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Sean Feeney Blog

The personal website of Sean Feeney.
TL;DR: The new PC term for technology evangelist A developer advocate is a technologist who is both proficient with the use of particular platform produced by their employer and with technic… Read More
In order to use MFA with the AWS CLI, you need to use the STS service to generate temporary credentials. At the beginning of each day (by default, temporary credentials are good for 12 hours… Read More Notes: RAC is not supported on AWS. RDS Multi-AZ option gives you a comparable level of r… Read More
Method 1: Detach EBS Volumes and Attach Directly This method only works within the same AZ. It only works with EBS. These steps are for the Management Console, but you could use the CLI with… Read More
proxelle is a bluetooth to 3.5mm mini adapter useful for bringing older or limited-capability audio devices into the 21st century. To pair it with your phone: Start with proxelle off. Hold t… Read More
I’ve posted before about AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), AWS’ new free SSL certificates service. These certificates are not yet directly integrated with S3, but you can still use… Read More
This is based on Microsoft SQL Server 2014 since 2016 doesn’t have a firm release date yet. If yo… Read More
A Primer On Continuous Delivery
Continuous delivery is all about moving code to production as quickly as possible and with as much automation as possible. This reduces risk. If you’re able to automate every… Read More
AWS Shell: sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install aws-shell --upgrade --ignore-installed six aws-shell AWS CLI: wget unzip awscli-bund… Read More
They seem to change this every time a new model comes out. This works as of today: Launch the “Keychain Access” application located in /Applications/Utilities. In the top bar, ch… Read More