is reflected in the products you offer people to meet their needs. As a result, you develop a powerful brand that your competitors will find tough to match.

Increasing Confidence

A website should inspire as much trust in customers like your products and services. It takes only 10 seconds for a user to go to the homepage to appreciate how good your website is.

Based on this, each user decides whether he will perform the targeted action or not. As they say, fine dress helps to impress. Thus, more than 70% of users trust good-looking websites first and then look at their content.

Ease of Use

It will be clear to purchasers if your website has been altered several times. Pages will be inconsistent in appearance and function. This is something that branding can help with.

To prevent a jumble of colors, logos, fonts, and other components, you should form your brand. You work with designers and developers to ensure your website is easy to use by adapting each piece of content to your brand values and principles. This is important to mention since current users value ease above all else.

Branding in SEO

An efficient SEO strategy might aid in the recognition of your brand. Wanting to make a brand more recognizable, many companies buy backlinks to increase website traffic. This, however, works both ways. A well-designed and consistent brand boosts your chances of capturing the attention of as many customers as possible on search engine results sites like Google and Bing, resulting in more clicks.

The more trust you have and the more recognition you have, the higher you will appear in the search results. This way, you not only rank as a leader in the SERPs, but your brand constantly brings you closer to new customers, and new target audiences, as well as improving your website rankings.

You can see it yourself. You just need to enter into the Google search engine any product, product, or service that you use on an ongoing basis. By pressing Enter, there will be renowned companies you know well at the top. You might think that this is thanks to paid advertising. However, in reality, the task of algorithms is to offer users those companies that they trust and which they know firsthand.

This is not to say that we base our decisions solely on what companies diligently try to show us at every opportunity, be it an online ad, a Facebook post, or a TV ad. We do, however, make judgments based on emotions in the majority of circumstances. As a result, buyers subconsciously choose what they have known for a long time and what they can rely on.

Better Branding Boosts Search Results

The emblem, color combinations, and fonts are only a minor component of your brand's basis. Beyond these factors, you should focus on the sort of experience you deliver to people when they visit your website, select items, or access relevant material.

Your company website should include everything that sets you apart from your competition. Every page should convey your key principles. Every advertising tool you use, including digital networking and email campaigns, as well as the influencers you work with, must be in line with your claims.

This is crucial, but so is the sort of experience purchasers get when they use your website. If you don't want users to become disillusioned with your brand, then web pages should load quickly, and pages should not be cluttered with elements or irrelevant and broken links.

Recognition Outside the Website

As long as you focus entirely on the development of your website, your competitors will outpace you on other fronts. During this time, they will already have time to win the hearts of users with a variety of interesting and useful posts on social networks where you are not yet. Thus, you must have an effective social media strategy.

The variety and value of content isn't the only thing that should be on your mind. A well-designed SEO strategy includes implementing keywords that will bring users to you. Your visual material is just as crucial as your keywords. When creating visual materials, you should seek to not only educate clients and provide them with useful information but also create a positive impression of your company and brand.

An excellent example is the experience of Coca-Cola. 12 years ago, the FIFA World Cup was held in South America. The company presented a video clip that became the unofficial theme of the sporting event. The song Wavin' Flag quickly went viral with over 100 million views. Surprisingly, one video clip spawned a ton of user-generated content that brought even more attention to Coca-Cola.

Local Search

Many people forget how much search engines take into account local search. These days, People need to find information here and now, whether looking for a cafe for a snack or finding the nearest appliance store. Even if users do not mention a specific location when entering a query, search engines like Google still take this into account.

That is why every company needs to create an account in Google My Business. If you provide contact numbers, addresses, information about your company, products provided, and even prices, users will contact you more often. Most buyers contact companies the same day they are looking for something nearby.

What Is SEO Branding, and How Do You Go About Creating One?

The market becomes oversaturated in any niche and even in regions. Therefore, brand development becomes essential for any business, and such a goal should be part of the SEO branding strategy as well. So, let's take a closer look at how this works specifically with SEO.

Brand Traffic as A Competitive Advantage

Branded traffic refers to clicks on keywords that include the company's name in the query. The presence of branded traffic and its growth provides the business with some important advantages:

  • Guaranteed high positions of the official site, regardless of changes in algorithms;
  • The high click-through rate of pages in the issue (CTR);
  • Transitions from a loyal and “warmed up” audience, which in turn ensures a high conversion rate.

Long-Range: Important Strategic Advantages

Pumping branded traffic is a long-term game. In the short term, you may not notice the change, but if we talk specifically about the strategic benefits, then the possible return is definitely worth the effort.

Here are four key benefits that brand search conversions bring to any business:

  • Increasing company awareness. A large number of visitors means that more users will learn about the existence of your company, as well as what you offer.
  • More conversion traffic. Such visitors are much more willing to make a purchase.
  • Low sensitivity to algorithm changes. When searching for branded queries in the search results, “vital” sites are always given the first place and sometimes several positions.
  • Competitive advantage. Considering all the points listed above, the growth of branded traffic can be seen as a clear bonus in the fight against competitors for the top.


Ultimately, it becomes clear that these three components go hand in hand. Each of them is of paramount importance.

You communicate your whole company's philosophy and concept through the brand. When web design is consistent, it boosts consumer confidence and gives the user-friendliness that today's customers want. SEO has an impact on brand recognition, and branding has an impact on how high your site ranks in search results.

The post The Importance Of Branding In Web Design And SEO in 2022 appeared first on Webnus.

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The Importance Of Branding In Web Design And SEO in 2022
