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Udaipur youth kidnapped in Dubai, tortured for 15 days for ransom


Udaipur : A 34-year-old youth from Siakhedi village in Vallabhnagar district of Udaipur was kidnapped in Dubai. The kidnappers held him hostage and demanded a ransom of Rs 15 lakh from his family in Udaipur, threatening to kill him if they did not pay. The youth was tortured for 15 days.

The family of the youth sought help from the Indian embassy in Dubai and the BJP leaders. After that, the youth was rescued.

The youth’s brother Jagdish Vaishnav said that his brother had gone to Dubai on July 15. He worked for some time with the help of his acquaintances, but could not find a good job. During this time, he came in contact with a Sri Lankan citizen in Dubai. The person promised to get him a job. The person sent the youth to a work place in a car with some unknown people. The place where the youth reached was a villa built in a very deserted area in Dubai. The youth was told that he would have to work online marketing there. The people took away the youth’s visa and passport. When the youth protested, he was kidnapped and tortured.

The youth was held hostage for 15 days and repeatedly called for ransom. The family was also threatened to kill the youth if they did not pay. Finally, the family sought help from BJP state president CP Joshi through ministers Kailash Chaudhary and Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav. After that, information was given to the embassy. The embassy contacted the Dubai embassy after taking information about the whole matter. After that, the search for the youth began. The kidnappers got a whiff of it and they left the youth on the road about half a kilometer away from the airport on the evening of October 4 and fled.

The youth has returned safely to his village Siakhedi. He is very scared of this incident. He told that the kidnappers had threatened to kill him. He is very grateful that he was rescued safely.

This incident once again proves that people going abroad for employment need to be careful. They should do a thorough investigation before contacting such people.

Key points

  • A 34-year-old youth from Udaipur was kidnapped in Dubai.
  • The kidnappers demanded a ransom of Rs 15 lakh.
  • The youth was tortured for 15 days.
  • The youth was rescued with the help of the Indian embassy in Dubai and the BJP leaders.
  • This incident is a warning to people going abroad for employment.

This post first appeared on Udaipur Kiran, please read the originial post: here

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Udaipur youth kidnapped in Dubai, tortured for 15 days for ransom
