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Vande Bharat Express train narrowly escapes major accident after rocks and iron rods found on track


Udaipur :  The Vande Bharat Express train, which was flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 24, narrowly escaped a major accident on Monday between Udaipur and Jaipur. The train driver’s quick thinking saved the train from derailment after rocks and iron rods were found on the track.

According to reports, the train departed from Udaipur at its scheduled time and reached the stretch between Soni Giri station and Gangrar after passing through Mavli and Chittorgarh. During this time, rocks and iron rods were found on the track. The train driver immediately stopped the train and got off to investigate. He found that rocks and iron rods were placed on the track. The driver informed the police, railway department, and CRPF. Railway department employees arrived at the scene and removed the rocks and iron rods before the train was allowed to continue.

The Vande Bharat Express train has been in operation for less than 10 days. This is the third incident of an accident involving the train. On September 25, during a trial run, a cow collided with the train, causing damage to some parts of the train. On September 26, someone broke the glass of a bogie of the train.

The railway police have launched an investigation into the matter. They are trying to determine who placed the rocks and iron rods on the track. They are also investigating whether it was a deliberate attempt to derail the train or an act of negligence.

This post first appeared on Udaipur Kiran, please read the originial post: here

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Vande Bharat Express train narrowly escapes major accident after rocks and iron rods found on track
