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30+ of the Best WordPress vCard Themes for 2020

These vCard WordPress themes are a worldwide sensation.  If you’re looking for a job or looking to add new clients for a creative business, a personal portfolio or resume website is an incredible and powerful way to help achieve your goals. We’ve got a collection of WordPress vCard themes that will make it easier than ever to build a stylish and attractive showcase for your talents.

Each and every one of the themes in this vCard theme collection will allow you to create an incredible personal website promoting your education, your skills, your qualifications, and experiences. With these personal portfolio themes, you can quickly and effortlessly establish a great-looking website to promote yourself. We’ve found dozens of stylish themes that are great for resumes, portfolios and other personal promotion websites.

All of these themes are incredibly simple to use, they offer state-of-the-art plugins and add-ons to make building your website simple, even for beginners. All of these themes are well supported and well-documented and can be easily customized through the admin panel. If you are trying to grow your business or showcase your freelance skills and experience, any one of these themes will help you build a fantastic site.

Niko, Resume, vCard and CV Theme

Niko Resume vCard and CV Theme

Nico is a vCard WordPress theme with a really unique style and plenty of awesome features to go along with it. powered by your favorite page builder, WP Bakery page builder to be specific, this theme is ideal for resumes, v-cards, personal portfolios and no matter what business you are in, it can help you put the best foot forward. Nico is a completely responsive theme with two different main variations, a dark and a light version. Depending on what mood you want to create, these basic styles give you a great starting point to build an impressive online resume. If you need to promote yourself in a way that attracts the right kind of attention, this responsive theme could fit the bill. It delivers an eye-catching, clean and beautiful presentation for any type of content. All of that without needing to learn a bit about how to code a website yourself, this easy to use themed handles everything on the back end for

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Cvio, WordPress vCard Theme

Cvio WordPress vCard Theme

This is Cvio.  With a gorgeous, dark layout and all-around clean style, Cvio is a stunning vCard and resume template to help you impress new clients and show off what you have to offer. This Cvio vCard theme is ideal for creatives who want to put their best foot forward. Whether you’re a freelancer or a computer programmer, a web developer or a designer of some other sort, the Cvio WordPress theme has all the tools you’ll need to make the right first impression.

There are 10 different color schemes provided as well as six different homepage variations. With six different portfolio types, smooth and interesting page animations, a built-in contact form and many other features, this theme has quite a bit going for it. Building your online resume is going to be a fast and fun process if you select Cvio.

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Ramsay, vCard WordPress Theme

Ramsay vCard WordPress Theme

Ramsey is an incredibly finely-crafted, carefully built, high-performance and gorgeous curriculum vitae or resume WordPress theme. If you’re building a personal portfolio or if you want to highlight your education, career achievements and your work history, Ramsey is the WordPress theme that you should be looking at. Ramsay WordPress theme is perfectly compatible with all of the most popular plugins and add-ons for WordPress.

Whether you want to build an image gallery, a portfolio, create a blog or add videos to your website, you’ll be able to do all of that and more. This is a handcrafted theme with unlimited layouts, plenty of customization options, a fresh and striking design and a trendy, minimalist style. this is a brand-new WordPress vCard theme, but it has proven to be quite popular since its initial release. I think that it’s going to continue to grow in popularity and this might be the right time to take a look at a theme like this so you can get in on the ground floor.

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MyCareer, Premium vCard WordPress Theme

MyCareer WordPress vCard Theme

MyCareer is a vCard WordPress theme that allows you to set up your online resume and almost no time flat. It’s got all the elements you need to get the job done. You got six different flexible, fully built out pre-made design templates for your homepage. They’re just waiting for your content and as you add it, you’ll see or website come to life. Starting a website from scratch, rather than having somebody else build it for you, it’s a really good feeling. It means you can get complete control over everything that you want to show. With MyCareer, you’re definitely going to have that ability right off the bat.

MyCareer has a powerful admin interface for advanced customization control. There’s one click demo content import so you can get your online resume off the ground quickly. There are quite a number of different short codes included, client list, working hours, certificates and skills come up short codes for showcasing a different content types as well as standard set of short codes to help keep your website organized. Overall, this theme looks like a real winner and I’m certain that one of the six demo styles is going to work for quite a number of you.

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Bako, Personal Portfolio and Resume Theme

Bako Personal Portfolio And Resume WordPress Theme

Bako is the name of this clean, simple vCard WordPress theme.  Bako is responsive WordPress theme, it’s been tested on all major handheld devices. That helps ensure that you are website looks great on all of those devices that have been tested. Considering the fact that it has been tested on all of them, you can surmise that this theme will look fantastic on all devices. Included with you or download a free copy of the Elementor page builder, allowing you to create a delightful layout, even if you work skill set is a bit lacking in terms of development abilities.

Elementor is my favorite of the page Builders, it helps to create fast low-income SEO friendly websites without a lot of code bloat. You also get one click demo import, alive customizer with over 40 different options to help customize your website, portfolio posts can be retrieved with the load more button, there are unlimited colors and Google font options. With premium support and detailed documentation, making the most of your theme is not going to be a challenge. I think this is an ideal theme for any sort of online resume or personal portfolio website.

If a vCard or resume theme is what you’re looking for, but this theme didn’t measure up, you might want to look at our collection of custom vCard WordPress themes. It’s a great place to find exactly what you were looking for and to help promote your skills, education and experiences. Making the right first impression with potential employers or clients, that’s an important thing. This theme does everything that I can to help in that regard. But, maybe this theme was not ideal for your needs. Well, our full collection of the card themes is the place to go to find a wide variety of options to choose from.

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Jason Colorful WordPress VCard Theme

Jason is a clean design and clean design means happy readers.  At least that’s what the developer says.  I’ll be willing to believe them if I get a little bit more information, which is always the approach I take.  With that said, let’s take a deeper look at Jason.

The theme developer describes Jason as being a colorful blog theme and I suppose that I can’t disagree with that assessment too much. In addition, I think that this theme would work just as well as a vCard or personal portfolio. No matter how you want to use it, I think that is going to help you provide a great user experience and it will help to get all of the most important content across to your readers in a timely and efficient manner. Jason looks to be very simple to set up and easy to customize, giving you the right type of platform for putting your best foot forward.

The Jason theme was released in June of 2019, making it one of the freshest themes anywhere.  I really do like the overall design of this template, the typography is sharp and clear, the navigation is easy to manage and all of that helps deliver a wonderful user experience.

Jason displays all of your images and content beautifully, no matter what type of device your visitors are using to access your side. That is because the design is purely responsive, built from the ground up to work right for all types of devices. This theme features are really clean archive page that displays your latest posts, let’s visit or sort through those posts by month, category or tag. Developer says that this acts as a sort of sitemap, although I really don’t think that you should rely simply on the archived page to let do spiders know what type of content you are offering.

Jason was built using the underscores framework, certainly one of my favorite Frameworks for helping create a really great-looking web template. Underscores themes 10 to load up fast and, of course, they look great on all devices, thanks to that perfect responsive design. It’s built into underscores itself, it’s impossible to build a theme using underscores without it being perfectly responsive.

One other features that Jason offers, a GPL license. That’s a fresh and cool thing to have, meaning that this theme, like WordPress itself, is perfectly open source. I think that pixel grade, the developer, has a really big hit on their hands. They have sold nearly 50,000 themes in total and I see no reason why this one should not join the long list of successful templates that they have released so far. The vast majority of themes that they have created has been quite popular and very well received. Time will tell with this one, but I think that I will end up recommending it even more in the future or that I do currently.

Clean, mobile friendly and responsive.  That’s a nice combination.  If you’re looking for more great themes like this one, we have several different collections that may be of interest to you. Check out our GPL license themes here and our personal blog themes here. No matter what theme you choose in any of our collections, you are going to receive a fabulous theme that is easy to use, easy to manage and it’s going to help make your life a whole lot easier. We only select the absolute best themes out there and everyone is reviewed for Quality, ensuring that you get a great user experience and that your readers get the same, consistent and professional look and feel on each and every page that they visit.

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Certy CV VCard And Resume Theme

This little resumé theme is called Certy and it’s among the highest rated vCard themes available on ThemeForest.  Quite an accomplishment.  Certy bills itself as the new standard for online resumé and CV building.  I can see why a lot of people like this theme, it’s completely different than a lot of other themes out there.  The style is fun, yet professional at the same time.  It’s well coded and that’s certainly going to help out with regard to SEO.  The flexible admin panel makes editing and customizing this theme a breeze.

With the exclusive features offered by Certy, there’s nothing stopping you from creating a website that has everything you want and nothing you don’t.  So far, there are 8 different demo styles premade, each one can be installed quickly, giving you a big headstart to building your resumé and showing the world what you have to offer.  That’s about all you could ask from a delightful resume WordPress theme.

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Create WordPress vCard and Resume Theme

Create is a multipurpose drag-and-drop WordPress theme that I think could be great for personal portfolios. To Showcase your talents, you will want a well-designed WordPress theme that is easy to use. Thanks to the page builder plugin, an incredible open source drag-and-drop of Page Builder from SiteOrigin, you will have complete control over the layout and features that you offer in your sight. There are multiple layout options for portfolios, this responsive themes even allows you to add video backgrounds to engage with your visitors.

Slider Revolution is included as is one click demo import. If you’d like to add an e-commerce shop to your website, it’s easy to do using WooCommerce and the Create WordPress theme. There are Parallax backgrounds, multiple blog layouts and very simple to use page options. This theme is the complete package and for a reasonable price to boot.

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Aspire Pro

Aspire Pro WordPress Resume and Personal Portfolio Theme

Aspire Pro is a Genesis Framework child theme that allows you to create a dynamic and engaging online resume. This template comes with custom widget areas, that allows you to add even more functionality to your website then ever before. Bill as a mobile first website, your resume will look fantastic on all devices, no matter what screen size. There are custom page templates to get you started, it customizable header and the theme customizer allows you to tweak all of your theme settings in one easy-to-use area.

Genesis framework themes always load up fast and look great on all devices and they are very simple to use. The support and documentation are thorough and you should run into no problems setting up your website, even if you happen to be a relative newcomer to WordPress.  But hey, even if you’re seasoned WordPress veteran, these Genesis framework themes can help craft a high performance, memorable website for your resume, CV or vCard.

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Hello Pro

Hello Pro WordPress Genesis Framework VCard Theme

Hello Pro allows you to really make a connection with potential clients and customers. It also does a great job of putting your resume at the Forefront of any hiring managers mind. It really establishes a unique personal brand for you and allows your site visitors to get drawn in and really engage with your message. This theme is simple and fast living, flexible and dynamic. The theme customizer makes it very simple to make changes to your website, including colors, background images and content. You’ll be able to see all of those changes in real time, you won’t have to wait to update to see what you’ve done.

Honestly, this is among the most flexible WordPress vCard themes available today.  The header is customizable, there are custom page templates included and multiple widget areas to add more functionality. This theme is mobile friendly and looks great on all devices. Like all Genesis themes, the documentation and support our fantastic, page load times are rapid and the user experience you will deliver is second to none.

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Entertainer WordPress vCard for Comedians and Musicians

Entertainer is a WordPress theme for Creative professionals who want to put their best foot forward. If you’re in the entertainment industry, this is the perfect WordPress template for showcasing your talent. You can display audio, video and even tour dates, making this or press theme great for musicians and bands, stand-up comedians and others who take their show on the road. If you host a YouTube channel, if you are a comedian, if you are any sort of Entertainer, this template is specifically built for your needs.

I think as an online resume, this template has everything it takes two make a great first impression. It’s also ideal for podcasts, weather audio or video is your Forte. Plenty of different entertainers out there have driven this template to make a real personal connection with their audience and I think it’s a great solution for that.

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Glitche WordPress vCard Resume and CV Theme

This theme is great for resumes, CVs and vCards. The design is clean and minimal, there is a flexible content Builder included and you can utilize this template as a multi-page or a one-page website. It’s easy to install and easy to customize and delivers a great user experience. With a perfect 5-star rating, this is one of the most well-loved resume themes around.

There are three different background variations that you can use, video, image or the minimalist style that is pictured above. With a fully responsive layout and dynamic layout builder, this theme is a fantastic starting point for any personal portfolio or resume website.

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Ekme WordPress Resume And VCard Theme

Clean, elegant and simple, Ekme has all the right features in all the right places. This one page Landing pack template is great for more than just landing pages, it’s fantastic choice for crafting a successful vCard or personal portfolio website. It’s a minimalist landing page pack that is great for freelance designers, creative agencies and anyone who wants to Showcase their work in a very simple way. Sometimes a landing page is all you need, you can really attract a lot of attention if you choose the right one.

You’ll want a theme that maximizes the impact of your creative work and has a clear and concise call to action. This template has 12 different carefully-crafted demo styles that you get to choose from as well as six unique portfolio layouts. I think that each and every one of them brings a little something different to the table. Overall, I highly recommend this template.

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RS Card

RS Card WordPress VCard Theme

RS Card is a vCard theme for professionals who know what they’re doing.  RS Card has a slick, sleek material design style that’s really trending right now.  You can display your work experience and education on a great looking timeline, perfectly capturing what it is you’re all about.  There is a cool skills section with percent bars, or you can use the stats section with counter.  Either way, you get a nice visual way to communicate what you have to offer to potential clients or customers.

There’s a powerful portfolio, with high performance filters, a pop-up and inner page too.  This theme is multilingual, it’s got that flat style that programmers, designers and business people seem to love.  There’s a whole lot more that I’m not getting to, but the result is, the RS WordPress theme looks fantastic and it’s really easy to use, even if you’re a beginner.  Well worth looking into.

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Business Card

Business Card WordPress VCard And Resume Theme

Simple, clean, stunning, that’s what the Business Card WordPress theme is all about.  It works well on all devices and should absolutely be considered for a great one page or landing page template.  The Business Card WordPress theme is a well crafted template that’s ideal for landing pages.

It’s easy to use, all the information you could possibly want is right up front with plain, clear navigation.  In just that one page, you can show off your About Us page, contact information, examples of what’s in your portfolio, testimonials from customers or clients and show folks your team’s biographies.  All without leaving the front page.

The Business Card WordPress theme offers clean, validated code, constant updates, great support from Elegant Themes, localization support, a user friendly and simple custom options panel and a lot more.

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Kerge Clean Minimal VCard WordPress Theme

Kerge is a curious name for a WordPress theme, but the results you can get with this theme make it a great choice, in my opinion.  Kerge is a perfect solution for building a high quality online resumé that can really help you put your best foot forward.  Kerge installs quickly, in just a couple minutes, you can have any of the 8 pre-set styles up and running, adding your images and content to make it look amazing and start to spread the word about what you have to offer.

There are both light and dark versions, it’s compatible with WordPress 5 and it’s all based on the fast and powerful Unyson framework.  With the drag and drop page builder, CSS and HTML knowledge is not required in the least.  You’ll have access to over 800 Google fonts, 67 page transition effects, multiple post formats and plenty more.

There’s even a built in blog system to help you create amazing posts to share your latest work.  Kerge has a nearly perfect 4.94 rating on Theme Forest and over 500 sales and counting.  This theme is a real winner.

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WP Compass

WP Compass WordPress VCard Themes

The WP Compass is a gorgeous responsive single page WordPress theme. This elaborate theme gives your blog, portfolio, vCard or resumé a unique and fresh look. The theme is very easy to customize; it was built and documented with a novice in mind. The WP Compass comes with 3 beautiful color sets, 2 different options for animation effects, and full screen slideshow. The WordPress theme is also equipped with Font Awesome icons and Google Fonts.

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Moje VCard WordPress Responsive Bootstrap Theme

If you want a stylish vCard theme, consider Moje as a really serious contender.  With an attractive, modern layout and easy left sided navigation, Moje is perfectly set up to be a highly professional online resumé builder.  Moje has a responsive design and considering you never know if a prospective employer or client is accessing your site via a mobile device, that’s a key feature to offer.

There are multiple color schemes, single page and multi-page layouts, tons of icons, shortcodes specifically made for building your online resumé and tons more.  The support is exceptionally solid too, so if you need help customizing this theme, it’s always there for the taking.

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zWin WordPress Theme for Resumes and Design Portfolios Awesome and Old School

Zwin is a completely responsive vCard WordPress theme that is ideal for displaying your resume, your personal portfolio and all the information that a potential employer might need to judge you or the. this is a really simple theme that downloads and installs and just a few minutes. Showing an online v card to your friends, employers, customers using one of the most powerful tools to come along In our lifetime.

WordPress. Actually, computers in general.

But, with the advanced portfolio builder and full support for WordPress blogs, this responsive and easy to manage WordPress theme does a fabulous job of making sure your most pertinent information is displayed front and center, allowing everyone to see what you have to offer.

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Square Root WordPress VCard Themes

Meet Square Root.  This is a pretty useful option for anyone who needs a well made online resumé.

The first thing that your visitors will be greeted with is a very attractive slider. That can be a tremendous way to grab readers attention. Further along, you’ll see that this resume WordPress theme has a perfect responsive design. All of the typical browsers and devices will be perfectly supported. Built on the underscores starter theme, this template is well coded and it loads up fast. That can really help with SEO and considering you want to provide the best user experience possible, fast loading websites give you a big edge.

There’s also parallax JavaScript which allows for parallax sections in your online resume. It’s going to be an attractive and interesting way to add a little flair to your website and it stand out from the crowd.

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Shift CV WordPress Resume And VCard Theme

Shift CV is a contemporary and responsive WordPress resume theme that has all your personal blog and portfolio needs covered. This is a clean and fresh design with a refined and colorful display. Extreme creativity is definitely going to be on your side with this trendy and versatile vCard theme. it even works as an online magazine, if that’s the way you want to use it.

Photographers and other creatives can make use of the portfolio options, these are absolutely well crafted and they offer a wide variety of layouts to help showcase images. But, let’s stick to the resume capabilities. This theme is among the absolute best of its type and that is probably why it has become so popular since its initial release.

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HyperX Adsense Optimized Content Marketing Theme

Hyperx is a responsive WordPress personal portfolio and vCard WordPress theme. With nearly 5,000 sales, this highly adaptable and highly adjustable WordPress theme is an ideal place to begin your journey of creating a high-quality, personal portfolio. This theme is absolutely packed with options and the responsive, one page layout make sure all of the most important content is on the front page, right where it belongs.

This is a highly adaptable and highly adjustable theme, it’s translation ready and has incredibly clean code. If you’re looking for a fast loading and modern theme, this one is among the very best. The developer has continued to stay on top of things, ensuring that this theme as the latest features and that it is never gone out of style. It should be noted, this theme is licensed to 100% GPL oh, something that many of you are looking for.

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Prorez WordPress theme is a one page resumé theme that has lots of potential to make a fun, informative homepage for your CV, resumé or vCard.  It’s also perfect for personal portfolio websites.

It’s great for anybody who loves to show off their creative side.  that means photographers, designers, artists, painters and web designers are going to find this theme an ideal way to make their creativity practically jump off the screen.

This theme uses the Elementor page builder to give huge flexibility in terms of layout and design.  The one click demo import feature allows you to get started quickly.  Just run it and all the demo content will be imported to look just like the demo you see below.  Then, add your own content over the top and you’ll have a really nicely crafted website to make your portfolio, resumé or vCard pop.

If you know absolutely nothing about coding, you’ll still be able to make the most out of the Prorez theme, because all of the design and adjustments are accessible through the admin panel.  It’s really straightforward and simple to execute.  With Prorez, there’s nothing you can’t achieve and no matter what sort of creative vCard site you want to set up, it’s going to look amazing.

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Selfless WordPress VCard Theme

Selfless is a powerful one page theme that is built for resume websites and vCard sites. That’s a sort of personal portfolio that can help showcase your talents and let everybody know what you are all about. Selfless is a popular vCard WordPress theme, highly rated and packed with features.

While this theme has been around for a while, it seems to still be going strong. However, you may find yourself looking for something a little bit newer with more modern features. If that’s the case, we still have a few more tricks up our sleeve and hopefully one of these themes going to work perfectly for setting up an outstanding online resumé.

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RyanCV Resume and vCard WordPress Theme

This attractive-looking CV or resume theme is called Ryan CV. It’s a resume, vCard and CV theme all in one. With a theme like this one, you’re absolutely going to provide all of the information that any prospective client or employer might want to see. This is I totally adaptable theme that’s great for any type of person who wants the absolute best in a vCard WordPress theme. Built specifically for web developers and designers, computer programmers and creative freelancers, whether that’s in the field of writing or music, photography or anything else where creativity is important. This theme blends professionalism with creativity in a way that few vCard themes are able to pull off.

Provided with your download, is a handy drag-and-drop page builder for the utmost in design flexibility. You don’t have to be a professional web developer to take full advantage of this page builder, it’s crafted for beginners and experts alike. you’ll find it quite simple to create any sort of layout you want and add all of the content that you have in mind. For every v card out there, for every creative person who needs a vCard, there are going to be very specific must haves and things to avoid. This theme gives you the flexibility to have exactly what you want on the page and nothing that you don’t.

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Leven Personal Online Resume Theme

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Axen Modern Full Screen Personal Portfolio Theme

This post first appeared on Templified WordPress Themes, please read the originial post: here

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30+ of the Best WordPress vCard Themes for 2020


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