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40 Selling Words & Phrases To Sell Your Product and Services!

Imagine talking to someone about something you want to sell. The words you use can make a big difference. Some words can make people really interested, while others might make them say no. That’s where Selling Words come in!

In this blog, we’re going to talk about how to choose the right words when you’re trying to sell something. It doesn’t matter if you’re a person who sells things for a job or just someone who wants to convince others. Words are like tools, and we’ll show you how to use them to make people want what you have to offer.

We’ll explain how words work and why some words are better than others. We’ll also share tips and tricks to help you choose words that grab people’s attention, build trust, and make them want to do what you ask.

Whether you’re someone who’s been selling for a long time or someone who’s just starting, understanding how words can help you is super important. So, let’s learn these “Selling Words” and find out how the right words can help you succeed in selling things and getting people to listen to you.

10 Selling Words for Marketers

Here are the 10 selling words for marketers:

1. Power Words

Power Words are strong and attention-grabbing words that make people want to do something. For instance, when you see words like “exclusive,” “guaranteed,” or “free,” they catch your eye and make you interested in what’s being offered. These words have a special power to get you to take action, like clicking a link or buying something. So, when you use them, you can get people’s attention and make them do what you want them to do.

Read More: Power Words For Sales To Boost Conversions in 2023! (+Examples)

2. Emotional Triggers

Emotional Triggers are words that make you feel strong emotions when you read them. They connect your feelings to what’s being talked about, like a product or message. For example, when you see words like “love,” you might feel happy and warm. “Happiness” can make you feel joyful, and “fear” might make you feel scared or worried. These words are like magic because they make you care about what you’re reading or hearing. They can make you want to buy something or believe in an idea.

3. Persuasive Language

Persuasive Language is using words that make people believe in what you’re offering. It’s like talking in a way that convinces them that what you have is really valuable. For instance, you can say things like “you shouldn’t miss this” to make them feel like they’d be missing out if they don’t get it. Or you might say “the best in the market” to make them think your thing is better than everything else. Using persuasive words can get people interested and excited about what you’re selling.

4. Benefit-Oriented Terms

Benefit-Oriented Terms are words that explain how something can make your life better. Instead of just saying what a product or service can do, these words tell you why it’s good for you. For example, if a product “saves time,” it means you won’t have to spend as much time on something, so you have more time for fun. “Increases productivity” means it helps you do more work faster. And “improves health” means it can make you feel better and stay well.

5. Urgency Words

Urgency Words are like a signal that tells you to hurry up and do something right now. They make you feel like you might miss out if you don’t act quickly. For example, when you see “limited time offer,” it means you only have a short time to get something special. “Last chance” means it’s your final opportunity. And “now” means you should do it immediately. These words are like a friendly nudge that says, “Don’t wait; do it fast!” They make you feel like it’s really important to act without delay.

6. Trust-Building Vocabulary

Trust-Building Vocabulary are words that make people believe in something because they show it’s reliable, honest, and of good quality. These words, like “trusted,” mean that many people think it’s good, so you can trust it too. “Certified” means it’s officially checked and approved. “Reliable” tells you it works well and won’t let you down. When you see these words, it’s like they’re saying, “You can trust us, and what we offer is really good.” They make you feel safe and sure about what you’re getting.

7. Storytelling Words

Storytelling Words are like special tools that make your marketing more interesting. They help you create a cool story about your product or brand. Think of it like an exciting adventure or a journey. When you use words like “journey,” “adventure,” or “inspiration,” it’s like telling a fun and interesting tale. These words make your marketing feel like a great story, and that makes people more interested. It’s like inviting them to be a part of the adventure.

8. Value Proposition Terminology

Value Proposition Terminology are words that show why your product or service is special. They point out what makes it different and great. Think of it like a superhero. These words, like “cost-effective,” “innovative,” or “one-of-a-kind,” tell everyone why your product or service is like a superhero with unique powers. When you use these words, it’s like saying, “Look at this amazing thing! It’s not like the others, and it can do something really cool.”

9. Solution-Focused Language

Solution-Focused Language is like talking about how your product or service can help with a problem or what someone needs. It’s about saying how it can make things better. Imagine you have a superhero who can fix things. Words like “solve,” “fix,” or “address” are like saying, “Here’s how our superhero can help!” When you use these words, it’s like telling people, “We have the solution to your problem!” People like solutions, so they pay attention.

10. Customer-Centric Phrases

Customer-Centric Phrases are like talking to a friend. They make the customer feel super important. Instead of talking about ourselves, we use words like “you” and “your needs.” It’s like saying, “We really care about you and want to make you happy.”

People like feeling special and heard. So, when we use Customer-Centric Phrases, it’s like giving them the spotlight. They feel like the most important person, and that’s a great way to connect with them and make them happy.

These selling words can be incredibly effective when used thoughtfully in marketing materials, advertisements, and sales pitches. They help you connect with your audience, communicate the value of your product or service, and ultimately drive action.

10 Selling Words to Close Deals

Here are the 10 selling words to close deals:

1. Action-Oriented Phrases

Action-Oriented Phrases are like a friendly push to get customers moving. They’re words and phrases that make people want to act right away. When you see things like “act now,” “get started,” or “buy today,” they make you feel like you should do something immediately. These words create a sense of urgency and excitement, encouraging people to take action without delay.

2. Objection-Handling Language

Objection-Handling Language is all about addressing and overcoming concerns or objections that customers might have. When people are hesitant or uncertain, these words come to the rescue. You might start with phrases like “I understand your concern” to show empathy, and then follow up with a solution to ease their worries. It’s like being a problem-solver, helping customers see that their concerns can be resolved.

3. Problem-Solving Vocabulary

Problem-Solving Vocabulary is your toolkit for showing how your product or service can tackle specific problems that customers are facing. Instead of just talking about what your offering does, these words focus on how it can make their issues go away. Phrases like “resolve,” “eliminate,” or “fix” demonstrate that your solution is all about making their lives better by solving their problems.

4. Closing Technique Words

Closing Technique Words are like the final steps in sealing the deal. When you’re ready to close the sale, these words and phrases gently guide customers towards making a decision. For instance, saying “Are you ready to proceed?” or “Shall we finalize this?” lets them know it’s time to make a commitment. It’s like helping them take that last step to make a purchase or agree to a deal.

5. Negotiation Terms

Negotiation Terms come into play when there’s room for discussion and bargaining. In situations where terms can be adjusted, these words help navigate the conversation effectively. Words like “offer,” “counteroffer,” or “terms” keep the discussion going and ensure both parties are on the same page. It’s like having a language that helps find common ground and reach mutually beneficial agreements.

6. Trial Close Phrases

Trial Close Phrases are like testing the waters to see if the customer is ready to move forward. These words and phrases gauge the customer’s interest and willingness to take the next step. For instance, asking “Would you like to try it out?” or saying “Can we move to the next step?” helps you understand if they’re ready to commit. It’s like gently checking if they’re ready to take the plunge before diving into the final deal.

7. Competitive Advantage Words

Competitive Advantage Words highlight what makes your product or service stand out from the competition. In a crowded marketplace, you want to emphasize why you’re the best choice. Words like “leading,” “unmatched,” or “superior” convey that your offering has something special that others don’t. It’s like putting a spotlight on your unique strengths and qualities, making it clear why customers should choose you.

8. Testimonial-Based Language

Testimonial-Based Language is about using the positive experiences and feedback of other customers to build trust. Phrases like “Many customers have found” or “Here’s what others are saying” show that your product or service has a track record of making people happy. It’s like letting satisfied customers speak for you and vouch for the quality and effectiveness of what you offer.

9. Assurance and Guarantee Terms

Assurance and Guarantee Terms reassure customers about the quality and reliability of your product or service. These words provide a safety net in a world where trust is vital. Examples like “satisfaction guaranteed” or “money-back guarantee” promise that if customers aren’t happy, they won’t lose out. It’s like saying, “We stand by our product, and you can trust that it’ll meet your expectations.”

10. Commitment-Inducing Vocabulary

Commitment-Inducing Vocabulary is all about encouraging customers to make a commitment or finalize a deal. These words and phrases gently guide them towards taking that step. Terms like “let’s move forward,” “let’s seal the deal,” or “finalize the agreement” create a positive atmosphere for closing. It’s like providing a gentle nudge, making customers feel comfortable and confident about committing to your product or service.

These selling words for closing deals are designed to guide potential customers toward making a decision and taking action. They help you address objections, showcase value, and ultimately secure the sale or agreement.

10 Selling Words for Sales Reps

Here are the 10 selling words for sales reps:

1. Relationship-Building Language

Relationship-Building Language is all about using words and phrases that help you connect with customers on a deeper level. Think of it as building a strong foundation of trust and rapport. Words like “partner,” “trusted advisor,” or “long-term relationship” convey that you’re not just a salesperson but someone who genuinely cares about their success and needs.

2. Consultative Selling Vocabulary

Consultative Selling Vocabulary focuses on an approach where you act more like an advisor than a pushy salesperson. It’s about understanding your customers’ unique challenges and providing tailored solutions. Words like “understand,” “analyze,” or “recommend” show that you’re there to guide and support, not to pressure.

3. Consultation and Discovery Phrases

During the discovery phase, it’s crucial to use words and phrases that uncover your customers’ needs and pain points. Phrases like “tell me more,” “what’s important to you,” or “how can I help?” encourage open and honest communication, helping you gain deeper insights into what your customers truly require.

4. Handling Rejections and Objections

Rejections and objections are part of the sales journey, but they can be turned into opportunities. These words and phrases help you address objections gracefully. Saying “I see your point” acknowledges their concerns, and following up with a solution shows your commitment to finding a resolution.

5. Building Credibility with Words

Building Credibility with Words is about showcasing your expertise and reliability. It’s like proving that you know your stuff and can be trusted. Words like “industry leader,” “proven track record,” or “expertise in” highlight your competence and build confidence in your capabilities. These words make others believe that you’re the real deal, and they can trust you to get the job done right. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’ve got a lot of knowledge and I’m really good at this!” Building Credibility with Words helps others have confidence in your abilities and know that they’re making a smart choice by choosing you.

6. Closing Techniques for Sales Calls

Closing Techniques for Sales Calls are strategies and words used to seal the deal during your conversations with customers. Phrases like “Would you like to move forward?” or “Can I secure this for you today?” gently guide them towards making a commitment. It’s like saying, “We’re almost there; let’s make this happen together.” These techniques create a comfortable atmosphere for customers to make the final decision, knowing that you’re there to support and assist them in closing the deal smoothly.

7. Effective Follow-Up Phrases

Effective Follow-Up Phrases are words and phrases to keep the conversation going after your initial contact. They show that you’re dedicated to maintaining the relationship. Phrases like “I’ll follow up,” “checking in,” or “keeping you informed” demonstrate your commitment to staying connected. It’s like telling the customer, “Our relationship matters, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.”

These phrases remind you that you value their trust and want to provide ongoing assistance and updates. They help maintain open lines of communication and show that you’re committed to their long-term satisfaction and success.

8. Cross-Selling and Upselling Words

If it’s relevant to your offerings, these words help introduce additional products or services to your customers. Examples include “upgrade,” “bundle,” or “add-on.” They let customers know about options that can enhance their experience or meet additional needs. It’s like finding out about yummy toppings for your ice cream, making your treat even more delicious.

So, when you see these words, think of them as little hints about things that could make your choice even more awesome.

9. Post-Sale Relationship Terms

Post-Sale Relationship Terms are words and phrases for nurturing and maintaining relationships after the sale. They show that your commitment doesn’t end with the purchase. Examples like “ongoing support,” “customer care,” or loyalty program emphasize your dedication to their long-term satisfaction.

10. Sales Team Collaboration Language

Sales Team Collaboration Language is all about promoting teamwork and collaboration among your sales team members. It’s like creating a positive and supportive environment. Phrases like “team effort,” “collaborative approach,” or “working together for success” reinforce the idea that you’re all in this together to achieve the best results.

These selling words for sales reps are essential for building trust, delivering value, and ultimately closing deals in a customer-focused and consultative manner. They highlight the importance of genuine relationships, effective communication, and the long-term success of both the customer and the sales team.

10 Selling Words You Must Avoid

Here are the 10 selling words you must avoid:

1. Overused Buzzwords

These are words and phrases that have been used so often that they’ve lost their impact. Think of words like “innovative,” “game-changer,” or “cutting-edge.” These have been heard and seen so many times that they no longer catch the attention of your audience. Instead, they might elicit eye-rolls or skepticism. In today’s market, customers are looking for authentic and genuine communication.

Overused buzzwords can make your message seem insincere or like you’re trying too hard to impress. It’s crucial to choose words that truly reflect the uniqueness and value of your product or service without relying on these tired expressions. By avoiding overused buzzwords, you can craft messages that resonate more effectively with your audience and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

2. Pushy and Aggressive Language

Instead of focusing on forceful persuasion, effective sales communication should be about understanding the customer’s needs and providing tailored solutions. Pushing too hard can lead to resistance and mistrust. It’s essential to strike a balance between being persuasive and respectful of the customer’s decision-making process.

By avoiding pushy and aggressive language, you create a more comfortable and cooperative atmosphere for both you and the customer. This encourages open dialogue and increases the likelihood of a successful sale based on the customer’s genuine interest and needs.

3. Negative or Doubtful Phrases

Words that convey doubt, uncertainty, or negativity can erode trust and confidence. Avoid phrases like “I’m not sure,” “I can’t guarantee,” or “It might not work.” Customers want to feel assured and secure in their purchasing decisions. When you inject doubt into your communication, it’s like planting seeds of uncertainty in the customer’s mind.

Instead, focus on highlighting the positive aspects of your offering and addressing potential concerns in a proactive and reassuring manner. By avoiding negative or doubtful phrases, you can build a stronger foundation of trust with your customers and create a more favorable environment for sales success.

4. Jargon and Complex Terminology

Using industry-specific jargon or complex words may alienate your audience and make your message inaccessible. It’s crucial to communicate in terms that everyone can comprehend. When you avoid jargon and complex terminology, you make your message inclusive and easy to understand.

This fosters better engagement and ensures that your customers can grasp the value you’re offering. It’s like opening a door to effective communication, inviting your audience in with words they can relate to and appreciate.

5. Generic and Vague Words

In the sales world, differentiation is key. Customers want to know what sets your offering apart from the competition. Generic and vague words fail to convey the unique value and benefits you provide. Instead of relying on these lackluster words, use descriptive language that paints a clear picture of your product or service’s advantages.

Provide specific details and examples that showcase why your offering is exceptional. By avoiding generic and vague words, you can create a more compelling and persuasive message that resonates with your audience.

6. Insensitive or Offensive Language

In today’s diverse and inclusive business environment, it’s crucial to be mindful of the impact your words can have on different individuals and groups. Using language that is hurtful, discriminatory, or offensive can lead to negative perceptions and lost opportunities.

To build positive and respectful relationships with customers, it’s essential to choose your words carefully and be sensitive to cultural, social, and personal sensitivities. Avoid language that could offend or alienate anyone, and strive to maintain a welcoming and inclusive tone in all your communications.

7. Empty Superlatives

Phrases like best,” “greatest,” or “number one” are powerful when supported by concrete proof. However, when used without substantiation, they can come across as hyperbolic and insincere. Customers are often skeptical of such exaggerated language.

To establish trust and credibility, it’s crucial to use words and claims that you can back up with evidence and real-world examples. Instead of relying on empty superlatives, focus on providing specific and verifiable information that demonstrates the exceptional qualities of your product or service.

8. Self-Centered Vocabulary

Effective sales communication should center on the customer’s needs, desires, and challenges. Using words like “we,” “us,” or “our” excessively can make it seem like you’re more concerned with your company’s agenda than with meeting the customer’s requirements.

To connect with customers on a deeper level, shift the focus of your vocabulary to highlight how your product or service benefits them. Emphasize the “you” in your messages, showcasing how your offering addresses their specific pain points and goals. By avoiding self-centered vocabulary, you demonstrate genuine customer-centricity.

9. Redundant Expressions

Using unnecessary words or phrases can dilute the impact of your message and hinder clarity. It’s essential to communicate with precision and brevity to ensure that your customers can quickly grasp the key points.

When you avoid redundant expressions, your message becomes more streamlined and effective. Each word carries weight, and your communication is more likely to engage and resonate with your audience. It’s like presenting a perfectly sculpted work of art, where every stroke serves a purpose.

10. Industry-Specific Lingo to Be Cautious About

Industry-specific lingo is like speaking a foreign language to someone who doesn’t understand it. It can create confusion and barriers to effective communication. When you use technical terms or terminology that is specific to your industry, you risk alienating customers who may not be familiar with those terms.

To ensure that your message is accessible and relatable to your target audience, it’s essential to avoid overloading your communication with industry jargon. Instead, aim for clarity and simplicity by using language that can be easily understood by a broader audience.

By steering clear of these selling words to avoid, you’ll communicate more effectively, build trust with customers, and increase your chances of successful sales interactions.


The words you use are super important when you’re trying to sell something or market a product. They can make a big difference in whether people are interested or not.

We hope this information encourages you to use the right words in your sales and marketing efforts. Whether you’re an experienced marketer, a salesperson, or just someone looking to get better at talking to people, choosing the right words can help you a lot.

One thing to remember is that language changes over time, just like what people like or need changes. So, keep learning and adapting your words to fit what’s happening around you.

To sum it up, your words are like a superpower in sales and marketing. Use them well, stay flexible, and you’ll see more success in what you do!

Further Reads:

How To Start A Good Sales Conversation and Build Trust?

What is Soft Selling & What are the Techniques? (Soft Vs Hard Selling)

What is Social Selling & How To Get Started With It? (Best Practices)

Cold Calling: The Definition, Challenges & Examples!

25+Sales Quotes That’ll Motivate Your Sales Team!

What is Customer Delight? Learn More!

The post 40 Selling Words & Phrases To Sell Your Product and Services! appeared first on Bit Blog.

This post first appeared on Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords, please read the originial post: here

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40 Selling Words & Phrases To Sell Your Product and Services!


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