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The all new Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond, Behrang.

Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond, Behrang – 22 DEC 2017

The all new Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond has now moved their operation from Rawang, Selangor to Behrang, Perak. This however takes place early 2017. I think we are the only online site that showcases this pond quite late or rather late till the end of 2017. We did embark several fishing trip but were bit unlucky and adapting to the new pond was bit challenging then the old pond. Our first trip was set back in Aug 2017. Andrew did caught a rare Siamese Carp that day along with the usual Amazonian and Asian Redtail Catfish. I endup with just 1 species, the Asian Redtail Catfish.

First and only fish in NEFFP Behrang, back in Aug 2017
Last trip to NEFFP Behrang,only one Amazonian Catfish!

I was quite light on tackle though on the first outing as most of the time, the fish just over powers me and went into heavy structure and kill off the game easily. In October we set another trip and this time with Andrew. I did bring heavier gears. Hoping to muscle the fish away from the aerator and structure. It was a slow day with me hooking only one Amazonian and Andrew a couple of Chao Praya Catfish and some Amazonian. There was this guy outshines the rest of the field with one fish every cast. Amazing to watch him nailing it every single cast. One thing that I observed that the his cast was about a feet away from the outer wall of the pond. The fish were converging at the outer wall. There was no way I was able to cast the same distance since what I had with me was only a short heavy jigging rod.

Chao Praya Catfish, a worthy opponent in the Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond, Behrang

Finally Andrew decided to end the year with another visit to this fishing pond. Since Kraffmen popping rod is ready for testing, I decided to join Andrew and give this rod a good beating. The blank was produced back in Aug and finally was ready to perform its official duty in early Dec. Its an 8ft rod with a given rating of PE5. It was darn hard when it first came out from the oven but after equipped with Titanum Fuji RV guide, it does has a slight flex to it and on first impression it was beautiful yet powerful. Physical appearance seems spot on, and now let see it performs in heavy weight battle. Fishing out here was never going to be the same battling GT’s but it give us the first touch on performance.

Kraffmen Fingerswork Custom Popping Rod, Geropoh 80/5

We meet up the Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond Behrang around 3.30pm. It was Friday afternoon and when I arrived there is only one guy fishing. Great! I was determined to get a better result and with the right equipment I am expecting a great fishing outing today. Andrew was running a bit late so I started fishing half an hour earlier. My hands are itching and would love to settle my unfinished business here in Behrang. The only way to get more bite was place your bait as close as possible to the outer pond wall. It is about 30m from the central fishing platform.

The new Fingerswork Geropoh 80/5 was a hand built rod. One thing that matters when rod builders build their rod is the guide arrangement. If it’s not balance, the high-speed braid line would end up either tangling the first guide. I made my first cast and off it went 20m from the platform. Seems good. Reel in for another cast, this time with the proper load and momentum, it went 1 ft from the wall. Perfect! I had “Keli” for bait. Cut into 3 large pieces, it will be easier for the fish to pick it up, giving more space for the hook to penetrate the predator’s mouth. I use a 60lb mono leader with a 5/0 JHook. Tied based on Carolina Rig and about 2 ft of mono leader. Casting with bait was bit tricky as the cast weight was not evenly balanced.

Smallest of the day!
Another Big Amazonian! Andrew pose with his first fish!
Another mighty Amazonian landed on Fingerwork Geropoh 80/5 rod!

Still, with long rod, we can extract more distance with the right cast technique and apply the right power. As soon as the bait was in the right place, I didn’t take long for a predator to sniff it at ran away with our cut keli. I paired the rod with Stella 8000PG and locked it up about 70% drag. With proper equipment, it will be easier to stop the fishing from running into their fortified underwater structure. After 4 minutes, finally landed my first fish of the day. Went on with another 2 fish before Andrew Griffin showed up to start his fishing day. Soon rain followed through and we were destined to fish in the rain.

It didn’t stop the bite rate though. A family from Austria showed up and were having good time with their kids fishing for giant amazonian catfish. Amazonians are on the hunt today but it was a bit slower for Chao Praya Catfish, our target fish for today. Andrew did hook one, but lost it in the end after asking me to get his camera. JINX. It happened all the time and it’s like a curse to us anglers. I know… I’m being superstitious but it happens.

Big Amazonian! They all came out an play!

I ended the day about 7.30am with a tally of 7 Amazonian catfish and lost about 3 fish. That was a better fishing rate and hopefully next time we can try to catch even more. I think the overall strategy were the driving factor of today’s success. Correct bait placement and proper gears to wrestle the fish to submission. I ‘am thankful to be able to test out Fingersworks Geropoh 80/5 Popping rod here in Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond, Behrang. The overall built was marvelous and will hold on to extreme pressure. I don’t think I pushed to rod to far but at a subtle pressure to battle the fish. It’s not like battling a Giant Trevally out in the ocean, but to see it performs well in Behrang was a pleasure to Fishyology.

Last fish! Minutes before I ended our fishing session!


This post first appeared on All About Pregnancy, please read the originial post: here

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