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The Best Kept Secrets Of Web Development Companies

The Best Kept Secrets Of Web Development Companies

Are you are aspiring to open your own web development company but have little to no idea on the do’s and don’ts of the industry? Well the good news is we are going to guide you with exactly that.

First of all you need to know that web development is a dynamic concept which can take any direction, but it all Depends on the course that you have set and the approach your project management. These very factors would determine the success or failure of your project.

Therefore in this age of technological innovations, web developers cannot afford to be slacking off. Therefore, you need to rapidly improve the skills of your developers by mandating continuous and consistent learning for them to stay on top of the game.

Let’s have a close look into the website development best practices to follow before setting up your web development company. Here you will find some quick guidelines that lay down clarity on web development services.

1. Project Identification and Goal Setting

Before even starting any web development project it is necessary to review of each and every facet of the project itself so that we can have complete idea of what we’re getting into. It sets realistic expectations for the project and demands for accountability thus easing the planning process. This initial period defines the timeline and costs associated with the project itself.

But sadly, many of the web development firms and clients do not give enough importance to the discovery process in order to save time and additional effort. However, without an extensive discovery phase, it is likely that you might not be able to establish accurate estimates in terms of timeline, cost, and scope of the project.

Additionally, by identifying potential adjustments to the project scope in the initial phase, you can considerably reduce the factors that could derail the project. Initial identification and goal setting process also ensure that the project planning fully aligns with the objectives of your web development company.

2. Streamlining Your Communication

Any successful web development company must have high collaboration between its development team and its stakeholders, so that the developed product is exactly per the client’s requirement. In order for you to learn how to communicate effectively with your development team starts with the establishment of communication standards.

Streamlining the communication also enables prioritization, which is crucial for identifying the issues that need immediate fixes and necessary for the product launch or achievement of long-term strategic goals. By figuring out how much effort and time that should be allocated to each task improves the chances of the project being delivered within the specified delivery timeframe and meets client’s specifications.

3. Deploying The Right Development Methodology

Although there are a lot of development methodologies that are being implemented in the software development industry. The Agile methodology for web development has resulted in many successful projects.

Agile is an approach to project management that manages that working software is the primary measure of progress on any project. It enables software delivery with a high focus on technical excellence and optimum design. It provides additional flexibility in fulfilling the requested scope changes during web development.

Via this methodology, the developers and stakeholders can maintain a consistent work pace, engage in regular face-to-face communication, and manage the team’s behavior at regular intervals to improve efficiency.

4. Stay Organized

Just assuming that a project will just go smoothly after the planning phase is easy. However, any hands-off approach will definitely lead your web development project to failure. For the project to be successful, your web development company needs to be highly organized and in order to achieve this, you will need project management tools.

With the help of JIRA Software you can easily get the work being done in sprints, instead of having to dig through emails or spreadsheets planning, tracking, reporting, and release updates. With JIRA you can keep all you stakeholders and contributors involved and in the loop at the same time hence creating the perfect conditions that enable high performance within the team while working at a more sustainable pace.

5. Thoroughly Discuss The New Project Ideas

Today’s most efficient project management methodologies promote innovation throughout the lifecycle of web development. If an innovative idea that changes the project scope arises, your team must be ready to incorporate these changes without a hitch.

However, as a manager you should keep in mind the fact that new project requests will affect your current project timeline or budget. Do not ever assume that any changes are “minor.” And every one of these changes should be discussed in detail with your development team for the viability.

6. Prioritize Testing and Analysis

Quality assurance and testing are an integral elements for the success of a web development project. To make sure that the software is working in accordance, performance issues, security concerns, and bugs must be detected and resolved continuously throughout the development process. Because of this the testing and Q&A should never be stopped until the end of the development process.

7. Avoid Making Changes in The Production System

As discussed previously that during the development stage of the product your team should be able to make rapid changes as per the requirement however on the project has been approved and made live by the client then making changes or updates to a production system is never a good idea.

Although it can be done it once or twice but frequent modifications to the live product may result in many of security issues, service outages and other problems are triggered by coding on production systems. Make use of development and staging servers in order to test code before implementing the change directly into the production line.


There you have it folks, our guide on the best practices that will enable you to run a successful web development company. If you keep your project well organized, streamline the communication procedure and use the appropriate tools. These elements will ensure that your web design business functions like a lean mean fighting machine able to take on any project with ease.

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The Best Kept Secrets Of Web Development Companies
